book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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Fox Frog Jumpsville on it, and I’ll personally hand Judy Groth fifty<br />

bucks. For pure ph<strong>one</strong>tical pleasure, we start with Urziger Wurzgarten<br />

and Freinsheimer Goldberg Scheurebe. 1 And who could forget the<br />

Randersacker Marsberg or the Forster Kirchenstuck (named for a famous<br />

logging accident)? Or maybe you got a bad case of the Flemlinger<br />

Vogelsprung this winter? And then there’s the real abbreviation fodder,<br />

Braunenberger Juffer Sonnenuhr. Don’t even get me started on the<br />

individual producers. What makes you sound more dangerous? Packing<br />

an air-cooled Rudesheimer Berg Rottland from Gebruder Grimm? Or a<br />

cabaret from Robert Mondavi? You can hold an entire dinner party at bay<br />

by threatening to uncork an Oppenheimer Kreuz. Now try that with a<br />

petite syrah.<br />

German Rieslings are great and practically every other vintage is the best<br />

<strong>one</strong> of the last two years. These wines are delicious and crisp for drinking<br />

now, and many can develop into quite complex petrochemicals. Forget<br />

about cheap Chardonnay and other crimes against humanity. German<br />

wines are also less alcoholic, so you can have a glass and still be able to<br />

think about something other than sex afterwards. 2 And they go great with<br />

Asian food because they were roommates with Mao Tze Tung their<br />

freshman year of college. What more do you need to know? Now get out<br />

there and start drinking German wine.<br />

1 I’ve since been informed this is actually a grape, Scheurebe, and not a place.<br />

Anyway, other German words worth saying aloud include gegenhalten,<br />

doppelgänger, mettelschmerz, glockenspiel.<br />

2 Concept still investigational.<br />


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