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book one redone - Coldbacon book one redone - Coldbacon
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monitors.html From a Review of Monitors on ZDNet. “The only problem we encountered was when we had the c910 sitting about two inches away from a 14-inch television. The pair was connected to a Matrox Marvel G400-TV card, and the c910 suffered some noticeable waving when the television was running. Moving them about 8-inches apart cured the problem.” Ah, how could I forget the all-important, “what happens when I shove my television two inches away from the computer monitor” test. 80

movies/bowlingforcolumbine.html Bowling For Columbine (2002) Michael Moore Guns are bad. According to Michael Moore, bullets are even worse. The main premise of Bowling for Columbine is that if we could take all the bullets and turn them into little chocolates and give them to Michael Moore, then he would be happy. But we don’t because we’re a bunch of assholes who want to horde all the chocolate for ourselves. There are about 11,000 gun deaths annually in the United States (five involving disputes of or relating to chocolate). This compares to roughly one hundred (two chocolate) in each of the major European countries (not counting Belgium). Okay, wow. So gun violence is a huge problem in this country, second only to Michael Moore and candlepin bowling. Bowling For Concubine uses the power of documentary to make you sympathize with the characters it wants you to and despise those whom Moore thinks stole his Godiva four-pack. Somebody stole it. They had to have. It’s gone, isn’t it? From a stylistic point of view, Moore’s attacks often seem mean-spirited and out of touch. When he goes after the Kmart employees, it’s like he’s attacking Peggy from King of the Hill. I mean come on, she just works there. You end up feeling as sorry for Kmart as anyone else. Although I must say it was inspiring to see Kmart promise to stop selling ammunition to nine-year-olds by 2027. The film goes to some trouble to prove once and for all Charlton Heston is a gun-toting racist. Thank God we finally cleared that one up. But Moore cheapens his victory by running up the score on an opponent who obviously suffers from Alzheimer’s. The greatest threat Charlton Heston currently poses is to the world of interior design. My Lord, that awful ranch house with those sliding glass doors and faux rock walls. I wonder where he keeps all his guns. I didn’t see any. Did you see any? Moore should realize a good case will make itself without having to resort to cheap tricks like those subliminal images of nuns being spanked by men 81

movies/bowlingforcolumbine.html<br />

Bowling For Columbine (2002)<br />

Michael Moore<br />

Guns are bad. According to Michael Moore, bullets are even worse. The<br />

main premise of Bowling for Columbine is that if we could take all the<br />

bullets and turn them into little chocolates and give them to Michael<br />

Moore, then he would be happy. But we don’t because we’re a bunch of<br />

assholes who want to horde all the chocolate for ourselves. There are<br />

about 11,000 gun deaths annually in the United States (five involving<br />

disputes of or relating to chocolate). This compares to roughly <strong>one</strong><br />

hundred (two chocolate) in each of the major European countries (not<br />

counting Belgium). Okay, wow. So gun violence is a huge problem in this<br />

country, second only to Michael Moore and candlepin bowling. Bowling<br />

For Concubine uses the power of documentary to make you sympathize<br />

with the characters it wants you to and despise those whom Moore thinks<br />

stole his Godiva four-pack. Somebody stole it. They had to have. It’s<br />

g<strong>one</strong>, isn’t it?<br />

From a stylistic point of view, Moore’s attacks often seem mean-spirited<br />

and out of touch. When he goes after the Kmart employees, it’s like he’s<br />

attacking Peggy from King of the Hill. I mean come on, she just works<br />

there. You end up feeling as sorry for Kmart as any<strong>one</strong> else. Although I<br />

must say it was inspiring to see Kmart promise to stop selling ammunition<br />

to nine-year-olds by 2027.<br />

The film goes to some trouble to prove once and for all Charlton Heston is<br />

a gun-toting racist. Thank God we finally cleared that <strong>one</strong> up. But Moore<br />

cheapens his victory by running up the score on an opp<strong>one</strong>nt who<br />

obviously suffers from Alzheimer’s. The greatest threat Charlton Heston<br />

currently poses is to the world of interior design. My Lord, that awful<br />

ranch house with those sliding glass doors and faux rock walls. I wonder<br />

where he keeps all his guns. I didn’t see any. Did you see any? Moore<br />

should realize a good case will make itself without having to resort to<br />

cheap tricks like those subliminal images of nuns being spanked by men<br />


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