book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon book one redone - Coldbacon
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glib \ ‘glib \ adj glib-ber; glib-best [prob. modif. of LG glibberig slippery] (1599) 1 archaic : SMOOTH, SLIPPERY 2 a : marked by ease and informality : NONCHALANT b : showing little forethought or preparation : OFFHAND < ~ answers > c : lacking depth and substance : SUPERFICIAL, PAT < mouthing ~ solutions to knotty problems > 3 : marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful - glib-ly adv - glib-ness n 84

movies/happiness.html Happiness (1997) Todd Solondz Before I begin this review, let me preface it by saying I have since been instructed that Happiness was not as bad as I had originally thought and that my feeling sick must have been for some other reason, and not because of this film. I have been made to understand that the movie was actually very thoughtful and may have even won an award at a very prominent film festival, or something. Happiness is a multi-plot story about several degenerates with few redeeming traits. (Note: I have since learned that redeeming traits are an unnecessary plot convention employed mainly by bad American film directors.) Is this bold and frank portrayal of normally un-portrayed subject matter like pedophilia and male ejaculation? Or is this shock for shock’s sake? (Note: I have since learned that it was the former.) Although the film does broaden your awareness of these issues, this is not why I go to the movies. (Note: This should, in fact, be why I go to the movies.) Moreover, I question the accuracy of these portrayals. My experience as a dysfunctional individual has been nothing like this movie. In fact, I would rather sit through the entire English Patient than watch fifteen minutes of this movie. At least The English Patient had beautiful computer-generated scenery and land mines. In fact, I would even watch half an hour of college sexual harassment prevention videos instead of this movie. (Note: There is nothing funny about college.) The funniest thing I remember about this movie is when that Russian woman comes in and says, “You teach Vlad?” and then slaps that brunette in the face. That was great. No, but seriously, this is an effectful film, I just don’t want Todd Solondz to make any more of them. 85

glib \ ‘glib \ adj glib-ber; glib-best [prob. modif. of LG glibberig<br />

slippery] (1599) 1 archaic : SMOOTH, SLIPPERY 2 a : marked by ease<br />

and informality : NONCHALANT b : showing little forethought or<br />

preparation : OFFHAND < ~ answers > c : lacking depth and substance :<br />

SUPERFICIAL, PAT < mouthing ~ solutions to knotty problems > 3 :<br />

marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of<br />

being insincere or deceitful - glib-ly adv - glib-ness n<br />


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