book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon book one redone - Coldbacon
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Every self-published internet author has a diary. Why should I be different? Except for one thing. This is not my diary. This is the diary of a man who was, for a brief time, mad. He has long since recovered, and I feel now is an appropriate time to share his story with the world in the hope that it may help prevent this (these thoughts) from happening to others. As for the title, it was chosen by the diarist himself after his recovery, and I did not change it. 8

diary.html Diary of a Madman 4/23/00 Today, I borrowed someone else’s joke for my review of American Beauty. Is it plagiarism if the website you got it from no longer exists? What if you just can’t remember the URL? 4/23/00 Snapple’s website just went offline! 4/23/00 Today, I stopped bothering to put two spaces after sentences. Tomorrow, I will pick my nose in public. 4/23/00 Rewrote my review of Happiness. New version definitely better than old. 4/23/00 I just saw a middle-aged man in a suit walking down the street with headphones on. 4/23/00 I just saw two more! Men. Walking around with headphones on. I think they are listening to music. 4/23/00 Snapple’s website back online!!! 9

diary.html<br />

Diary of a Madman<br />

4/23/00<br />

Today, I borrowed some<strong>one</strong> else’s joke for my review of American<br />

Beauty. Is it plagiarism if the website you got it from no longer exists?<br />

What if you just can’t remember the URL?<br />

4/23/00<br />

Snapple’s website just went offline!<br />

4/23/00<br />

Today, I stopped bothering to put two spaces after sentences. Tomorrow, I<br />

will pick my nose in public.<br />

4/23/00<br />

Rewrote my review of Happiness. New version definitely better than old.<br />

4/23/00<br />

I just saw a middle-aged man in a suit walking down the street with<br />

headph<strong>one</strong>s on.<br />

4/23/00<br />

I just saw two more! Men. Walking around with headph<strong>one</strong>s on. I think<br />

they are listening to music.<br />

4/23/00<br />

Snapple’s website back online!!!<br />


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