book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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movies/fastrunneratanarjuat.html<br />

The Fast Runner Atanarjuat (2002)<br />

Inuit Indian Director (need to actually put guy’s name here)<br />

Finally, the Inuit Indians have gotten off their asses and given us the great<br />

film we deserve. It’s definitely worth seeing. It’s epic for the most part,<br />

but with a sense of intimacy, which is no doubt helped along by the upclose,<br />

hand-held filming methods. It’s compelling, and if you take a big<br />

wizz before starting, you won’t even notice that it’s roughly—it’s three<br />

frigging hours long! This movie boasts a number of items not commonly<br />

seen in Los Angeles including seal oil, genuine walrus tusks, and people<br />

snarfing raw caribou meat. Well…I said commonly.<br />


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