book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
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“What are you laughing at? They’re your clothes, motherfucker!” Sure<br />
Bob’s clever and amusing, but he’s also a jerk. As such we cannot fully<br />
sympathize with him. But then this conflicts with the earlier scene where<br />
we are entirely on his side as he talks to his weenie of a wife? It’s the<br />
same with Charlotte. One minute we’re supposed to sympathize with her<br />
(ph<strong>one</strong> conversation with her disinterested friend, her neglecting husband,<br />
the world is conspiring to make her bored). The next minute she’s waxing<br />
sour about some blonde actress friend of hers and basically just being an<br />
all-around wet blanket. The net result is we stop giving a shit.<br />
Stylistically, the film’s selling point is its serious jet lag melancholy and<br />
ennuic pacing. The restaurant scene after Bill’s indiscretion was slow and<br />
sweet like a Maggie Cheung Tony Leung longing contest. And it<br />
definitely captured the “morning after” “what else is there to say?”<br />
“Sunday homework” feeling. Sunday homework—ugh. But all of this<br />
languidity and missed romance is just a shadow of Wong Kar-Wai and Jia<br />
Zhangke, who are both real directors.<br />
So what about the humor? Murray is exactly as charming and witty as you<br />
thought he was, just like he’d be if I filmed him right now in his bathtub<br />
in Brentwood with my camcorder. Whatever. It has little in particular to<br />
do with Sofia Coppola’s screenplay. There’s even a cameo by Not<br />
Cameron Diaz presumably to allow for some hot Hollywood satire. But<br />
please make it funny. Lost’s satire is unfortunately the fill-up-the-screenwaste-my-time<br />
variety—far from the maddening Being John Malkovich<br />
and nowhere near as punishing as the low blows of Ghost World. “We<br />
both have dogs. We both live in L.A.” Yes. Try watching Paris Hilton for<br />
ten seconds.<br />
Here’s an example of Coppola’s failure to actuate the signal. We’re<br />
supposed to think our girl is smart while Not Cameron Diaz is Charlie’s<br />
Angels dumb because she’s going under the name Evelyn Waugh, who<br />
was actually a male author using a female pen name. But I actually<br />
thought that was clever of her. Either way, it just seemed like an excuse<br />
for Coppola to show off her mad literary skillz. Here, Sofia and Co. have<br />
simply made an h<strong>one</strong>st miscalculation. This sort of thing has cropped up<br />
before and it’s always been due to human error. I prescribe Spirited Away.<br />