book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
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October 30, 2003<br />
My therapist says I should consider why I exhibit such hostility toward<br />
young female movie starlets. I think he’s just jealous. He must be because<br />
he doesn’t prescribe me nearly enough medication.<br />
My girlfriend bought me a new pair of pants. She said I needed them. I<br />
needed six of them she said, but she bought me just <strong>one</strong>. I asked my<br />
therapist what he thought of my girlfriend’s actions. He said she had<br />
excellent taste, in pants. I told him it’s because her therapist gives her<br />
more medications than I get. He said he would think about it.<br />
My girlfriend thinks it would be better for our relationship if she cheated<br />
on me. I asked my therapist what he would do about that. He said he<br />
would think about it.<br />
My girlfriend says I should grow a beard, and move to Alaska. I said what<br />
if I just didn’t shave for two days and slept in the bathroom. She said that<br />
would be fine.<br />
My dad says all my movie reviews are bad. “Mean?” I said. “No, bad,” he<br />
said. My dad’s never been to a therapist.<br />
My mom wants to know what she did wrong. So does my therapist. I told<br />
her I’d give him her number.<br />
My editor wants to know why I keep making up words in my reviews. He<br />
says I’m making his life miserable. I said he’s not the only <strong>one</strong>.<br />
I got a call the other day from Francis Ford Coppola’s lawyer. Apparently,<br />
Alaska’s not so bad if I go right now. I told my girlfriend where she could<br />
reach me in Alaska. “Oh h<strong>one</strong>y, you shouldn’t have.”<br />
Cold Bacon (Juneau)<br />
98<br />
Yours Truthfully,