PIANO Grades and Licentiates - Unisa

PIANO Grades and Licentiates - Unisa

PIANO Grades and Licentiates - Unisa


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<strong>PIANO</strong><br />

A General Information<br />

1<br />

<strong>Grades</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Licentiates</strong><br />

Piano<br />

Teachers should ensure that c<strong>and</strong>idates comply with all the syllabus<br />

requirements as prescribed for each grade. C<strong>and</strong>idates who do not<br />

comply with these requirements will be penalised.<br />


1.1 The basic syllabuses for Pregrade 1 to Grade 8 start on page 5.<br />

1.2 The syllabuses for the Licentiate Examinations <strong>and</strong> Concert diploma<br />

start on page 7.<br />


2.1 Repertoire lists appear in appendix B (page 28 of the Afrikaans<br />

section of this publication). All piano pieces for all grades must be<br />

chosen from these lists.<br />

2.2 Piano Examination Albums for Pregrade 1 to Grade 7 examinations<br />

are published by <strong>Unisa</strong>. These albums may be ordered directly<br />

from <strong>Unisa</strong> or its regional offices by using the official order form.<br />

These albums may also be purchased from various music dealers.<br />

2.3 Under no circumstances will c<strong>and</strong>idates be allowed to use<br />

photocopies of the official examination albums in the examination<br />

room. The examiner may refuse to examine a c<strong>and</strong>idate should he<br />

or she use photocopies in the examination room.<br />

2.4 Prescribed music for the Grade 8 <strong>and</strong> Licentiate examinations is not<br />

stocked or sold by <strong>Unisa</strong>. C<strong>and</strong>idates are expected to buy the<br />

required sheet music from music dealers <strong>and</strong> to use the printed<br />

sheet music in the examination room.<br />

2.5 Copies of all performance works for the Grade 8 <strong>and</strong> all licentiate<br />

examinations (Performer's, Teacher's, Chamber Music <strong>and</strong> Vocal<br />

Accompaniment licentiates) <strong>and</strong> the Concert Diploma must be<br />

submitted to the examiner on the day of the examination.

Piano<br />

2<br />

2.6 C<strong>and</strong>idates must note that the Copyright Act 98 of 1978, as<br />

amended, strictly prohibits the photocopying of sheet music without<br />

written permission from the publishers.<br />

2.7 Repetitions need not be played. Da Capo sections should, however,<br />

always be performed.<br />

2.8 C<strong>and</strong>idates may use any edition of the prescribed performance<br />

works.<br />

2.9 It is not essential to follow dynamic marks such as crescendos,<br />

phrasing, pedal points, time indications <strong>and</strong> accents appearing in a<br />

specific edition unless they have obviously been inserted by the<br />

composer <strong>and</strong> not by the editor. This also applies to the University's<br />

printed piano albums. When c<strong>and</strong>idates use a different edition or<br />

follow different dynamic marks they should, however, bring this to<br />

the examiner's attention.<br />

2.10 Page turners<br />

2.10.1 No page turners are allowed in the examination venue for<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idates up to <strong>and</strong> including Grade 7.<br />

2.10.2 Grade 8 <strong>and</strong> Licentiate c<strong>and</strong>idates may make use of page turners<br />

without permission from the University, but c<strong>and</strong>idates' teachers are<br />

not allowed to act as page turners. Examiners may not be asked to<br />

turn the pages either.<br />

2.11 Alternative works<br />

2.11.1 Pregrade 1 to Grade 7<br />

No alternative works may be presented for these grades.<br />

2.11.2 Grade 8 <strong>and</strong> all licentiates<br />

One alternative work will be considered provided that it complies<br />

with the following requirements:<br />

(1) All applications for alternative works must reach the<br />

Directorate Music, <strong>Unisa</strong>, PO Box 392, <strong>Unisa</strong> 0003, not later<br />

than the closing date for enrolments (preferably with the<br />

enrolment form).<br />

(2) All applications must include a copy of the alternative work<br />

concerned. These will not be returned.<br />

(3) Every alternative work must match the length, level of<br />

virtuosity, st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> historical period of the work to be<br />

replaced in the current repertoire list.

3<br />

Piano<br />

2.11.3 The University of South Africa reserves the right to refuse<br />

permission for works that are regarded as unsatisfactory.<br />

Requests to present alternative pieces which are received<br />

later than the closing date, will only be considered in highly<br />

exceptional cases.<br />


3.1 The requirements for Practical Musicianship are the same for each<br />

grade <strong>and</strong> all instruments.<br />

3.2 The requirements for each grade appear in a separate publication,<br />

available free of charge from the University.<br />


CHORDS<br />

4.1 The required scales, broken chords/arpeggios <strong>and</strong> triads/chords for<br />

each grade appear in appendix A (p. 15).<br />

4.2 All scales, broken chords/arpeggios <strong>and</strong> triads/chords for all grades<br />

must be played from memory.<br />

4.3 All scales <strong>and</strong> arpeggios must begin <strong>and</strong> end on the same note<br />

irrespective of whether they started on the highest or lowest notes.<br />

4.4 Any practical <strong>and</strong> systematic fingering which produces a good result<br />

will be accepted.<br />

4.5 LH = left h<strong>and</strong><br />

RH = right h<strong>and</strong><br />


5.1 C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to do one sight-reading test.<br />

5.2 C<strong>and</strong>idates will be allowed sufficient time to look at the piece<br />

without playing it.<br />


6.1 The prerequisite Theory of Music examinations for the different<br />

practical grades are as follows:<br />

• Practical Grade 4: Theory of Music Grade 3<br />

• Practical Grade 5: Theory of Music Grade 4<br />

• Practical Grade 6 <strong>and</strong> 7: Theory of Music Grade 5<br />

• Practical Grade 8: Theory of Music Grade 6<br />

• Practical Licentiate examinations: Theory of Music Grade 7

Piano<br />

4<br />

6.2 If a Theory of Music examination is a prerequisite for a practical<br />

examination, the c<strong>and</strong>idate must enrol for the required theory of<br />

music examination before or during the calendar year in which he or<br />

she plays the practical examination.<br />

The University will withhold the practical certificates of c<strong>and</strong>idates<br />

who play the Practical Grade 4 examination during the first<br />

examination period but pass the required Theory of Music Grade 3<br />

only in the second or any later examination period. As soon as<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idates have passed the required theory of music examination,<br />

their practical certificates will be posted to them. If a c<strong>and</strong>idate has<br />

passed the required theory of music examination at the same time<br />

or during an earlier examination period, the certificate will be issued<br />

automatically.<br />

• Teachers <strong>and</strong>/or parents should not phone the University<br />

or enquire about certificates if they know that the<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idate has not yet passed the required theory of music<br />

examination.<br />

6.3 In order to pass Theory of Music Grade 5, a c<strong>and</strong>idate must write<br />

both question papers during the same examination period <strong>and</strong><br />

obtain a pass mark for both papers.<br />

6.4 C<strong>and</strong>idates who enrol for Theory of Music <strong>Grades</strong> 6 or 7 for the first<br />

time must register for both papers <strong>and</strong> write them during the same<br />

examination period. They will retain unconditional credit for<br />

individual papers passed, but the relevant practical certificates will<br />

only be issued once the c<strong>and</strong>idates have fulfilled the theoretical<br />

requirements.<br />


The duration of the practical examinations are as follows:<br />

Pregrade 1 20 min<br />

Grade 1 20 min<br />

Grade 2 20 min<br />

Grade 3 25 min<br />

Grade 4 30 min<br />

Grade 5 35 min<br />

Grade 6 40 min<br />

Grade 7 45 min<br />

Grade 8 55 min<br />

Teacher's Licentiate 120 min<br />

Performer's Licentiate 90 min<br />

Performer's Licentiate in Chamber Music 105 min<br />

Performer's Licentiate in Vocal Accompaniment 105 min

B<br />

5<br />

Piano<br />

Basic syllabus <strong>and</strong> allocation of marks for<br />

Pregrade 1 to Grade 8<br />


1.1 Scales, broken chords <strong>and</strong> triads<br />

As prescribed in appendix A.<br />

1.2 Performance<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play a total of four pieces, one from<br />

each of the prescribed lists in appendix B.<br />

1.3 Sight-reading<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to sight-read <strong>and</strong> play two bars with<br />

each h<strong>and</strong> separately in the five finger h<strong>and</strong> position (C-G), in 2/4 or<br />

3/4 or 4/4 time signature consisting only of crotchets <strong>and</strong>/or minims.<br />

These will be played with the right h<strong>and</strong> (G clef) <strong>and</strong> the left h<strong>and</strong> (F<br />

clef).<br />

1.4 Practical Musicianship<br />

As prescribed.<br />


2.1 Scales, broken chords <strong>and</strong> triads<br />

As prescribed in appendix A.<br />

2.2 Performance<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play a total of four pieces, one from<br />

each of the prescribed lists in appendix B.<br />

2.3 Sight-reading<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to sight-read one work.<br />

2.4 Practical Musicianship<br />

As prescribed.<br />


3.1 Scales, broken chords/arpeggios <strong>and</strong> triads/chords<br />

As prescribed in appendix A.<br />

3.2 Performance<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play a total of four pieces, selected<br />

from the prescribed lists in appendix B of the Afrikaans section of<br />

this publication (p. 28): One from List A, List B <strong>and</strong> List C <strong>and</strong> one<br />

from List D or List E.<br />

• The pieces from List E are not printed in the official piano<br />

examination albums <strong>and</strong> must be obtained separately.

Piano<br />

3.3 Sight-reading<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to sight-read one work.<br />

3.4 Practical Musicianship<br />

As prescribed.<br />

6<br />


4.1 Scales <strong>and</strong> arpeggios<br />

As prescribed in appendix A.<br />

4.2 Performance<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play a total of four pieces, one from<br />

each of the prescribed lists in appendix B.<br />

4.3 Sight-reading<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to sight-read one work.<br />

4.4 Practical Musicianship<br />

As prescribed.<br />


Scales, broken chords/arpeggios<br />

<strong>and</strong> triads/chords<br />

Performance List A<br />

List B<br />

List C<br />

List D or E (Only for<br />

<strong>Grades</strong> 3 to 7)<br />

Sight-reading<br />

Practical Musicianship<br />

Total (pass)<br />

Merit<br />

Distinction<br />

Roll of honour<br />

Pregrade 1<br />

to Grade 7<br />

20<br />

15<br />

15<br />

15<br />

15<br />

10<br />

10<br />

100 (50)<br />

70<br />

80<br />

90<br />

Grade 8<br />

15<br />

15<br />

20<br />

15<br />

15<br />

10<br />

10<br />

100 (50)<br />

70<br />

80<br />


C<br />

7<br />

Piano<br />

Basic syllabus <strong>and</strong> allocation of marks for the<br />

Teacher’s Licentiate (Specialist field A)<br />

1 SECTIONS<br />

1.1 The examination consists of three sections:<br />

• practical examination<br />

• viva voce<br />

• written method examination<br />

1.2 C<strong>and</strong>idates must enter for all three sections during the same<br />

examination period <strong>and</strong> must pass each section separately.<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates who fail any of the three sections will retain<br />

unconditional credit for the other section(s) passed.<br />

1.3 The practical examination <strong>and</strong> the viva voce sections will be<br />

conducted during the same examination session.<br />

1.4 The written method examination will consist of one paper to be<br />

written, where possible, before the practical examination.<br />

Examples of previous method papers may be ordered from <strong>Unisa</strong><br />

Press, University of South Africa, PO Box 392, <strong>Unisa</strong> 0003.<br />

Prices appear in the <strong>Unisa</strong> Order Form for Music Examination<br />

Publications. Please consult the Music Examinations H<strong>and</strong>book for<br />

admission requirements.<br />


2.1 Practical examination<br />

2.1.1 Performance<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play four works, one from each of<br />

the prescribed lists in appendix B (page 41 of the Afrikaans section<br />

of this publication).<br />

2.1.2 Sight-reading<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to sight-read a short work.<br />

2.1.3 Practical Musicianship<br />

As required for the Licentiate Examinations (separate publication).<br />

2.2 Viva voce<br />

2.2.1 Detection/discussion of inaccuracies<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to detect/discuss any inaccuracies in<br />

the rendering of any two contrasting works selected by the<br />

examiner from works in the current piano syllabus (up to Grade 7<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard). The examiner will play a portion of each movement <strong>and</strong><br />

will purposely introduce such errors as are likely to be made by the

Piano<br />

8<br />

average pupil, such as wrong notes, wrong durations, wrong<br />

pedalling, omission or addition of notes, wrong tone <strong>and</strong> touch,<br />

wrong phrasing <strong>and</strong> rhythm, <strong>and</strong> inappropriate tempo <strong>and</strong> style.<br />

The c<strong>and</strong>idate will be asked to point out these errors <strong>and</strong> suggest<br />

suitable corrections.<br />

2.2.2 Quick study<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to show their musical intelligence <strong>and</strong><br />

initiative by discussing <strong>and</strong> performing two pieces of music<br />

previously unknown to them <strong>and</strong> not exceeding the Grade 7<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard of the University of South Africa. The insertion of<br />

expression marks is optional. Questions may be asked on the<br />

form <strong>and</strong> interpretation of the pieces <strong>and</strong> points relating to the<br />

teaching thereof. C<strong>and</strong>idates may also be required to indicate the<br />

fingering of typical passages in the pieces <strong>and</strong> answer questions<br />

on the principles they may contain.<br />

• C<strong>and</strong>idates will be allowed to study the quick study at the<br />

piano for one hour immediately before the examination.<br />

2.2.3 Teaching method<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates will be required to<br />

(1) give an outline of a course of instruction in the art of piano<br />

playing <strong>and</strong> answer questions on the teaching method <strong>and</strong><br />

repertoire of the piano such as would be expected from a<br />

competent teacher<br />

(2) show a thorough knowledge of any one of the following<br />

aspects <strong>and</strong>, where applicable, give a practical demonstration<br />

on the piano:<br />

(a) piano technique<br />

(b) fingering<br />

(c) theoretical concepts <strong>and</strong> their practical application<br />

(d) dynamics, expression <strong>and</strong> articulation<br />

(e) style <strong>and</strong> interpretation<br />

(f) the art of ornamentation <strong>and</strong> the application thereof<br />

(g) the construction, origin, evolution <strong>and</strong> care of the<br />

instrument<br />

(h) knowledge of the mechanism of the pianoforte<br />

(i) important personalities, including composers <strong>and</strong><br />

pianists, in the past <strong>and</strong> present <strong>and</strong> their contributions to<br />

the development of the instrument<br />

(j) repertoire <strong>and</strong> literature (for different grades) - c<strong>and</strong>idates<br />

will be required to discuss <strong>and</strong> illustrate a reasonable<br />

number of the works quoted in this section

9<br />

Piano<br />

(k) aural training <strong>and</strong> acoustics<br />

(l) the teaching <strong>and</strong> technique of scale <strong>and</strong> arpeggio playing<br />

(m) psychological aspects of music teaching:<br />

(i) development of the child<br />

• stages of development<br />

pre-, primary <strong>and</strong> secondary school child <strong>and</strong> the<br />

post-school youth<br />

• aspects of development<br />

physical development<br />

physical growth, bodily characteristics, motor<br />

skills<br />

cognitive development<br />

thought development (Piaget), intelligence<br />

affective development<br />

personality development (Erikson), emotions<br />

social development<br />

relationships with parents, teachers <strong>and</strong> peer<br />

group<br />

(ii) learning<br />

• conditions for effective learning<br />

the role of intelligence, thought-level<br />

development, attention, motivation, self-image,<br />

instruction by the teacher<br />

• types of learning<br />

imitation, acquiring motor skills, acquiring<br />

concepts, problem solution<br />

• result of the learning exercise<br />

memory <strong>and</strong> memorisation, transfer<br />

• evaluation of learning results<br />

testing <strong>and</strong> measurement<br />

Presence of a pupil during the explication of teaching methods for<br />

viva voce examination: A pupil may be present in the examination<br />

room so that the c<strong>and</strong>idate can explain specific concepts to him or<br />

her.<br />

2.3 Written method examination<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idates are required to answer a written method question paper<br />

on any subject listed under 2.2.3 (Teaching Method) of the practical<br />

examination. The duration of the paper is three hours.

Piano<br />

10<br />


D<br />

Practical examination Performance List A<br />

List B<br />

List C<br />

List D<br />

Sight-reading<br />

Practical Musicianship<br />

Total (Pass)<br />

Viva voce Detection/discussion of<br />

inaccuracies<br />

Quick study<br />

Teaching method<br />

Total (Pass)<br />

Written Method examination<br />

Total (Pass)<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong> total (Pass/Distinction)<br />

Roll of honour<br />

20<br />

30<br />

15<br />

15<br />

10<br />

10<br />

100 (50)<br />

10<br />

10<br />

30<br />

50 (25)<br />

100<br />

100 (50)<br />

250 (125/188)<br />

200<br />

Basic syllabus <strong>and</strong> allocation of marks for the<br />

Performer’s Licentiate (Specialist field B)<br />


1.1 C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play five works, one from each of<br />

the prescribed lists in appendix B (page 44 of the Afrikaans section<br />

of this publication). The fifth must be a work of the c<strong>and</strong>idate's own<br />

choice. At least three of these works are to be performed from<br />

memory.<br />

1.2 The examination takes the form of a public recital.<br />

1.3 The use of any sound, video or photographic apparatus during the<br />

examinations is prohibited.<br />

1.4 Own choice works<br />

(1) All applications for works of the c<strong>and</strong>idate's own choice must<br />

be submitted to the Directorate Music for approval.<br />

Applications must reach the Directorate Music, <strong>Unisa</strong>, PO Box<br />

392, <strong>Unisa</strong> 0003, not later than the closing date for enrolments<br />

(preferably with the enrolment form).<br />

(2) All applications must include copies of the selected work<br />

concerned. These will not be returned.

11<br />

Piano<br />

(3) Every work chosen by c<strong>and</strong>idates must match the st<strong>and</strong>ard of<br />

the prescribed pieces listed in appendix B. These works may<br />

not appear on the repertoire lists for Grade 8 or the Teacher's<br />

Licentiate.<br />

1.4.1 The University of South Africa reserves the right to refuse<br />

permission for works regarded as unsatisfactory.<br />

1.4.2 The Directorate Music does not make any suggestions for the own<br />

choice works.<br />



E<br />

Performance List A<br />

List B<br />

List C<br />

List D<br />

List E (Own choice)<br />

Total (Pass/Distinction)<br />

Roll of honour<br />

36<br />

60<br />

36<br />

36<br />

32<br />

200 (100/150)<br />

Basic syllabus <strong>and</strong> allocation of marks for the<br />

Performer’s Licentiate in Chamber Music<br />

(Specialist field C)<br />


1.1 C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to play four works, one from each of<br />

the prescribed sections in appendix B (page 48 of the Afrikaans<br />

section of this publication).<br />

1.2 The examination takes the form of a public recital.<br />

1.3 The use of any sound, video or photographic apparatus during the<br />

examinations is prohibited.<br />


A fast <strong>and</strong>/or slow movement from a duo sonata of approximately<br />

Grade 7 st<strong>and</strong>ard will be h<strong>and</strong>ed to the c<strong>and</strong>idate for preparation<br />

one hour before the examination. <strong>Unisa</strong> will provide the<br />

instrumentalist. This section of the examination will not be<br />

performed in public.<br />


Piano<br />

12<br />


3.1 Different instruments or combinations may be presented during the<br />

various sections of the examination.<br />

3.2 During the examination only one composition by a specific<br />

composer may be presented.<br />



F<br />

Section A: Baroque Sonata<br />

Section B: Concert Piece<br />

Section C: Sonata with string/wind instrument<br />

Section D: Trio/Quartet/Quintet/Sextet<br />

Section E: Quick Study<br />

Total (Pass/Distinction)<br />

Roll of honour<br />

25<br />

35<br />

60<br />

60<br />

20<br />

200 (100/150)<br />

Basic syllabus <strong>and</strong> allocation of marks for the<br />

Performer’s Licentiate in Vocal Accompaniment<br />

(Specialist field C)<br />


1.1 C<strong>and</strong>idates must be prepared to perform the following works, as<br />

prescribed in appendix B of the Afrikaans section of this publication<br />

(p. 50):<br />

Section A: Five art songs<br />

Section B: One song cycle<br />

Section C: Three arias<br />

One aria with vocal line <strong>and</strong> orchestral<br />

accompaniment<br />

Section D: Quick study <strong>and</strong> transposition<br />

1.2 Sections A, B <strong>and</strong> C will be conducted during the public<br />

examination. Section D will not be conducted in public.<br />

1.3 The use of any sound, video or photographic apparatus during the<br />

examinations is prohibited.<br />


13<br />

Piano<br />


An art song will be h<strong>and</strong>ed to the c<strong>and</strong>idate one hour before the<br />

start of the examination. During this time the c<strong>and</strong>idate must, with<br />

the help of a piano:<br />

• study the score<br />

• rehearse the song with a singer provided by <strong>Unisa</strong><br />

• practise a transposition of the song to a key designated by the<br />

examiners. Transposition must only be to a tone or semitone<br />

higher or lower. This test will therefore consist of two<br />

performances of the song, one in the original key <strong>and</strong> the<br />

other in a transposed version of the song.<br />


3.1 Key to voice classification:<br />

SC, SL, SD Soprano (Coloratura, Lyric or Dramatic)<br />

M Mezzo (or Contralto)<br />

TD, TL Tenor (Dramatic or Lyric)<br />

B Baritone (or Bass)<br />

3.2 C<strong>and</strong>idates may ask any number of singers to perform with them.<br />

3.3 Most of the songs (cycles have been categorised) can be done by<br />

any voice type, <strong>and</strong> should be performed in an appropriate key.<br />

3.4 In Opera <strong>and</strong> Oratorio arias a sensible rearrangement of the vocal<br />

score is often necessary or advisable. C<strong>and</strong>idates will not be<br />

expected to play every note as written.<br />

3.5 During the examination only one composition by a specific<br />

composer may be presented.<br />



Section A: Five Art Songs<br />

Section B: One Song Cycle<br />

Section C: Three Arias<br />

One Aria with vocal line <strong>and</strong> orchestral<br />

accompaniment<br />

Section D: Quick Study<br />

Transposition<br />

Total (Pass/Distinction)<br />

Roll of honour<br />

60<br />

60<br />

45<br />

10<br />

15<br />

10<br />

200 (100/150)<br />


Piano<br />

G<br />

14<br />

Admission requirements <strong>and</strong> basic syllabus for<br />

the Concert Diploma<br />


1.1 A c<strong>and</strong>idate must be at least 20 years of age.<br />

1.2 A c<strong>and</strong>idate must be in possession of at least a Performer's<br />

Licentiate from <strong>Unisa</strong>. (C<strong>and</strong>idates with Performer's <strong>Licentiates</strong><br />

from other institutions will be considered on merit.)<br />


2.1 A c<strong>and</strong>idate must submit three balanced programmes at least six<br />

months prior to the proposed examination date. The performance<br />

time of these programmes should be between 70 <strong>and</strong> 90 minutes<br />

each. They must be submitted to the Directorate Music, <strong>Unisa</strong>, PO<br />

Box 392, <strong>Unisa</strong> 0003 for approval.<br />

2.2 The examiners will choose one of the programmes three months<br />

before the examination date.<br />

2.3 The composition of the programme is left to the discretion of the<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idate. (C<strong>and</strong>idates are advised to compile their programmes in<br />

such a way that they comply with international criteria <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

practice.)<br />

2.4 Copies of all the performance works containing solo parts as well as<br />

the piano accompaniment must be submitted to the panel of<br />

examiners on the day of the examination.<br />


3.1 The examination will take the form of a public concert.<br />

3.2 The arrangements for the concert will be made by the University in<br />

collaboration with the c<strong>and</strong>idate.<br />

3.3 The examination date <strong>and</strong> venue will be decided upon after the<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idate has been consulted.<br />

3.4 The c<strong>and</strong>idate will be responsible for a part of the expenses for the<br />

presentation of the concert.<br />


4.1 No written report will be made available after the adjudication.<br />

4.2 The panel of adjudicators will decide whether the c<strong>and</strong>idate's<br />

musical profile (personality, performance, musicality, technique,<br />

style, etc.) complies with international st<strong>and</strong>ards as required for a<br />

professional concert career.

Scales<br />

Broken chords<br />

Triads<br />

H<br />

15<br />

Piano<br />

Appendix A: Prescribed scales, broken chords/<br />

arpeggios <strong>and</strong> triads/chords for all grades<br />

Major<br />

Pregrade 1<br />

Key Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Compass Articulation<br />

C, G, F From the<br />

lowest note<br />

C Contrary<br />

motion, from<br />

the middle<br />

Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong> ending<br />

in unison<br />

H<strong>and</strong>s separately, memorized<br />

Memorised<br />

Separately 1 octave Legato<br />

Together 1 octave Legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 84<br />

= 84

Scales<br />

Broken chords<br />

Triads<br />

Piano<br />

Major<br />

16<br />

Grade 1<br />

Key Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

C, G, D, A,<br />

F<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

C, G Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

Minor Melodic or<br />

Harmonic:<br />

a, d<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

H<strong>and</strong>s separately,legato <strong>and</strong> memorised<br />

Memorised<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong> ending<br />

in unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

1 octave Separately:<br />

2 octaves<br />

Together:<br />

1 octave<br />

Compass Articuation<br />

Legato<br />

1 octave Legato<br />

1 octave Separately:<br />

2 octaves<br />

Together:<br />

1 octave<br />

Legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 92<br />

= 86<br />

= 92

Scales<br />

Broken chords<br />

Triads<br />

Major<br />

17<br />

Grade 2<br />

Key Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

D, A, E, F,<br />

Bb<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

D, A, E Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

Minor Melodic<br />

or<br />

Harmonic:<br />

a, e, d<br />

Chromatic<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Ab From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

C <strong>and</strong> a<br />

H<strong>and</strong>s separately, legato <strong>and</strong> memorised<br />

Memorised<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

Separately - 1 octave Legato<br />

Piano<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 108<br />

= 92<br />

= 108<br />

= 108

Scales<br />

Arpeggios<br />

Broken chords<br />

Triads<br />

Piano<br />

Major<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

B, F#, Bb,<br />

Eb, Ab<br />

18<br />

Grade 3<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

F, Eb Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

Minor Melodic<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

Harmonic:<br />

c, g, d<br />

Chromatic<br />

Major C, G, D<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

Minor c, g, d<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

D, C# From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

F, G <strong>and</strong> c (See example as for Grade 2)<br />

1st <strong>and</strong> 5th finger must be used on black keys<br />

� = 62<br />

Memorised<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

Separately - 2 octaves Legato<br />

Separately - 2 octaves Legato<br />

Separately - 2 octaves Legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 120<br />

= 112<br />

= 120<br />

= 120<br />

= 84<br />

= 84

Scales<br />

Arpeggios<br />

Chords<br />

Major<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

Minor Melodic<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

Harmonic:<br />

e, b, f<br />

Chromatic<br />

B, C#, Eb Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

B, F# Contrary<br />

motion, from<br />

the middle<br />

Harmonic:<br />

c<br />

Major F, A, Eb<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong> first<br />

inversion<br />

Minor f, a, c#<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong> first<br />

inversion<br />

Memorised<br />

* Scale degree<br />

19<br />

Grade 4<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Contrary<br />

motion, from<br />

the middle<br />

F#, Bb Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Ab, D Contrary<br />

motion, from<br />

the middle<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

Piano<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 69<br />

= 60<br />

= 69<br />

= 60<br />

= 69<br />

= 60<br />

= 100<br />

= 100

Scales<br />

Arpeggios<br />

Piano<br />

Major<br />

Minor<br />

Chromatic<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

G, A, Bb,<br />

Ab<br />

20<br />

Grade 5<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

F#, Ab Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

Melodic<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

Harmonic:<br />

bb, ab, f#<br />

Harmonic:<br />

g<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

F, B Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Major D, B, Bb<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Minor d, b, bb<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Eb, G Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

extremes<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending in<br />

unison<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending on<br />

the tonic<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

1 octave 3 octaves Legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 3 octaves Legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 3 octaves Legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

1 octave 2 octaves Legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 112<br />

= 66<br />

= 112<br />

= 66<br />

= 58<br />

= 66<br />

= 66<br />

= 66

Chords<br />

Memorised<br />

* Scale degree<br />

21<br />


Scales<br />

Arpeggios<br />

Piano<br />

Major<br />

Minor<br />

Chromatic<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

D, E, C#,<br />

Bb<br />

22<br />

Grade 6<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

C#, Bb Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle <strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

Melodic<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

Harmonic:<br />

d, e, c#, bb<br />

Harmonic:<br />

d, eb<br />

Major F#, C#, Ab<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Minor f#, c#, ab<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Diminished<br />

seventh<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle <strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

Together Third:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong> ending<br />

on the<br />

tonic<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

Together Third:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong> ending<br />

on the<br />

tonic<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

C#, Ab Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

F, B Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle <strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

On A, E, F<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest note<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong> ending<br />

on the<br />

tonic<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Similar<br />

motion, from<br />

the lowest<br />

note<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 84<br />

= 84<br />

= 84<br />

= 84<br />

= 100<br />

= 84<br />

= 80<br />

= 80<br />

= 80

Chords<br />

Memorised<br />

* Scale degree<br />

23<br />


Scales<br />

Piano<br />

Major<br />

Minor<br />

Chromatic<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

A, F#, F, Ab Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

A, Eb Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

C, G, D From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

G, D From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Melodic<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

Harmonic:<br />

a, f#, f, ab<br />

Harmonic:<br />

c#, bb<br />

24<br />

Grade 7<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

C, E, Bb Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

A, Eb Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

Together Tenth:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending on<br />

the tonic<br />

Separately <br />

Separately<br />

Double<br />

note third:<br />

Tonic as<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Double<br />

note<br />

octave<br />

Together Tenth:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending on<br />

the tonic<br />

Together Major or<br />

minor third<br />

Together Beginning<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ending on<br />

the tonic<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 108<br />

= 100<br />

2 octaves Non<br />

legato = 80<br />

2 octaves Non<br />

legato = 88<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

= 108<br />

= 100<br />

= 116<br />

= 100

Arpeggios<br />

Chords<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

Major Eb, F, G,<br />

Ab<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Minor eb, f, g, ab<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Dominant<br />

seventh<br />

Diminished<br />

seventh<br />

Memorised<br />

* Scale degree<br />

Of C, D, A<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

On C#,<br />

Eb, Ab<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

25<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Piano<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 92<br />

= 92<br />

= 92<br />

= 92

Scales<br />

Piano<br />

Major<br />

Minor<br />

Chromatic<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

C, C#, Bb, A Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest note<br />

D, Eb, B, F# Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle <strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

A, Bb, B, C# Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest note<br />

Eb, E, B Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest note<br />

Melodic<br />

e, f, g, ab<br />

Harmonic:<br />

d, eb, b, f#<br />

Harmonic:<br />

e, f, g, ab<br />

26<br />

Grade 8<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest note<br />

Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle <strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

Bb, G, E Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest note<br />

A, C#, F Contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle <strong>and</strong><br />

extremes<br />

A# From the<br />

lowest note<br />

Together Sixth:<br />

Tonic in<br />

RH<br />

Together Third:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

Separately<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

together<br />

Double<br />

note third:<br />

Tonic as<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Together Double<br />

note<br />

octave<br />

Together Sixth:<br />

Tonic in<br />

RH<br />

Together Third:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

Together Major or<br />

minor<br />

sixth:<br />

Tonic in<br />

RH<br />

Together Major or<br />

Minor<br />

third:<br />

Tonic in<br />

LH<br />

Separately<br />

Double<br />

note minor<br />

third:<br />

Begin on<br />

A#/C#<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 120<br />

= 112<br />

2 octaves Non<br />

legato = 72<br />

2 octaves Non<br />

legato = 72<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

4 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

2 octaves Legato<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

non<br />

legato<br />

= 120<br />

= 112<br />

= 120<br />

= 120<br />

2 octaves Non<br />

legato = 72

Arpeggios<br />

Key<br />

(Position)<br />

Major F, F#, A,<br />

Ab<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Minor d, b, bb, g<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

Dominant<br />

seventh<br />

Diminished<br />

seventh<br />

Of C#,<br />

Eb, F, G<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

inversions<br />

On B, C,<br />

C#<br />

in root<br />

position<br />

27<br />

Motion H<strong>and</strong>s Interval<br />

distance<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note or<br />

contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note or<br />

contrary<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

middle<br />

Similar<br />

motion,<br />

from the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

From the<br />

lowest<br />

note<br />

Together 1 octave or<br />

begin <strong>and</strong><br />

end on the<br />

tonic<br />

Together 1 octave or<br />

begin <strong>and</strong><br />

end on the<br />

tonic<br />

Compass Articulation<br />

4 octaves<br />

(similar<br />

motion)<br />

2 octaves<br />

(contrary<br />

motion)<br />

4 octaves<br />

(similar<br />

motion)<br />

2 octaves<br />

(contrary<br />

motion)<br />

Legato<br />

Legato<br />

Together 1 octave 4 octaves Legato<br />

Separately<br />

Double note<br />

octave<br />

Piano<br />

Minimum<br />

tempo<br />

= 100<br />

= 100<br />

= 100<br />

4 octaves Non<br />

legato = 100

Klavier/Piano<br />

I<br />

28<br />

Bylae B: Voorgeskrewe repertoriumlyste vir Klavier<br />

Appendix B: Prescribed repertoire lists for Piano<br />


Four pieces: One from List A, List B, List C <strong>and</strong> List D<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B, Lys C en Lys D<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Gavotte<br />

Bach, JS Minuet/Menuet<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Allegretto<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Ryba, JJ Flowing Waters/Vloeiende Water<br />

Türk, DG Spring <strong>and</strong> Winter/Lente en Winter<br />

Vaňhal, J Allegretto<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Diabelli, A Strolling/W<strong>and</strong>eling<br />

Diabelli, A Bagatelle<br />

Tansman, A Carousel/Mallemeule<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Hurnik, I Big Dog, Little Dog/Groot Hond, Klein Hond<br />

Olivier, Gerrit We roll down the dune <strong>and</strong> into the sea!/Ons rol van die<br />

duin af tot onder in die see!<br />

Paciorkiewicz, T March/Mars<br />

Roos, John La-la á la Brahms<br />

Van Namen, Arie A Cat <strong>and</strong> Mouse/Kat en Muis

29<br />

GRADE 1/GRAAD 1<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B, List C <strong>and</strong> List D<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B, Lys C en Lys D<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Barrett, J The Holy St Catherine/Die Heilige Katharina<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Allegro<br />

Telemann, GP Allegro<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Kauer, F Minuet/Menuet<br />

Mozart, L Polonaise<br />

Neefe, CG Minuet/Menuet<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Goedicke, A Playtime, op. 6 no. 6<br />

Gurlitt, C Little Flowers/Blommetjies, op. 205 no. 1<br />

Maykapar/Maikapar, S Prelude<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Coutts, Diane I Like to Dance/Ek hou van Dans<br />

Kabalevsky/Kabalefski, D Clowns/Narre, op. 39 no. 20<br />

Panebianco-Warrens, Clorinda Dance of the Fireflies/Dans van die<br />

Vuurvliegies<br />

R<strong>and</strong>ell, Edwin Saudade<br />

Świerzyński, M Playing/Speel<br />

GRADE 2/GRAAD 2<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B, List C <strong>and</strong> List D<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B, Lys C en Lys D<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Air<br />

Kirnberger, JP Minuet/Menuet<br />

Scarlatti, A Mineutto Scherz<strong>and</strong>o<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Beethoven, L van German Dance/Duitse Dans, WoO 13 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van German Dance/Duitse Dans, WoO 13 no. 6<br />

Haydn, FJ Minuet/Menuet

Klavier/Piano<br />

30<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Czerny, C Allegretto<br />

Czerny, C Andante<br />

Oesten, T Polka-Mazurka, op. 155 no. 2<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Bell, Dulcie After a shower of rain/Na ‘n reënbui<br />

Khumalo, Andile Let’s Play/Kom ons Speel<br />

Loeb van Zuilenburg, Paul Kweliccia<br />

Reid, Douglas Rain Dance/Reëndans<br />

Starer, R Bright Orange/Helder Oranje<br />

GRADE 3/GRAAD 3<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B <strong>and</strong> List C. One from List D or List E<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B en Lys C. Een uit Lys D of Lys E<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Rameau, JP Minuet/Menuet<br />

Scarlatti, A Aria, K32/L423<br />

Türk, DG Four sharps? Keep it up!/Vier kruise? Hou so aan!<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Benda, JA Allegro assai from Sonata in G/uit Sonate in G<br />

Müller, AE Minuet/Menuet<br />

Vaňhal, J Allegretto from Sonatina no. 6/uit Sonatine no. 6<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Grechaninov/Gretsjaninof, A The Little Would-be Man/Die Kammamannetjie<br />

Kabalevsky/Kabalefski, D Slow Waltz/Stadige Wals, op. 39 no. 23<br />

Tchaikovsky/Tsjaikofski, PI The Barrelorgan Man/Die Draaiorrelspeler<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

De Villiers, Helena 5/8 Dance/5/8 Dans<br />

Pauer, J March/Mars<br />

Rollin, C Cotton King Jazz<br />

Watt, Martin African Lullaby/Afrika Wiegeliedje<br />

Zaidel-Rudolph, Jeanne Times They Are A-Changing

31<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

List E/Lys E<br />

Kay, U Tender Thought from/uit Piano Music of Africa <strong>and</strong> the African<br />

Diaspora (Vol. 1) (OUP)<br />

Norton, C Chinese Walk from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Feeling Lazy from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Oriental Flower from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Without a Care from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Price FB Tinklin’ Toes from/uit Piano Music of Africa <strong>and</strong> the African<br />

Diaspora (Vol. 1) (OUP)<br />

GRADE 4/GRAAD 4<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B <strong>and</strong> List C. One from List D or List E<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B en Lys C. Een uit Lys D of Lys E<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Blow, J (?) Courante<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Rigaudon<br />

Telemann, GP Fantasia no. 9<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Benda, G Allegretto from Sonatina in d/uit Sonatine in d<br />

Kuhlau, F Theme <strong>and</strong> Variations/Tema en Variasies<br />

Vaňhal, JK Allegretto<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Grieg, E Poetic Sounds/Poëtiese Klankbeelde, op. 3 no. 1<br />

Karganov, G Arabesque/Arabesk<br />

Pachulski/Patsjoelski, H Prelude<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Benjamin, A Haunted House<br />

Harvey, P Rumba Toccata<br />

Hofmeyr, Hendrik March of the Lilliputians/Mars van die Lilliputters<br />

Klatzow, Peter Bubbles<br />

Temmingh, Henk Ferreira in C<br />

List E/Lys E<br />

Capers, V Sweet Mister Jelly Roll from/uit Piano Music of Africa <strong>and</strong> the<br />

African Diaspora (Vol. 1) (OUP)<br />

Dett RH Honey from/uit Piano Music of Africa <strong>and</strong> the African Diaspora<br />

(Vol. 2) (OUP)

Klavier/Piano<br />

Norton, C Clock Rock from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Habanera from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Isl<strong>and</strong> Song from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Misty-Eyed from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

32<br />

GRADE 5/GRAAD 5<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B <strong>and</strong> List C. One from List D or List E<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B en Lys C. Een uit Lys D of Lys E<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Bourrée from English Suite no. 1/uit Engelse Suite no. 1,<br />

BWV806<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Allem<strong>and</strong>e<br />

Telemann, GP Vivace from Fantasia no. 5/uit Fantasia no. 5<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Hummel, JN Polonaise<br />

Kuhlau, F Second Movement from Sonatina/Tweede Beweging uit<br />

Sonatine, op. 88 no. 3<br />

Schubert, F Minuet & Trio from Sonata/Menuet & Trio uit Sonate, op. 122<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Grieg, EH Folk-tune/Volkswysie from Lyrical Pieces/uit Liriese Stukke, op.<br />

12 no. 5<br />

Maykapar/Maikapar, S Romance/Romanse, op. 8 no. 16<br />

Schumann, R Remembrance/Herinnering, op. 68 no. 28<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Copl<strong>and</strong>, A Jazzy<br />

Johnson, Alex<strong>and</strong>er Elegie<br />

Kabalevsky/Kabalefski, D Theme <strong>and</strong> Variations/Tema en Variasies, op.<br />

40 no. 2<br />

Roosenschoon, Hans Rêverie<br />

Van der Watt, Niel Leaving School Blues<br />

List E/Lys E<br />

Norton, C Cha Cha from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Hebridean Song from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C In the Sun from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Orchid Garden from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)

33<br />

GRADE 6/GRAAD 6<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B <strong>and</strong> List C. One from List D or List E<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B en Lys C. Een uit Lys D of Lys E<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Prelude no. 9, BWV928<br />

Galuppi, B Adagio from Sonata in D/uit Sonate in D<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Courante, HWV441<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Haydn, FJ Theme <strong>and</strong> Variations/Tema en Variasies, Hob. XVII:5<br />

Kuhlau, F Allegro Scherz<strong>and</strong>o from Sonatina/uit Sonatine, op. 20 no. 2<br />

Vaňhal, JK Allegro from Sonatina in A/uit Sonatine in A<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Chopin, F Mazurka, op. 7 no. 1<br />

Mendelssohn, F Song without Words/Lied sonder Woorde, op. 19 no. 1<br />

Schumann, R The Wayside Inn/Herberg langs die pad, op. 82 no. 6<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Potgieter, Johann Habanera<br />

Roux, Isak Dr Kwela – Mr Ragtime<br />

Tcherepnin/Tsjerepnin, A Bagatelle, op. 5 no. 6<br />

Temmingh, Roelof Prelude for Liezl/Prelude vir Liezl<br />

Von Einem, G Piano Piece from/uit op. 3<br />

List E/Lys E<br />

Gardes AR Preludio Cubano from/uit Piano Music of Africa <strong>and</strong> the African<br />

Diaspora (Vol. 2) (OUP)<br />

Norton, C Moving Along from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C Piano Exchange Rag from/uit Microstyles Collection (B&H)<br />

Norton, C No. 2 (Ramba) or/of no. 5 (Bassa Nova) from/uit Latin Preludes<br />


Klavier/Piano<br />

34<br />

GRADE 7/GRAAD 7<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B <strong>and</strong> List C. One from List D or List E<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B en Lys C. Een uit Lys D of Lys E<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Allem<strong>and</strong>e from French Suite no. 5/uit Franse Suite no. 5,<br />

BWV816<br />

Bach, JS Three-Part Invention no. 7/Driestemmige Invensie no. 7,<br />

BWV793<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate, K444<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Beethoven, L van Rondo from Sonata in g/uit Sonate in g, op. 49 no.1<br />

Haydn, F Rondo from Sonata in C/uit Sonate in C, Hob XVI:48<br />

Mozart, WA Six Variations on "Mio caro adone" from "La fiera di Venezia"<br />

(Salieri)/Ses Variasies op "Mio caro adone" uit "La fiera di Venezia"<br />

(Salieri), K180<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Lyadov/Ljadof, A Prelude, op. 10 no. 1<br />

MacDowell, E Of Br’er Rabbit from/uit Fireside Tales, op. 61 no. 2<br />

Poldini, E She Smiles from “Episodes à la cour”/Sy Glimlag uit “Episodes<br />

à la cour”, op. 93 no. 4<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Debussy, C Golliwogg’s Cake-walk from/uit Children’s Corner<br />

Grové, Stefans Obstinacy/Hardnekkigheid<br />

Rajna, Thomas Oriental Feast<br />

Van Dijk, Péter Louis On quiet nights starlight pulses gently from your<br />

fingertips…<br />

Weiner, L Hungarian Peasant Song/Hongaarse Boerelied, op.33 no. 24<br />

List E/Lys E<br />

Norton, C No. 6 (Beguine) or/of no. 7(Mambo) from/uit Latin Preludes<br />

(B&H)<br />

Norton, C No. 5 from/uit Latin Preludes 2 (B&H)<br />

Solal, M No. 4 or/of no. 5 from/uit Jazz Preludes (B&H)

35<br />

GRADE 8/GRAAD 8<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B, List C <strong>and</strong> List D<br />

• At least three different style periods must be represented<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B, Lys C en Lys D<br />

• Ten minste drie stylperiodes moet verteenwoordig word<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Any one of the following 48 Preludes <strong>and</strong> Fugues/Enigeen van<br />

die volgende 48 Preludes en Fugas:<br />

Bk 1: No. 1, 5, 6, 10, 16, 17, 21, 23<br />

Bk 2: No. 2, 6, 9, 12<br />

Bach, JS Any one of the 4 duettos/Enige een van die 4 duetto's, BWV802-<br />

805<br />

Bach, JS Fantasie in c, BWV906<br />

Bach, JS Praeludium & Gigue from/uit Partita no. 1, BWV825<br />

Bach, JS Allem<strong>and</strong>e & Courante from French Suite no. 2/Allem<strong>and</strong>e &<br />

Courante uit Franse Suite no. 2, BWV813<br />

Bach, JS Sarab<strong>and</strong>e & Gigue from French Suite no. 3/Sarab<strong>and</strong>e & Gigue<br />

uit Franse Suite no. 3, BWV814<br />

Bach, JS First or Third movement from Italian Concerto/Eerste of Derde<br />

beweging uit Italianse Konsert, BWV971<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Any two movements from Suite no. 9/Enige twee bewegings<br />

uit Suite no. 9<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Suite no. 11 (without the Sarab<strong>and</strong>e/sonder die Sarab<strong>and</strong>e)<br />

Mendelssohn, F Prelude & Fugue/Prelude en Fuga, op.35 no. 6<br />

Pärt, A Toccatina <strong>and</strong> Fughetta from/uit Partita<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in a, K54/L241<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in G, K105/L204<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in D, K178/L162<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in A, K209/L428

Klavier/Piano<br />

36<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in C, K421/L252<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in C, K502/L3<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in d, K517/L266<br />

Scarlatti, D Sonata/Sonate in a, K532/L223<br />

Villa-Lobos, H Preludio from/uit Bachianas Brasileiras no. 4<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Bach, CPE Sonata/Sonate in A no. 5 from/uit Phil E Bach Piano Works, Bk<br />

1 (UE548a)<br />

Beethoven, L van Andante favori<br />

Beethoven, L van Rondo a capriccio, op. 129<br />

Beethoven, L van 12 Variations on the Menuet à la Viganò (WoO68)<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in f, op. 2 no. 1<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in c, op. 10 no. 1<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in F, op. 10 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in E, op. 14 no. 1<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in G, op. 14 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in F#, op. 78<br />

Clementi, J Sonata/Sonate, op. 47 no. 2<br />

De Groot, C Sonatina/Sonatine (Albersen)<br />

Dello Joio, N Introduction <strong>and</strong> Fantasies on a chorale tune (AMP)<br />

Fortner, W Sonatina/Sonatine (Schott 2345)<br />

Haydn, FJ Sonata/Sonate in E, H XVI:22<br />

Haydn, FJ Sonata/Sonate in F, H XVI:23

37<br />

Haydn, FJ Sonata/Sonate in D, H XVI:33<br />

Haydn, FJ Sonata/Sonate in Eb, H XVI:49<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

Hindemith, P Sonata/Sonate no. 2 (Schott 2519)<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong>, J Sonatina/Sonatine (OUP)<br />

Mendelssohn, F Variations sérieuses, op. 54<br />

Medtner, N Theme <strong>and</strong> Variations/Tema en Variasies in c#, op. 55<br />

(Zimmermann)<br />

Milhaud, D Sonatina/Sonatine, op. 354 (UMP)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in C, K279<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in F, K280<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in Bb, K281<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in Eb, K282<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in G, K283<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata/Sonate no. 1<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonatina/Sonatine in G, op. 54 no. 2<br />

Ravel, M Sonatina/Sonatine<br />

Reger, M Any one of Sonatinas 1, 2 or 3/Enigeen van Sonatines 1, 2 of 3,<br />

op. 89<br />

Richardsson, A Sonatina/Sonatine in F, op. 27 (Weinberger) (Elkin)<br />

Schubert, F Sonata/Sonate in B, op. 147<br />

Stravinsky/Strawinski, I Sonata/Sonate (1924) (B&H)<br />

Stravinsky/Strawinski, I Sérénade en la (B&H)<br />

Sutermeister, H Sonatine in Eb (Schott 4119)<br />

Tchaikovsky/Tsjaikofski, P Theme <strong>and</strong> Variations/Tema en Variasies in<br />

F, op. 19 no. 6 (Peters 4652)<br />

Wegelin, A Sonatina/Sonatine (OW)<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Albeniz, I El Puerto from/uit Iberia<br />

Brahms, J Capriccio, op. 76 no. 2<br />

Brahms, J Intermezzo, op. 116 no. 4 or/of op. 117 no. 2 or/of op. 118<br />

no. 2<br />

Brahms, J Rhapsody/Rapsodie, op. 119 no. 4<br />

Chabrier, E Danse villageoise from/uit Dix Pièces Pittoresques<br />

Chopin, F Polonaise, op. 26 no. 1

Klavier/Piano<br />

38<br />

Chopin, F Nocturne/Nokturne, op. 9 no. 1 or/of op. 27 no. 1 or/of op. 48<br />

no. 1<br />

Chopin, F Trois Ecossaises, op. 72 no. 3<br />

Chopin, F Valse, op. 42<br />

Chopin, F Gr<strong>and</strong>e Valse brillante, op. 34 no. 1<br />

De Falla, M Montañesa (Dur<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Debussy, C Voiles<br />

Debussy, C Feuilles mortes<br />

Debussy, C General Lavine - eccentric<br />

Debussy, C Passepied from/uit Suite Bergamasque<br />

Fauré, G Nocturne/Nokturne, op. 36 no. 4<br />

Fauré, G Impromptu, op. 31 no. 2<br />

Gade, N Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit Aquarelles, op. 19<br />

(Státní Hudební Vydavatelství)<br />

Granados, E Allegro de Concierto (UME)<br />

Liszt, F Sonetto 123 del Petrarca<br />

Liszt, F Au bord d'une source<br />

Liszt, F Les jeux d’eau à la Villa d’Este from/uit Anées de pèlerinage,<br />

troisième année (Henle)<br />

Liszt, F Sonetto 47 del Petrarca<br />

Medtner, N Contes, op. 20 no. 1 or/of no. 2 (Russe de Musique)<br />

Medtner, N Conte, op. 34 no. 2 (B&H)<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S No. 4 or/of no. 5 or/of no. 6 from/uit<br />

Preludes, op. 23<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S No. 1 or/of no. 5 or/of no. 10 or/of no. 12<br />

from/uit Preludes, op. 32<br />

Reger, M Humoresque, op. 36 no. 1 (UE)<br />

Saint-Saëns, C Bouréé from/uit Six Etudes pour la main gauche seule, op.<br />

135 (Dur<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Schubert, F Impromptu, op. 90 no. 3<br />

Schubert, F Impromptu, op. 142 no. 1 or/of no. 3<br />

Schumann, R Arabesque<br />

Schumann, R Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Intermezzi, op. 4<br />

Schumann, R Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Fantasiestücke, op. 12<br />

Schumann, R Romanze, op. 28 no. 2<br />

Schumann, R Abschied from/uit Waldscenen, op. 82<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Preludes, op. 33 (performed as one work/as een<br />

werk aangebied)<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Two Poems, op. 32<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Etude, op. 2 no. 1<br />

Suk, J Children’s Play, op. 22 no. 2 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J Erinnerungen, op. 7 no. 3 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J Humoresque (Simrock)

Suk, J Romanze, op. 10 no. 3 (Simrock)<br />

Wieck-Schumann, C Notturno, op. 6 no. 2 (Henle)<br />

39<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Barber, S Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Excursions, op. 20 (Schirmer)<br />

Bartók, B Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit Improvisations, op.<br />

20 (B&H)<br />

Bartók, B Bagatelles, op. 6 no. 14<br />

Bernstein, L Any three contrasting pieces/Enige drie kontrasterende<br />

stukke from/uit Seven Anniversaries (Warner)<br />

Bowen, Y A Romp from/uit Second Suite (OUP)<br />

Britten, B No. 3 from/uit Holiday Diary (B&H)<br />

Britten, B Night-piece (B&H)<br />

Ceremuga, J Toccata (1963) (Panton 1833)<br />

Copl<strong>and</strong>, A Any two/Enige twee from/van 4 Piano Blues (B&H 1666)<br />

Dello Joio, N Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit Suite for Piano<br />

(Schirmer)<br />

Dickenson, P Concert Rag from/uit Rags, Blues <strong>and</strong> Parodies (Novello<br />

100281)<br />

Du Plessis, H Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit Six Miniatures,<br />

op. 3 (Studio Holl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Du Plessis, H No. 2 or/of no. 4 from/uit Four Piano Pieces, op. 1<br />

Du Plessis, H Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Four Piano Pieces, op. 28<br />

Dutilleux, H Etude from/uit Six petites Pièces pour Piano (Leduc)<br />

Fricker, PR Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Twelve Studies, op. 58 (Schott)<br />

Gershwin, G Three Preludes (Ricordi)<br />

Ginastera, A Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Tres Piezas para piano<br />

(Ricordi)<br />

Grové, S Toccata (<strong>Unisa</strong>)<br />

Hofmeyr, H Chaconne (MS)<br />

Hofmeyr, H Kalunga (Samro)<br />

Kabalevsky/Kabalefski, D Any three pieces/Enige drie stukke from/uit 24<br />

Preludes, op. 38 (Peters 4785)<br />

Kalabis, V Allegro impetuoso (Panton 5030)<br />

Klatzow, P Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit Moments of Night<br />

(Musications)<br />

Klatzow, P Makoemazaan (Musications)<br />

Makholm, J Any one/Enige een of/van Trois Impressions (Billaudot)<br />

Martinů, B Scherzo pro klavir (Panton)<br />

Menotti, C Ricercare <strong>and</strong> Toccata (Ricordi)<br />

Mompou, F El carrer, el guitarrista i el vell cavall from/uit Suburbis<br />

(Salabert)<br />

Morillo, RG Danza de Harrild (Ricordi)

Klavier/Piano<br />

40<br />

Poulenc, F No. 1 or/of no. 3 from/uit Suite pour Piano (Chester)<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Etude, op. 2 no. 4<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Any two contrasting pieces/Enige twee kontrasterende<br />

stukke from/uit Vision fugitives, op. 22<br />

Rowley, A Moto perpetuo (Chester)<br />

Shchedrin/Sjtjedrin, R Basso ostinato (Opus)<br />

Shostakovitch/Sjostakowitsj, D Any three pieces/Enige drie stukke<br />

from/uit 24 Preludes, op. 34 (Anglo-Soviet)<br />

Takács, J Toccata Burlesca from/uit Partita, op. 58 (Doblinger)<br />

Temmingh, R Any three pieces/Enige drie stukke from/uit Ses oorblyfsels<br />

(Musications)<br />

Van Wyk, A Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Tristia (B&H)<br />

Villa-Lobos, H As trés Marias (performed as one work/as een werk<br />

aangebied) (Fisher)<br />

Villa-Lobos, H Choros no. 5 (Alma Brasiliera) (Eschig)<br />

Villa-Lobos, H Valsa da Dor<br />

Wegelin, A Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Three Piano Pieces (OW)<br />

Wellesz, E Angelus, op. 14 no. 2 (Doblinger)<br />

Zaidel-Rudolph, J Virtuoso I (<strong>Unisa</strong>)

41<br />


Klavier/Piano<br />

Four pieces: One from List A, List B, List C <strong>and</strong> List D<br />

• At least three different style periodes must be represented<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B, Lys C en Lys D<br />

• Minstens drie verskillende stylperiodes moet verteenwoordig word<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Any one of the French Suites/Enige een van die Franse Suites<br />

Bach, JS Toccata/Tokkate in e, BWV914<br />

Bach, JS Any one of the following Preludes <strong>and</strong> Fugues/Enige een van die<br />

volgende 48 Preludes en Fugas:<br />

WTC 1: 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24<br />

WTC 2: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24<br />

Bach, JS Capriccio B-dur über die abreise seines geliebten Bruders<br />

BWV992<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Suite no. 5<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Suite no. 13 in Bb<br />

Honeger, A Prélude, Arioso et Fughetta sur le nom B-A-C-H<br />

Shchedrin/Sjtjedrin, R Any Prelude <strong>and</strong> Fugue/Enige Prelude en Fuga<br />

(MMP)<br />

Shostakovitch/Sjostaskowitsj, D Any one of the 24 Preludes <strong>and</strong><br />

Fugues/Enige een van die 24 Preludes en Fugas, op. 87<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in A, op. 2 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in Eb, op. 7<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in D, op. 10 no. 3<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in Bb, op. 22<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonata in Eb, op. 27 no. 1<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonata in c#, op. 27 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonata in D, op. 28<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonata in G, op. 31 no. 1<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonata in d, op. 31 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonata in Eb, op. 31 no. 3<br />

Bennet, RR Sonata for piano (UE)<br />

Clementi, M Sonata/Sonata in b, op. 40 no. 2 (Peters)<br />

Clementi, M Sonata/Sonata in D, op. 40 no. 3 (Peters 146B)<br />

Dello Joio, N Sonata/Sonate no. 2 (Schirmer)<br />

Du Plessis, H Sonata/Sonate no. 2, op. 40 (Samro)<br />

Dukas, P Variations, Interlude <strong>and</strong> Finale (Dur<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Ginastera, A Sonata/Sonate, op. 22 no. 1 (B&H)

Klavier/Piano<br />

Gorecki, H Sonata/Sonate no. 1 (B&H)<br />

Grieg, E Sonata/Sonate in e, op. 7<br />

Griffes, CT Sonata/Sonate (Schirmer)<br />

Haydn, J Sonata/Sonate in Eb (Hob. XVI:38)<br />

Haydn, J Sonata/Sonate in C (Hob. XVI:50)<br />

Haydn, J Sonata/Sonate in Eb (Hob. XVI:49)<br />

Haydn, J Sonata/Sonate in c (Hob. XVI:20)<br />

Haydn, J Sonata/Sonate in Eb (Hob. XVI:52)<br />

Janačék, L Sonata/Sonate (Supraphon)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in D (K284)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in C (K330)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in F (K332)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in Bb (K333)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in D (K576)<br />

Mozart, WA Sonata/Sonate in a (K310)<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Variations on a theme by Corelli<br />

Schubert, F Sonata/Sonate in A, op. 120<br />

Schubert, F Sonata/Sonate in a, op. 42<br />

Schumann, R Faschingsschwank aus Wien<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Sonata/Sonate in g#, op. 19<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Sonata/Sonate, op. 30 no. 4<br />

Zaidel-Rudolph, Jeanne Sonata/Sonate no. 1<br />

42<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Brahms, J Rhapsody/Rapsodie in b, op. 79 no. 1<br />

Brahms, J Ballade, op. 10 no. 1<br />

Brahms, J Scherzo, op. 4<br />

Chopin, F Etude, op. 10 no. 3<br />

Chopin, F Nocturne/Nokturne, op. 15 no. 1<br />

Chopin, F Nocturne/Nokturne, op. 27 no. 2<br />

Chopin, F Impromptu in F#, op. 36<br />

Chopin, F Polonaise, op. 40 no. 2<br />

Chopin, F Berceuse, op. 57<br />

Debussy, C Any Etude/Enige Etude except/behalwe nos 1 & 7<br />

Debussy, C Brouillards<br />

Debussy, C La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune (no. 7) from/uit<br />

Preludes, Bk 2<br />

Debussy, C Reflet dans l'eau from/uit Images<br />

Debussy, C Toccata from/uit Pour le piano<br />

Granados, E El F<strong>and</strong>ango de C<strong>and</strong>il from/uit Goyescas<br />

Granados, E Quejas ó la Maja y el Ruiseñor from/uit Goyescas<br />

Liszt, F Un sospiro<br />

Liszt, F Ballade no. 1

43<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

Liszt, F Waldesrauschen<br />

Liszt, F Gnomenreigen<br />

Liszt, F Sonetto 104 del Petrarca<br />

Liszt, F Jeux d’eau à la Villa d’Este<br />

Liszt, F Spozalizio<br />

Mendelssohn, F Any one/Enige een of/van Songs without Words nos 3, 5,<br />

18, 19, 32 or/of 34<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Moments<br />

musicaux, op. 16<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Any one of the/Enige een van die Etudes<br />

Tableaux<br />

Ravel, M Une barque sur l'ocean from/uit Miroirs<br />

Ravel, M Alborado del gracioso from/uit Miroirs<br />

Schubert, F Moments musicaux, op. 94 no. 4<br />

Schumann, R Novellete in F, op. 21<br />

Schumann, R Abegg-Variations, op. 1<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Etude, op. 8<br />

Smetana, B Any piece/Enige stuk uit/from/Czech Dances (MMP)<br />

Suk, J In Expectation, op. 22a no. 39 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J Once in Springtime, op. 28 no. 2 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J Lullaby, op. 33 no. 1 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J On a friend’s recovery, op. 33 no. 4 (Simrock)<br />

Szymanowski, K Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Four Etudes, op. 4 (MMP)<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Bartók, B Third Movement/Derde Beweging from/uit Sonata (1926)<br />

Ben-Yohanan, A Prelude <strong>and</strong> Toccata (Israel Music Institute)<br />

Corradini, A Any three pieces/Enige drie stukke from/uit 5 Pezzi Brevi<br />

(Ricordi)<br />

Du Plessis, H No. 5 or/of no. 7 from/uit Sewe Preludes, op. 18 (Novello)<br />

Ginastera, A No. 3 from/uit Danzas Argentinas, op. 2 (Ricordi/Dur<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Griffes, CT Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Four Roman Sketches, op. 7<br />

(Schirmer)<br />

Grové, S Any two contrasting pieces/Enige twee kontrasterende stukke<br />

from/uit Liedere en danse uit Afrika (<strong>Unisa</strong>)<br />

Grové, S Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit Images from Africa<br />

Grové, S Nonyana the Ceremonial Dancer (Samro)<br />

Johnson, A Jazz Impromptu (<strong>Unisa</strong>)<br />

Klatzow, P Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit From the Poets (Samro)<br />

Malipiero, GF Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Bianchi e neri (Hans Gerig<br />

688)<br />

Martin, F No. 5 or/of no. 8 from/uit Eight Preludes (UE 11973)<br />

Martinů, B Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Butterflies <strong>and</strong> Birds of Paradise<br />


Klavier/Piano<br />

44<br />

Mathias, W Toccata alla Danza (OUP)<br />

Moeran, EJ Toccata (Chester)<br />

Morillo, RG Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Cuentos para niños traviesos<br />

(Ricordi, BA 11015)<br />

Pijper, W Sonatine no. 2 (OUP)<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Scherzo, op. 12 no. 10<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Any two pieces/Enige twee stukke from/uit<br />

Sarcasms, op. 17<br />

Rajna, T Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Piano Preludes (Duet)<br />

Seiber, M Scherz<strong>and</strong>o capriccioso (Schott)<br />

Skalkottas, N Andante Religioso from/uit 10 Piano Pieces (UE 12958)<br />

Villa-Lobos, H Valsa Scherzo, op. 17 (Arthur Napoleão 76 Brazil)<br />

Villa-Lobos, H Any piece/Enige stuk from/uit Ciclo Brasileiro (Consolidated<br />

Music)<br />

Weber, A Variations, op. 27<br />

Wegelin, A Anagram<br />


Five pieces: One from List A, List B, List C <strong>and</strong> List D <strong>and</strong> one of the<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idate’s own choice<br />

• C<strong>and</strong>idates may not present works by the same composer in more than one list.<br />

This includes Own Choice (List E)<br />

• At least three different style periods must be represented<br />

Vyf stukke: Een uit Lys A, Lys B, Lys C en Lys D en een van die k<strong>and</strong>idaat<br />

se eie keuse<br />

• K<strong>and</strong>idate mag nie werke van dieselfde komponis in meer as een lys aanbied nie.<br />

Dit sluit die Eie Keuse (Lys E) in<br />

• Ten minste drie verskillende stylperiodes moet verteenwoordig word<br />

List A/Lys A<br />

Bach, JS Any Toccata/Enige Tokkate (except/uitgesonderd Toccata in e)<br />

Bach, JS Chromatic Fantasia <strong>and</strong> Fugue, BWV903<br />

Bach, JS Italian Concerto/Italiaanse Konsert, BWV971<br />

Bach, JS Any English Suite/Enige Engelse Suite<br />

Bach, JS Any one of the following 48 Preludes <strong>and</strong> Fugues/Enige een van<br />

die volgende 48 Preludes <strong>and</strong> Fugas:<br />

Bk 1: no. 7, 8, 20<br />

Bk 2: no. 3, 10, 13, 14, 18<br />

Bach, JS Prelude <strong>and</strong> Fugue/Prelude en Fuga in a, BWV894<br />

Bach, JS Any/Enige Partita<br />

Mendelssohn, F Prelude <strong>and</strong> Fugue/Prelude en Fuga, op. 35 no. 1<br />

Saint-Saëns, C Prelude <strong>and</strong> Fugue/Prelude en Fuga, op. 52 no. 3

45<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

List B/Lys B<br />

Barber, S Sonata/Sonate in eb, op. 26<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in C, op. 2 no. 3<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in Ab, op. 26<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in C, op. 53<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in f, op. 57<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in Eb, op. 81a<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in A, op. 101<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in E, op. 109<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in Ab, op. 110<br />

Beethoven, L van Sonata/Sonate in c, op. 111<br />

Beethoven, L van 32 Variations in c (WoO 80)<br />

Beethoven, L van 15 Variations on an Original Theme, op. 35<br />

Brahms, J Sonata/Sonate in C, op. 1<br />

Brahms, J Sonata/Sonate in f#, op. 2<br />

Brahms, J Sonata/Sonate in f, op. 5<br />

Brahms, J Variations <strong>and</strong> Fugue on a theme by H<strong>and</strong>el, op. 24<br />

Brahms, J Variations on a theme by Paganini, op. 35<br />

Chopin, F Sonata/Sonate in b, op. 58<br />

Chopin, F Sonata/Sonate in bb, op. 35<br />

Chopin, F Etudes, op. 10 (complete/volledig)<br />

Chopin, F Etudes, op. 25 (complete/volledig)<br />

Dutilleux, H Sonata/Sonate<br />

Fauré, G Variations, op. 73<br />

Franck, C Prélude, Choral et Fugue<br />

Hindemith, P Sonata/Sonate no. 3<br />

Liszt, F Sonata/Sonate in b<br />

Mussorgsky/Moessorgski, M Pictures at an Exhibition<br />

Paderewski, I Sonata/Sonate in eb, op. 21<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata/Sonate no. 2, op. 14<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata/Sonate no. 4, op. 29<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata/Sonate no. 6, op. 82<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata/Sonate no. 7, op. 83<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata/Sonate no. 8, op. 84<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Sonata/Sonate no. 1 in d, op. 28<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Sonata/Sonate no. 2 in bb, op. 36<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Variations on a theme by Chopin, op. 22<br />

Schubert, F Fantasia, op. 15<br />

Schubert, F Sonata in c (D958)<br />

Schubert, F Sonata in A (D959)<br />

Schubert, F Sonata in Bb (D960)<br />

Schumann, R Carnaval, op. 9

Klavier/Piano<br />

46<br />

Schumann, R Sonata in f#, op. 11<br />

Schumann, R Etudes symphoniques, op. 13<br />

Schumann, R Kreisleriana, op. 16<br />

Schumann, R Fantasie, op. 17<br />

Schumann, R Humoresque, op. 20<br />

Schumann, R Sonata in g, op. 22<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Sonata no. 3, op. 23<br />

Scriabin/Skriabin, A Sonata no. 5, op. 53<br />

Vine, C Sonata (1990) (Chester)<br />

List C/Lys C<br />

Albéniz, I Navarra<br />

Albéniz, I Triana<br />

Balakirev/Balakiref, M Islamey<br />

Chopin, F Fantaisie in f, op. 49<br />

Chopin, F Any one of the/Enige een van die 4 Ballades<br />

Chopin, F Any one of the/Enige een van die 4 Scherzi<br />

Chopin, F Barcarolle in F#, op. 60<br />

Chopin, F Polonaise in Ab, op. 53<br />

Chopin, F Polonaise-Fantaisie in Ab, op. 61<br />

Chopin, F Andante Spianato <strong>and</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong>e Polonaise Brillante in Eb, op. 22<br />

Chopin, F Allegro de Concert, op. 46<br />

Fauré, G Ballade, op. 19<br />

Liszt, F Funérailles<br />

Liszt, F Mephisto Waltz no. 1<br />

Liszt, F Vallèe d’Obermann<br />

Liszt, F No. 6 or/of no. 12 or/of no. 15 from/uit Hungarian Rhapsodies<br />

Liszt, F Any two of the/Enige twee van die Paganini Etudes<br />

Liszt, F Mazeppa<br />

Liszt, F Ricordanza<br />

Liszt, F Wilde Jagd<br />

Lyapunov/Ljapoenof, S Any two contrasting pieces from/Enige twee<br />

kontrasterende stukke uit Etudes, op. 11 (Peters 9578)<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Nos 2 & 4 from/uit 10 Preludes, op. 23<br />

Schumann, R Toccata, op. 7<br />

Suk, J Nos 4 & 5, op. 22a (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J On the recovery of my son, op. 30 no. 5 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J Things lived <strong>and</strong> dreamt, op. 30 no. 9 (Simrock)<br />

Suk, J About Friendship, op. 36 (Simrock)<br />

Tchaikovsky/Tsjaikofski, PI Dumka, op. 59

47<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

List D/Lys D<br />

Bartók, B Suite, op. 14<br />

Bartók, B Rhapsody, op. 1 (Dover)<br />

Berg, A Sonata op. 1<br />

Bolcom, W Nine Bagatelles (Edward B Marks)<br />

Busoni, F Sonatina seconda (Breitkopf & Härtel 8149)<br />

Casella, A Toccata<br />

Corigliano, J Etude Fantasy (Schirmer)<br />

Dallapiccola, L Sonatina canonica<br />

Debussy, C L'Isle joyeuse<br />

Debussy, C Poissons d'or from/uit Images (2nd series/2de reeks)<br />

Debussy, C Feux d'artifice<br />

Froschauer, H Toccata<br />

Kodály, Z Dances of Marosszék<br />

Ligeti, G Any two/Enige twee Etudes (Schott ED7718)<br />

Messiaen, O Any one of/Enige een van nos 8, 11, 13, 14,15 from/uit Vingt<br />

regards sur l'enfant Jesus<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Toccata, op. 11<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata in a, op. 28<br />

Ravel, M Valses nobles et sentimentales<br />

Ravel, M Scarbo from/uit Gaspard de la Nuit<br />

Ravel, M Toccata from/uit Le Tombeau de Couperin<br />

Ravel, M La Valse<br />

Roosenschoon, H Fingerprints (<strong>Unisa</strong>)<br />

Stravinsky/Strawinski, I No. 4 from/uit Four Etudes, op. 7<br />

Stravinsky/Strawinski, I Trois mouvements de Pétrouchka<br />

Van Wyk, A Toccata from/uit Vier Klavierstukke<br />

Van Wyk, A Pastorale en Cappriccio<br />

Van Wyk, A Night Music/Nagmusiek (HAUM)<br />

List E/Lys E<br />

Own Choice/Eie Keuse<br />

Refer to the Basic Syllabus for the Performer’s Licentiate on page 10.<br />

Verwys na die Basiese Leerplan vir die Voordraerslisensiaat op bladsy 10.

Klavier/Piano<br />

48<br />



Four pieces: One from each of Section A, B, C <strong>and</strong> D<br />

• C<strong>and</strong>idates may not present works by the same composer in more than one<br />

section<br />

Vier stukke: Een uit elk van Afdeling A, B, C en D<br />

• K<strong>and</strong>idate mag nie werke van dieselfde komponis in meer as een afdeling<br />

aanbied nie<br />

Section A: Baroque Sonata<br />

• (If facilities allow, this section may also be performed on the harpsichord or organ)<br />

A complete sonata for any solo instrument <strong>and</strong> keyboard by one of the<br />

following composers:<br />

Afdeling A: Baroksonate<br />

• (Hierdie afdeling mag ook op die klavesimbel of orrel uitgevoer word, indien die<br />

fasiliteite beskikbaar is)<br />

‘n Volledige sonate vir enige solo-instrument en klawerbord deur een van<br />

die volgende komponiste:<br />

Bach JS, Corelli F, H<strong>and</strong>el GF, Marcello A, Telemann GP, Vivaldi A<br />

Section B: Concert Piece<br />

Afdeling B: Konsertstuk<br />

Bartók, B Rhapsody (cello/tjello)<br />

Bozza, E En forêt (French horn/Franse horing)<br />

Brahms, J Sonatansatz (violin/viool)<br />

Debussy, C Première rhapsodie (clarinet/klarinet)<br />

Dukas, P Villanelle (French horn/Franse horing)<br />

Fauré, G Elegie (cello/tjello)<br />

Martin, F Ballade (flute/fluit)<br />

Martinů, B Variations on a theme by Rossini (cello/tjello)<br />

Messiaen, O Variations (violin/viool)<br />

Ravel, M Tzigane (violin/viool)<br />

Section C: Sonata with string/wind instrument<br />

Afdeling C: Sonate met stryk-/blaasinstrument<br />

Beethoven, L van Cello Sonata in g, op. 5 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Violin Sonata in c, op. 30 no. 2<br />

Beethoven, L van Horn Sonata in F, op. 17<br />

Brahms, J Cello Sonata in F, op. 99

49<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

Brahms, J Clarinet Sonata in f, op. 120 no. 1<br />

Brahms, J Viola Sonata in Eb, op. 120 no. 2<br />

Brahms, J Violin Sonata in G, op. 78<br />

Debussy, C Cello Sonata<br />

Debussy, C Violin Sonata<br />

Fauré, G Violin Sonata in A<br />

Franck, C Violin Sonata in A<br />

Grieg, E Violin Sonata in c, op. 45<br />

Hindemith, P Sonata for trumpet <strong>and</strong> piano<br />

Hindemith, P Viola Sonata<br />

Martinů, B Flute Sonata<br />

Mozart, WA Violin Sonata in A (K526)<br />

Poulenc, F Clarinet Sonata<br />

Prokofiev/Prokofjef, S Sonata in D for flute <strong>and</strong> piano<br />

Ravel, M Violin Sonata<br />

Reinecke, C Flute Sonata (Undine)<br />

Schubert, F Sonata for violin <strong>and</strong> piano in A (Duo), op. 162<br />

Schubert, F Introduction <strong>and</strong> Variations on ‘Trockne Blumen’ for flute <strong>and</strong><br />

piano (D802)<br />

Shostakovitch/Sjostaskowitsj, D Cello Sonata<br />

Weber, CM von Gr<strong>and</strong> Duo for clarinet <strong>and</strong> piano<br />

Section D: Trio/Quartet/Quintet/Sextet<br />

Afdeling D: Trio/Kwartet/Kwintet/Sekstet<br />

Arensky, A Piano trio<br />

Beethoven, L van Piano trios<br />

Beethoven, L van Quintet for piano <strong>and</strong> winds<br />

Brahms, J Horn trio<br />

Brahms, J Clarinet trio<br />

Brahms, J Piano trios<br />

Brahms, J Piano quartet<br />

Brahms, J Piano quintet<br />

Chopin, F Piano trio<br />

Dvořák, A Piano trios<br />

Fauré, G Piano trio<br />

Fauré, G Piano quartets<br />

Fauré, G Piano quintets<br />

Martinů, B Sonata for flute, violin <strong>and</strong> piano<br />

Mendelssohn, F Piano trios<br />

Poulenc, F Trio for oboe, bassoon <strong>and</strong> piano<br />

Poulenc, F Sextet

Klavier / Piano<br />

50<br />

Ravel, M Piano trio in a<br />

Schubert, F Piano trios<br />

Schumann, R Piano trios<br />

Schumann, R Piano quartet<br />

Schumann, R Piano quintet<br />

Shostakovitch/Sjostaskowitsj, D Piano trios<br />

Shostakovitch/Sjostaskowitsj, D Piano quintet<br />



Section A<br />

Five art songs by five different composers, one selected from each of lists<br />

A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 en A.5<br />

Afdeling A<br />

Vyf kunsliedere deur vyf verskillende komponiste, een uit elk van lyste A.1,<br />

A.2, A.3, A.4 en A.5<br />

A.1<br />

Brahms, J Meine Liebe ist grün<br />

Brahms, J Von ewiger Liebe<br />

Duparc, H Chanson triste<br />

Duparc, H Le manoir de Rosemonde<br />

Fauré, G Fleur jetée<br />

Liszt, F Die drei Zigeuner<br />

Liszt, F Die Lorelei<br />

Mahler, G Antonius zur Predigt<br />

Mahler, G Wer hat das Liedlein erdacht?<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Spring Waters<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S Loneliness<br />

Schubert, F Die junge Nonne<br />

Strauss, R Heimliche Aufforderung<br />

Strauss, R Schlechtes Wetter<br />

Strauss, R Ständchen<br />

Wolf, H Abschied<br />

Wolf, H Er ist's<br />

Wolf, H Ich hab' in Penna<br />

Wolf, H Kennst du das L<strong>and</strong>

A.2<br />

Beethoven, L van Adelaïde<br />

Beethoven, L van Mit einem gemalten B<strong>and</strong><br />

Brahms, J Vergebliches Ständchen<br />

Debussy, C Claire de lune<br />

Debussy, C Il pleut dans mon coeur<br />

Debussy, C La mer est plus belle<br />

Duparc, H L'invitation au voyage<br />

Fauré, G Clair de lune<br />

Mozart, WA Als Luise die Briefe<br />

Rakhmaninov/Rachmaninof, S In the silent night<br />

Satie, E La diva de l'Empire<br />

Schubert, F Auf dem Wasser zu singen<br />

Schubert, F Gretchen am Spinnrade<br />

Schumann, R Die beiden Grenadiere<br />

Schumann, R Widmung<br />

Strauss, R Zueignung<br />

Vaughan Williams, R Silent noon<br />

Wolf, H Elfenlied<br />

Wolf, H Nimmersatte Liebe<br />

Wolf, H Verborgenheid<br />

51<br />

A.3<br />

Brahms, J Die Mainacht<br />

Brahms, J Wir w<strong>and</strong>elten<br />

Debussy, C C'est l'extase langoureuse<br />

Duparc, H Elégie<br />

Duparc, H Extase<br />

Poulenc, F C<br />

Poulenc, F Hôtel<br />

Strauss, R Allerseelen<br />

Strauss, R Befreit<br />

Strauss, R Morgen!<br />

Wolf, H Nachtzauber<br />

A.4<br />

Beethoven, L van Der Kuss<br />

Bizet, G Chanson d'Avril<br />

Brahms, J Der Gang zum Liebchen<br />

Fauré, G Notre amour<br />

Mozart, WA An Chloë<br />

Mozart, WA Das Veilchen<br />


Klavier/Piano<br />

Satie, E Je te veux<br />

Schubert, F Die Forelle<br />

Schubert, F Lachen und Weinen<br />

Schumann, R Erstes grün<br />

Wolf, H Mein Liebster ist so klein<br />

52<br />

A.5<br />

Beethoven, L van Ich liebe dich<br />

Beethoven, L van In questa tomba oscura<br />

Brahms, J Dein blaues Auge<br />

Brahms, J Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer<br />

Brahms, J O wüsst' ich doch den Weg zurück<br />

Brahms, J Sapphische Ode<br />

Fauré, G Après un rêve<br />

Hahn, R Si mes vers avaient des ailes<br />

Liszt, F O qu<strong>and</strong> je dors<br />

Mozart, WA Abendempfindung<br />

Reger, M Mariä Wiegenlied<br />

Satie, E Je te veux<br />

Schubert, F An die Musik<br />

Schubert, F Nacht und Träume<br />

Schubert, F Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt<br />

Schumann, R Die Lotosblume<br />

Schumann, R Mondnacht<br />

Strauss, R Die Nacht<br />

Wolf, H An eine Äolsharfe<br />

Wolf, H Das verlassene Mägdlein<br />

Wolf, H Heb' auf dein blondes Haupt<br />

Section B<br />

A song cycle by a composer other than those chosen in the previous<br />

selection<br />

• C<strong>and</strong>idates must prepare a complete song cycle. This section will consist of a<br />

maximum of 20 minutes of music. If a selection of material is necessary, this<br />

selection will be made by the examiners two hours before the commencement of<br />

the examination.<br />

Key to voice classification:<br />

SC, SL, SD Soprano (Coloratura, Lyric or Dramatic)<br />

M Mezzo (or Contralto)<br />

TD, TL Tenor (Dramatic or Lyric)<br />

B Baritone (or Bass)

53<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

Afdeling B<br />

'n Sangsiklus deur 'n komponis wat nie voorheen in die program opgeneem<br />

is nie<br />

• K<strong>and</strong>idate moet 'n volledige siklus voorberei. Die afdeling sal uit 'n maksimum van<br />

20 minute musiek bestaan. Indien 'n seleksie nodig is, sal dit ten minste twee uur<br />

voor die aanvang van die eksamen deur die eksaminatore gedoen word.<br />

Sleutel tot stemklassifikasie:<br />

SK, SL, SD Sopraan (Koloratuur, Liries of Dramaties)<br />

M Mezzo (of Kontralto)<br />

TD, TL Tenoor (Dramaties of Liries)<br />

B Bariton (of Bas)<br />

Barber, S Mélodies passagères [M/B]<br />

Beethoven, L van An die ferne Geliebte [T/B]<br />

Brahms, J Die schöne Magelone [T/B]<br />

Brahms, J Vier ernste Gesänge [M/C/B]<br />

Brahms, J Zigeunerlieder [S/M]<br />

De Falla, M 7 Canciones populares españolas [S/M]<br />

Debussy, C Proses lyriques [DL/SD]<br />

Du Plessis, H Die vrou [SD]<br />

Du Plessis, H Elizabeth Barrett Browning sonnets [SD]<br />

Du Plessis, H Five Invocations [TL]<br />

Dvořák, A Zigeunerlieder [S/M]<br />

Mahler, G Kindertotenlieder [M/B]<br />

Mahler, G Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen [M/B]<br />

Milhaud, D Chansons de Ronsard [SK]<br />

Montsalvatge, X 5 Canciones negras [S/M]<br />

Mussorgsky/Moessorgski, M The nursery [S/T]<br />

Poulenc, F Le bestiaire [M/B]<br />

Poulenc, F Fiançailles pour rire [S]<br />

Ravel, M Histoires naturelles [M/B]<br />

Schubert, F Die schöne Müllerin [T/B]<br />

Schubert, F Winterreise [T/B]<br />

Schumann, R Dichterliebe [T/B]<br />

Schumann, R Frauenliebe und Leben [S/M]<br />

Van Wyk, A Van liefde en verlatenheid [SD/M]<br />

Wagner, R Wesendonck Lieder [SD]

Klavier/Piano<br />

54<br />

Section C<br />

• Three arias by different composers other than those chosen in the<br />

previous selection, one selected from each of lists C.1, C.2 <strong>and</strong> C.3 plus<br />

• One aria with vocal line <strong>and</strong> orchestral accompaniment, from list C.4<br />

Afdeling C<br />

• Drie arias deur verskillende komponiste wat nie voorheen in die program<br />

opgeneem is nie, een uit elk van lyste C.1, C.2 en C.3 plus<br />

• Een aria met vokale lyn en orkesbegeleiding, uit lys C.4<br />

C.1 Oratorio/Cantata<br />

Oratorium/Kantate<br />

Bach, JS Recit, Ich habe genug & Recit, Mein Gott & Aria, Ich freue mich<br />

(Cantate 82) [B]<br />

Bach, JS Recit, Ja! freilich will in uns das<br />

Bach, JS Fleisch und Blut & Aria, Komm, süssen Kreuz (Matthauspassion)<br />

[B]<br />

Bach, JS Recit, Der Art verruchter Sünden & Aria, Wer Sünde thut<br />

(Kantate 54) [M/K]<br />

Debussy, C Recit & Aria, de Lia L’anneé en vain chasse l'anneé (L’enfant<br />

prodigue) [S]<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Recit, Deeper, <strong>and</strong> deeper still & Aria, Waft her, angels<br />

(Jephta) [T]<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Recit, Comfort ye, my people & Aria, Every valley (Messiah)<br />

[T]<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Recit, Behold, I tell you a mystery & Aria, The trumpet shall<br />

sound (Messiah) [B]<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el, GF Recit nos 14, 15 & 16 & Aria, Rejoice greatly (Messiah;<br />

Novello) [S]<br />

Haydn, FJ Recit, Und Gott sprach: es bringe das Wasser & Aria, Mit<br />

starkem Fittige (Der Schöpfung) [S]<br />

Haydn, FJ Recit, Und Gott sprach: es sammle sich & Aria, Rollend in<br />

schäumenden Wellen (Der Schöpfung) [B]<br />

Mendelssohn, F Hear ye, Israel (Elijah) [S]<br />

C.2 Opera (without recitative)<br />

Opera (sonder resitatief)<br />

Mozart, WA Ach, ich fühl's (Pamina: Die Zauberflöte) [S]<br />

Mozart, WA Non so più (Cherubino: Le nozze di Figaro) [M/S]<br />

Mozart, WA Hai gia vinta la causa (Count: Le nozze di Figaro) [B]<br />

Mozart, WA Porgi amor (Countess: Le nozze di Figaro) [S]<br />

Mozart, WA Il mio tesoro intanto (Ottavio: Don Giovanni) [T]

Mozart, WA Mi tradi (Elvira: Don Giovanni) [S]<br />

Mozart, WA Batti, batti (Zerlina: Don Giovanni) [S]<br />

Rossini, GA Largo al factotum (Figaro: Il barbiere di Siviglia) [B]<br />

Rossini, GA Una voce poco fa (Rosina: Il barbiere di Siviglia) [M]<br />

Rossini, GA Ecco ridente (Rosina: Il barbiere di Siviglia) [T]<br />

C.3 Opera<br />

55<br />

Klavier/Piano<br />

Bizet, G Votre toast (Escamillo: Carmen) [B]<br />

Bizet, G Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante (Micaela: Carmen) [S]<br />

Gounod, CF O Dieu, que de bijoux (Marguerite: Faust) [S]<br />

Gounod, CF Avant de quiter ces lieux (Valentin: Faust) [B]<br />

Gounod, CF Salut! demeure chaste et pure (Faust: Faust) [T]<br />

Leoncavallo, R Qual fiamma (Nedda: I Pagliacci) [S]<br />

Massenet, J Werther!... Werther!.. (Charlotte: Werther) [M]<br />

Massenet, J O nature, pleine de grâce (Werther: Werther) [T]<br />

Puccini, G E lucevan le stelle (Cavaradossi: Tosca) [T]<br />

Puccini, G Sola, perduta, abb<strong>and</strong>onata (Manon: Manon Lescaut) [S]<br />

Saint-Saëns, C Mon coeur s'ouvre (Dalila: Samson et Dalila) [M]<br />

Saint-Saëns, C Où va la jeune Hondoue (Lakmé: Lakmé) [S]<br />

Strauss, R Es gibt ein Reich (Ariadne: Ariadne auf Naxos) [S]<br />

Strauss, R Die Musik (Komponist: Ariadne auf Naxos) [M]<br />

Strauss, R Grossmächtige Prinzessin (Zerbinetta: Ariadne auf Naxos) [M]<br />

Strauss, R Nach mir wird Einer kommen (Jochanaan: Salome) [B]<br />

Strauss, R Wo ist Salome? (Herod: Salome) [T]<br />

Verdi, G Sempre libera (Violetta: La traviata) [S]<br />

Verdi, G Madre, pietosa Vergine (Leonora: La forza del destino) [S]<br />

Verdi, G Questa o quella (Count: Rigoletto) [T]<br />

Verdi, G O don fatale (Eboli: Don Carlos) [M]<br />

Wagner, R Wahn, Wahn! (Sachs: Die Meistersinger) [B]<br />

Wagner, R Johohoe! Johohoe! (Senta: Der fliegende Holländer) [S]<br />

Wagner, R Morgenlich leuchtend (Walther: Die Meistersinger) [T]<br />

C.4 One aria with vocal line <strong>and</strong> orchestral accompaniment<br />

(In this section the c<strong>and</strong>idate will be required to play an aria chosen<br />

from Section C.2, without a singer, in a version devised by himself,<br />

with the vocal line incorporated into the orchestral accompaniment.<br />

C.4 Een aria met vokale lyn en orkesbegeleiding<br />

(In hierdie afdeling moet die k<strong>and</strong>idaat 'n aria uit Afdeling C.2 speel,<br />

sonder 'n sanger, as 'n eie verwerking, waarvan die vokale lyn by die<br />

orkesbegeleiding geïnkorporeer is.)

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