Kurtz News 31 - the kurtz ersa Corporation
Kurtz News 31 - the kurtz ersa Corporation
Kurtz News 31 - the kurtz ersa Corporation
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July 2007<br />
More efficiency... page 7<br />
MBW with new bending cell<br />
...<strong>News</strong><br />
On <strong>the</strong> way to service excellence<br />
New business segment <strong>Kurtz</strong> SERVICES launched. . . page 3<br />
Added value... page 15<br />
ERSA HOTFLOW systems optimise process costs<br />
More ease of maintenance... page 22<br />
New fill injectors for shape moulding machines<br />
The customer and employee journal<br />
<strong>31</strong>. Edition | 16th Year<br />
www.<strong>kurtz</strong>.info<br />
www.<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
Managing board of<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Holding GmbH & Co:<br />
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer <strong>Kurtz</strong>, CEO;<br />
Dipl.-Kfm. Bernhard <strong>Kurtz</strong>;<br />
Dipl.-Ing. Walter <strong>Kurtz</strong>;<br />
Dr. Ing. Rolf Hallstein and<br />
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Rosenthal<br />
Original and product counterfeiting<br />
Piracy has fascinated, excited and<br />
scared people for centuries, as clearly<br />
demonstrated in recent times by <strong>the</strong><br />
attendance figures for <strong>the</strong> “Pirates of <strong>the</strong><br />
Caribbean” films. A completely different<br />
form of piracy is product or brand piracy.<br />
Many original manufacturers of popular<br />
brands have to live with <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
products, <strong>the</strong>ir intellectual property or<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir good name in <strong>the</strong> market are used<br />
by o<strong>the</strong>rs, usually resulting in detriment<br />
for <strong>the</strong>se manufacturers.<br />
The German association of plant and<br />
machinery manufacturers has started an<br />
initiative, to help clarify in <strong>the</strong> world-wide<br />
market that such behaviour benefits<br />
no-one but <strong>the</strong> dubious imitators, while<br />
causing long-term damage to all o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />
KURTZ and ERSA support a campaign<br />
against product piracy and counterfeiting.<br />
involved in <strong>the</strong> market. We support<br />
this initiative, as we ourselves enjoy a<br />
good reputation in <strong>the</strong> world market for<br />
innovation, reliability, high quality and<br />
flexibility, with our products and our<br />
brands “KURTZ” and “ERSA”.<br />
We will continue to strive single-mindedly<br />
to ensure that our customers keep this<br />
good impression of us. Our development<br />
activities increase from year to year and<br />
we also continue to serve our customers<br />
by constantly increasing <strong>the</strong> speed of<br />
implementation.<br />
However, <strong>the</strong> best weapon against<br />
those who seek to copy our technology<br />
is speed. If a copy of one of our products<br />
appears on <strong>the</strong> market, we have to be<br />
able to already offer our customers a<br />
subsequent product with even better<br />
performance and even higher reliability.<br />
With constantly increasing sales figures,<br />
our customers <strong>the</strong>mselves confirm to<br />
us that <strong>the</strong>y understand that constant<br />
development and improvement of<br />
this kind only functions effectively in<br />
cooperation between <strong>the</strong> customer and<br />
<strong>the</strong> original equipment manufacturer.<br />
We are very grateful to <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
continued support.<br />
We wish our customers and employees<br />
an excellent holiday period.<br />
You may even be reading “<strong>Kurtz</strong> <strong>News</strong>“ on<br />
<strong>the</strong> beach or <strong>the</strong> plane; if so we hope we<br />
can help you to feel that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group<br />
is doing everything possible to give you<br />
peace of mind on your holidays.<br />
Good luck<br />
By Jörg Roggensack<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> on <strong>the</strong> way to service<br />
excellence<br />
New business segment launched<br />
More than 100 years of consultancy,<br />
development, construction and commissioning<br />
of machines and systems<br />
mean valuable experience. In addition,<br />
<strong>the</strong>re are more than 225 years of<br />
experience in <strong>the</strong> production of cast<br />
parts and semi-finished products. It is<br />
precisely this extensive know-how which<br />
distinguishes our services.<br />
The permanent growth in demands in<br />
recent years as regards efficiency and<br />
maximum system availability have caused<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> management to establish <strong>the</strong><br />
„Corporate Centre Services“ in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong><br />
Group. Declared objective: making our<br />
customers world-wide more successful<br />
taking <strong>the</strong> Total Cost of Ownership<br />
approach (TCO) into account.<br />
The overall services of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group<br />
have been put toge<strong>the</strong>r under <strong>the</strong> „<strong>Kurtz</strong><br />
SERVICES“ name for <strong>the</strong> KURTZ and<br />
ERSA trademarks.<br />
Engineering<br />
Complete plant planning<br />
Technology support<br />
Process optimisation<br />
Know-how Transfer<br />
Start-up support<br />
Fur<strong>the</strong>r training<br />
Know-how seminars<br />
Total Maintenance Quality<br />
Inspection and repair service<br />
Spare part supply<br />
Helpdesk<br />
Used Machines and Assembly<br />
Rebuilding of used machines<br />
Retrofit of used machines<br />
Trade with rebuilt used machines<br />
Innovation<br />
Process development<br />
Product development<br />
Based on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group’s vision also with <strong>Kurtz</strong><br />
SERVICES it is our aim to optimise <strong>the</strong> quality,<br />
costs and delivery service in your production<br />
processes. In this way, we provide our partners with<br />
our knowledge in order to achieve <strong>the</strong>ir production<br />
objectives. Only maximum system availability from<br />
<strong>the</strong> outset can secure <strong>the</strong> decisive competitive<br />
advantage in a fiercely combated market.<br />
An essential module for <strong>the</strong> implementation of our<br />
excellence idea is receiving permanent feedback.<br />
This is why <strong>the</strong> satisfaction of our customers has<br />
been inquired after every service deployment since<br />
June, in order to be able to improve our services<br />
continuously.<br />
2 3
84<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Group with new business segments<br />
By Thomas Mühleck<br />
Variety is our strength is one slogan in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group. This<br />
variety can be seen in <strong>the</strong> individual enterprises, in <strong>the</strong>ir various<br />
products and process technologies and, for example, in various<br />
markets and customer segments.<br />
The thing common to all <strong>the</strong>se areas is <strong>the</strong> permanent strive for<br />
innovations to optimise quality, costs and delivery service in <strong>the</strong><br />
customers‘ manufacturing processes.<br />
So that <strong>the</strong>se manufacturing processes can be portrayed even<br />
better and more clearly in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> matrix organisation, <strong>the</strong><br />
business areas have been newly segmented in <strong>the</strong> appearance<br />
to <strong>the</strong> outside and structured as so-called business segments<br />
with text/image trade marks:<br />
By Stephan Gesuato<br />
EP-Technology Engineering, founded last<br />
year in Tunis, is on an expansion course.<br />
The young businessman Yousef Faraji<br />
decided to put <strong>the</strong> knowledge he had<br />
acquired in Germany concerning service<br />
and sale of electronic products into consistent<br />
use in his home country. Objective:<br />
Representing German companies in <strong>the</strong><br />
North African economic area.<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group makes use of <strong>the</strong><br />
opportunity to accompany EP-Technology<br />
Engineering along its path from <strong>the</strong> outset<br />
and to entrust its companies’ business<br />
section of machine building to Mr. Yousef<br />
Faraji in <strong>the</strong> form of a representation.<br />
This results in interesting synergetic effects:<br />
For example, manufacturers of electronic<br />
products need not only soldering systems,<br />
but also packaging for <strong>the</strong>ir finished<br />
products. EP-Technology Engineering can<br />
now offer both to our customers. Naturally,<br />
Clearly arranged and defined<br />
Image brochure of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> PLASTICS = particle foam processing machines<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> ELECTRONICS = soldering and inspection technology<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> METALS = sheet metal technology, cast products,<br />
foundry machines and mechanical processing<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> SERVICES = services to do with all our products<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> SERVICES business segment is brand new. With it,<br />
we want to make clear to <strong>the</strong> outside that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group would<br />
like to increase customer satisfaction and offer <strong>the</strong> partners<br />
additional services with <strong>the</strong> help of service excellence. The new<br />
business segments can be seen for <strong>the</strong> first time in <strong>the</strong> new <strong>Kurtz</strong><br />
Group image brochures. Over and above this, <strong>the</strong>y will naturally<br />
be communicated on our business printed matter, brochures and<br />
at our appearances at trade fairs.<br />
New representation in North Africa<br />
KURTZ and ERSA intensify <strong>the</strong>ir presence in Africa<br />
it is not our task to motivate electronics<br />
manufacturers also to produce packaging<br />
in <strong>the</strong>ir own companies. However, <strong>the</strong><br />
situation in this region which is still<br />
economically underdeveloped is different<br />
from that on our standard markets. Many<br />
manufacturers of electronic products and<br />
household appliances already have <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
own particle foam moulding operations.<br />
In <strong>the</strong> meantime, EP-Technology has<br />
opened offices in Cairo, Algiers and<br />
Casablanca, making support of our<br />
customers all over North Africa possible.<br />
We welcome our new partner and look<br />
forward to a pleasant cooperation.<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Group continues to grow<br />
From insolvency to a successful<br />
member of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group:<br />
The former TEKON GmbH<br />
became KURTZ Fertigungstechnik<br />
GmbH & Co. KG<br />
Take-over of <strong>the</strong> business operations of<br />
TEKON Mark<strong>the</strong>idenfeld<br />
By Markus Rosenthal<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group has a new member:<br />
in April <strong>the</strong> business of <strong>the</strong> TEKON<br />
subcontractors from Mark<strong>the</strong>idenfeld,<br />
which had become insolvent, was<br />
taken over and maintained with all<br />
<strong>the</strong> employees. The new company<br />
bears <strong>the</strong> business name of KURTZ<br />
Fertigungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG.<br />
The main motivation for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group<br />
starting series machining is <strong>the</strong> increasing<br />
demand of foundry customers for delivery<br />
of ready-to-fit parts. Up to now, <strong>the</strong> KURTZ<br />
foundries (grey cast iron/nodular cast iron,<br />
aluminium casting, non-ferrous casting)<br />
have had <strong>the</strong> necessary machining<br />
services done almost exclusively by<br />
corresponding subcontractors. With<br />
KURTZ Fertigungstechnik (KFT), <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Group can now not only participate<br />
in <strong>the</strong> added value of <strong>the</strong> machining<br />
services to an increased extent, but also<br />
organise handling and logistic processes<br />
more efficiently.<br />
Consistently, <strong>the</strong> extension of turnover<br />
necessary for KFT will <strong>the</strong>refore be<br />
brought about in a first step by an increase<br />
of <strong>the</strong> processing volume for <strong>the</strong> three<br />
KURTZ foundries.<br />
In addition to <strong>the</strong> in-group activities,<br />
<strong>the</strong> business relationships to outside<br />
customers, for example Linde<br />
Materialhandling and BOSCH-Rexroth,<br />
are to be streng<strong>the</strong>ned and increased.<br />
Measured against <strong>the</strong> current turnover<br />
volume, <strong>the</strong> decision for KFT was a „small“<br />
one. But with a view to <strong>the</strong> plans and chances<br />
connected with KFT for <strong>the</strong> future, it was<br />
an important decision for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> METALS<br />
business segment and, consequently, for<br />
<strong>the</strong> entire <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group as well.<br />
6<br />
Flow production<br />
starts at ERSA<br />
By Dr. Helmut Diehm<br />
Already one year ago, we reported on our<br />
cooperation with Porsche Consulting and<br />
<strong>the</strong> subject of „waste-free enterprise“ in<br />
our group of companies. In <strong>the</strong> meantime<br />
we implemented <strong>the</strong> specially trained HIP<br />
Project Management Organisation of <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Group.<br />
For <strong>the</strong> ERSA Machines business<br />
division, we decided on attacking <strong>the</strong><br />
change of <strong>the</strong> production system itself.<br />
With <strong>the</strong> help of <strong>the</strong> HIP coaches for <strong>the</strong><br />
project management, <strong>the</strong> project was<br />
prepared and initiated.<br />
To start with, assistance was given in <strong>the</strong><br />
conceptual preparation and in workshops.<br />
Until a stable process will have been<br />
achieved, <strong>the</strong> complete flow production,<br />
with its particular requirements regarding<br />
logistics, will be continuously supervised<br />
and supported with instructions.<br />
In early May, <strong>the</strong> „conveyor belt“ for a<br />
synchronised and capacity-smoo<strong>the</strong>d<br />
assembly started in machine production,<br />
Now, highly complex machines are<br />
assembled in eight equal cycles.<br />
New flow production:<br />
Since May reflow soldering<br />
machines are manufactured in<br />
synchronised production at ERSA<br />
Zero defects culture<br />
This cycle currently amounts to four<br />
hours. To make this possible, interfaces<br />
for components, pre-assemblies and<br />
<strong>the</strong> basic machine itself were analysed<br />
and some of <strong>the</strong>m even redefined.<br />
Standardisation of <strong>the</strong> working steps<br />
already led to continuous improvement in<br />
<strong>the</strong> individual work stations.<br />
Likewise, a start has been made of<br />
completely reorganising <strong>the</strong> logistics<br />
process, which already has its effect with<br />
reductions in stocks. This applies to both<br />
<strong>the</strong> specifically machine-related parts and<br />
also to <strong>the</strong> so-called bulk goods. To avoid<br />
over-production, <strong>the</strong> “demand pull” system<br />
is now in mandatory use, instead of filling<br />
components assembly as well as pre- and<br />
final assembly with “push” stocks.<br />
As early as <strong>the</strong> start of <strong>the</strong> project, it<br />
became clear what <strong>the</strong> new zero defects<br />
culture means for all areas. Errors can<br />
no longer be „covered up“. Immediately,<br />
<strong>the</strong> „status lights“ turn to amber or, in<br />
an extreme case, to red. Never in <strong>the</strong><br />
past has remedying <strong>the</strong>m been done<br />
as consistently and as quickly as now.<br />
Thanks to continuous flow processes,<br />
<strong>the</strong> real problems are clearly shown.<br />
In <strong>the</strong> traditional way of thinking a<br />
standstill of <strong>the</strong> own production (status<br />
light is red) appears like a catastrophe.<br />
But this is an essential and „deliberate“<br />
effect of <strong>the</strong> „one-piece flow“. Everyone<br />
is affected and everyone and every<br />
hierarchic level is forced to solve<br />
<strong>the</strong> problem. Prevention is given <strong>the</strong><br />
necessary importance.<br />
A change has rarely been taken over by<br />
<strong>the</strong> employees directly affected by it with<br />
so much acceptance.<br />
Our broad network of business<br />
partners and suppliers will increasingly<br />
be affected. Our demands on <strong>the</strong><br />
suppliers will increase with respect to<br />
organisation and quality. We want our<br />
increasing excellence standard also to<br />
be accompanied by permanently rising<br />
standards with our business partners.<br />
We will be pleased to help our partners<br />
in this regard. It is a question of a wellfounded<br />
partnership and joint growth for<br />
mutual, long-term benefit.<br />
Non-stop operation:<br />
Robot system operates <strong>the</strong><br />
new bending press at MBW<br />
By Alexander Schmidt<br />
As early as 2005, MBW Metallbearbeitung<br />
Wer<strong>the</strong>im GmbH took a decisive step in<br />
<strong>the</strong> direction of securing <strong>the</strong> future and<br />
<strong>the</strong> location with its new building. In <strong>the</strong><br />
same year, also <strong>the</strong> automation of sheet<br />
metal production was started. As a result<br />
of <strong>the</strong> new investment in a punching<br />
machine, which is connected to a fully<br />
automatic sheet metal warehouse, orders<br />
can be handled with high efficiency. A<br />
third man-free shift became possible for<br />
<strong>the</strong> first time. Last year, a new 5 kW laser<br />
was also connected to this sheet metal<br />
warehouse. Larger throughput numbers<br />
in material cutting are now facilitated<br />
more quickly and more favourably. As a<br />
logical consequence under <strong>the</strong> aspect of<br />
<strong>the</strong> technological lead according to <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Vision, automation in <strong>the</strong> area of<br />
bending followed with <strong>the</strong> investment into<br />
a so-called bending cell.<br />
A bending cell is <strong>the</strong> combination of a con-<br />
MBW with new bending cell<br />
Automation guarantees<br />
even more process reliability<br />
ventional chamfering press with a robot.<br />
In <strong>the</strong> case of MBW it covers a maximum<br />
chamfering length of up to 4 m. The use of<br />
vacuum grippers and optional mechanical<br />
grippers for small parts allows a high<br />
spectrum of parts. The tool clamp, which<br />
is 4 m in length, makes it possible to bend<br />
even complex parts in one processing<br />
sequence without a change of tools. The<br />
maximum weight of <strong>the</strong> parts is 40 kg.<br />
Unlike <strong>the</strong> problems in conventional,<br />
manual bending, where even <strong>the</strong> best<br />
machine operator fatigues after hours of<br />
bending identical parts and runs <strong>the</strong> risk<br />
of jamming parts, <strong>the</strong> robot works without<br />
breaks and with high precision. The<br />
process reliability is increased.<br />
A sheet metal sensor integrated into<br />
<strong>the</strong> gripper arm ensures recognition of<br />
<strong>the</strong> pile of sheet metal and <strong>the</strong> correct<br />
collection of <strong>the</strong> part to be bent. In <strong>the</strong><br />
actual bending process, <strong>the</strong> bending<br />
angle sensors automatically ensure<br />
regulation of <strong>the</strong> angle to <strong>the</strong> required<br />
nominal figure. Each angle is correct at<br />
<strong>the</strong> first attempt. Complicated running-in<br />
phases of bending programmes with <strong>the</strong><br />
necessary trial parts are now a thing of<br />
<strong>the</strong> past. The change of <strong>the</strong> resilience<br />
angle as a result of differing materials and<br />
material properties is independently and<br />
automatically attended to by <strong>the</strong> system.<br />
Economic production is possible from a<br />
batch size of 30, sometimes even less,<br />
if <strong>the</strong> necessary programmes „only“ have<br />
to be loaded for recurring parts.<br />
In addition to <strong>the</strong> benefits already<br />
mentioned, <strong>the</strong>re is also <strong>the</strong> flexibility<br />
of <strong>the</strong> system, under <strong>the</strong> aspect that<br />
<strong>the</strong> bending cell can also be operated<br />
manually at any time. For this purpose,<br />
<strong>the</strong> robot moves to a parking position<br />
outside <strong>the</strong> actual working area.<br />
88<br />
New highlight in large part processing<br />
For large dimension:<br />
Machining at KURTZ<br />
GmbH with new<br />
Heyligenstaedt centre<br />
CNC machining centre Heynumill Ecoflex VD<br />
Set-up parallel to operation, 40 m fast motion in all axes<br />
and table coupling facilitate maximum productivity and flexibility.<br />
By Stefan Dressler<br />
After one year of planning <strong>the</strong><br />
Heyligenstaedt project in mechanical<br />
processing has started with KURTZ in<br />
Wiebelbach. To do justice to <strong>the</strong> permanent<br />
growth in technical requirements<br />
and to extend our possibilities of<br />
production and, at <strong>the</strong> same time, our<br />
range of services, KURTZ has replaced<br />
<strong>the</strong> processing centre in use up to<br />
now by a new 4-axes machine from<br />
Heyligenstaedt.<br />
This high-precision machining centre<br />
with linear drive provides a maximum<br />
degree of stability, precision and output,<br />
which we have only known up to now<br />
from our small Seramill machines. What<br />
is also new is a larger work table, larger<br />
movement distances, an extended<br />
working height and <strong>the</strong> doubling of <strong>the</strong><br />
output of <strong>the</strong> drive motor.<br />
Technical Data<br />
Two selectable working areas result<br />
in new dimensions being open for<br />
processing. Two single tables with <strong>the</strong><br />
dimensions of 4,000 x 2,500 mm can be<br />
put into <strong>the</strong> encapsulated working area,<br />
<strong>the</strong> movement distance in <strong>the</strong> longitudinal<br />
axis now amounts to 5,000 mm.<br />
A fur<strong>the</strong>r possibility of processing is<br />
<strong>the</strong> coupling of <strong>the</strong> processing tables.<br />
Now, both clamping surfaces can<br />
simultaneously cover a movement<br />
distance of 10,500 mm in processing.<br />
All <strong>the</strong> axes of <strong>the</strong> Heynumill Ecoflex can<br />
accelerate to 40 m/min within a very short<br />
period in feeding and fast movement,<br />
which results in a tremendous reduction<br />
of <strong>the</strong> passage times. The vapours<br />
and emulsion mists created during <strong>the</strong><br />
processing are filtered and cleaned by<br />
a vapour suction system. New milling<br />
strategies will be possible as a result of<br />
<strong>the</strong> available output on <strong>the</strong> main spindle<br />
motor of 42 kW, likewise on <strong>the</strong> individual<br />
facing heads.<br />
The Heynumill Ecoflex is currently fitted<br />
with a straight facing head, a angle milling<br />
head and also with a univ<strong>ersa</strong>l pivoting<br />
facing head. Thanks to <strong>the</strong> selection<br />
of <strong>the</strong> individual modules, processing in<br />
various angle positions is guaranteed.<br />
Thanks to a 144 stepped Hirth coupling in<br />
<strong>the</strong> slide of <strong>the</strong> Z axis, <strong>the</strong> various facing<br />
heads can be positioned precisely within<br />
Solidification behaviour of <strong>the</strong> casting can be simulated<br />
realistically already prior to <strong>the</strong> production start<br />
Simulation programme<br />
for optimum production<br />
Benefits for foundry customers<br />
By Peter Hansch<br />
In <strong>the</strong> iron and aluminium foundries in Hasloch and Wiebelbach,<br />
<strong>the</strong> ProCast simulation programme of <strong>the</strong> French<br />
software manufacturer ESI Group was implemented recently.<br />
Now our engineers and technicians work with <strong>the</strong> following<br />
modules:<br />
filling simulation in low-pressure casting and flow analysis<br />
via particle tracking<br />
solidification simulation in low-pressure casting with<br />
porosity analysis<br />
tension simulation (casting deformation)<br />
microstructure module<br />
sand-casting module for iron and aluminium materials<br />
a very short time. In this way, 1200 Nm<br />
of machining forces can be implemented<br />
on <strong>the</strong> tool.<br />
Linear tool shelves can administer a total<br />
of 144 tools. With a tool robot, which<br />
achieves a speed of 40 m/min, tools can<br />
be inserted and removed parallel to <strong>the</strong><br />
production time, which results in a drastic<br />
reduction of <strong>the</strong> refitting times.<br />
A Renishaw 3-D measurement sensor<br />
supports <strong>the</strong> user in his work. Work pieces<br />
on <strong>the</strong> Heynumill Ecoflex can be<br />
determined as regards <strong>the</strong>ir position and<br />
also set. Close-to-production quality assurance<br />
by measures preventing errors<br />
also supports <strong>the</strong> tool measurement by<br />
Renishaw.<br />
The machining centre is equipped with<br />
digital drive technique. All tools are defined<br />
and dimensioned beforehand. After<br />
this, <strong>the</strong>y are transferred to <strong>the</strong> „Tool Data<br />
Management“ software.<br />
Processing programmes are produced<br />
and administered on workplaces with<br />
<strong>the</strong> help of programming systems. With<br />
data remote transmission systems, processing<br />
programmes and technology<br />
data of <strong>the</strong> tools can be obtained directly<br />
at <strong>the</strong> workplace.<br />
Heyligenstaedt has provided our machining<br />
centre with a remote diagnosis system.<br />
As a result of this remote system,<br />
any alarm reports which occur can be<br />
evaluated and remedied quickly.<br />
With <strong>the</strong> help of <strong>the</strong>se configurations,<br />
we at KURTZ see ourselves in a position<br />
to produce even <strong>the</strong> most demanding<br />
technical elements of our machine components<br />
and customers with maximum<br />
precision.<br />
This results in various application possibilities and benefits for<br />
our customers. For example a reduction of development times<br />
with a quicker market launch of new products.<br />
There is an improved die quality by possible changes of, for<br />
example, gating and cooling, which – if required - can be<br />
simulated on <strong>the</strong> screen in advance.<br />
This results in a better die filling, a reduction of porosities, an<br />
optimisation of <strong>the</strong> die venting and of <strong>the</strong> casting parameters<br />
(pressure and filling curve) with fur<strong>the</strong>r positive effects.<br />
Additionally, an early analysis of possible casting deformations<br />
can be generated. The reduction of circuit material connected<br />
with this optimises <strong>the</strong> production process.<br />
10<br />
By Peter Hansch<br />
The demand for cast parts, in particular<br />
with high piece weights, continues to be<br />
very high. In accordance with <strong>the</strong> vision<br />
of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group, optimal delivery service<br />
receives priority toge<strong>the</strong>r with quality<br />
and costs. This is why <strong>the</strong>re has been<br />
three-shift finishing in <strong>the</strong> iron foundry of<br />
KURTZ GmbH in Hasloch since <strong>the</strong> beginning<br />
of <strong>the</strong> year.<br />
As a result of <strong>the</strong> restart of operation of<br />
<strong>the</strong> overhauled 20 ton sand mixer, bottlenecks<br />
in casting with smaller piece<br />
weights have been remedied and production<br />
is now possible at even more favourable<br />
costs.<br />
The target increase in productivity, after<br />
30% last year, is now a fur<strong>the</strong>r 20% this<br />
year. To keep in step with <strong>the</strong> increased<br />
Synergies lead to more efficiency<br />
in <strong>the</strong> KURTZ foundries<br />
By Peter Hansch<br />
New coating plant<br />
in Hasloch<br />
Increased environmental<br />
protection and flexibility<br />
In readiness for <strong>the</strong> implementation of<br />
<strong>the</strong> new EU Directive on VOC solvents<br />
by July <strong>31</strong>, already now <strong>the</strong> coating<br />
system at <strong>the</strong> Hasloch foundry has been<br />
modified from solvent-based primers to<br />
water-soluble primers, low in solvents.<br />
The new plant allows changing<br />
between four different colours including<br />
hardeners, simply at <strong>the</strong> flick of a switch.<br />
The mixing ratio is constantly monitored<br />
and recorded. All paint work can be<br />
Increase in productivity<br />
in iron foundry<br />
turnovers with regard to administration,<br />
a restructuring has been carried out in<br />
sales. The areas of aluminium and iron<br />
foundry have been put toge<strong>the</strong>r to form<br />
one department, in order to combine<br />
adjusted to suit individual customers<br />
without any error. The new system<br />
also ensures that <strong>the</strong> optimum blend of<br />
coating, correctly tempered, is applied<br />
and that colours do not have to be mixed<br />
as frequently, or additional quantities<br />
prepared – which saves both time and<br />
money. A small additional plant offers <strong>the</strong><br />
option of processing all o<strong>the</strong>r varnishes<br />
and coatings flexibly and according to<br />
individual customers’ specifications,<br />
down to <strong>the</strong> smallest quantities.<br />
existing synergetic effects, to master<br />
<strong>the</strong> complexity and to do justice to <strong>the</strong><br />
increasing demands of <strong>the</strong> customers<br />
in communication, material consultancy<br />
and handling.<br />
Sand castles, mud cakes and engine blocks<br />
By Lothar Hartmann<br />
Moulding with sand – more than just “a day at <strong>the</strong> beach”<br />
HONSEL in Meschede, Germany is<br />
setting new standards in <strong>the</strong> production<br />
of engine blocks. For <strong>the</strong> AMG V8,<br />
nei<strong>the</strong>r a hypereutectic alloy is used nor<br />
are cylinder liners cast in or subsequently<br />
inserted.<br />
Instead, <strong>the</strong> so-called LDS method<br />
(LDS: German abbreviation for electric<br />
arc wire spraying) is used. This process<br />
requires a low-pore and fine structure<br />
in <strong>the</strong> running surfaces. First, <strong>the</strong> preprocessed<br />
cast surface of <strong>the</strong> cylinder<br />
liners is roughened with a high-pressure<br />
water jet and subsequently <strong>the</strong> wear<br />
and tear coating of <strong>the</strong> cylinder liners is<br />
applied with <strong>the</strong> light arc.<br />
To achieve <strong>the</strong> high mechanical<br />
properties required of this casting, in<br />
particular of <strong>the</strong> cylinder liners, HONSEL<br />
decided in favour of <strong>the</strong> low-pressure<br />
sand casting process.<br />
Is <strong>the</strong> task to achieve substantial casting<br />
quality requirements in non-permanent<br />
sand moulds at a throughput of 25,000<br />
units per year a contradiction? Not in <strong>the</strong><br />
least! The low-pressure casting method<br />
has long since proven its worth in <strong>the</strong><br />
casting of engine blocks as a result of<br />
<strong>the</strong> high quality casting results. So far,<br />
however, most engine blocks for series<br />
production were cast in low-pressure<br />
permanent mould. HONSEL has broken<br />
new ground with <strong>the</strong> low-pressure<br />
casting in non-permanent sand moulds.<br />
Never<strong>the</strong>less, throughput, profitability<br />
and quality are comparable regarding <strong>the</strong><br />
two processes.<br />
Most likely <strong>the</strong> greatest advantage of<br />
sand mould casting is <strong>the</strong> freedom that<br />
mould designers are experiencing. Unlike<br />
casting with dies, sand moulding does not<br />
involve mould „undercutting“ problems. In<br />
addition to <strong>the</strong> numerous special features<br />
LDS process in <strong>the</strong> production<br />
of engine blocks for AMG<br />
included with KURTZ low-pressure casting<br />
systems, <strong>the</strong>re is a dual furnace<br />
system consisting of two 1,000 kg furnaces.<br />
One of <strong>the</strong> furnaces can be prepared<br />
while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r is in <strong>the</strong> casting position.<br />
The furnace exchange is completed<br />
without any loss of cycle time, thus maximizing<br />
<strong>the</strong> up-time of <strong>the</strong> system.<br />
Of course, with such quantities,<br />
automatic insertion and removal of <strong>the</strong><br />
sand moulds is an absolute necessity.<br />
Based on additional machine features,<br />
most importantly <strong>the</strong> low-pressure<br />
control system (nicknamed <strong>the</strong> „heart of<br />
KURTZ“) and <strong>the</strong> close cooperation with<br />
HONSEL, this project has proven to be a<br />
great success.<br />
Our conclusion: sand is not only suitable<br />
for making castles at <strong>the</strong> beach, but<br />
also as a mould material for high-power<br />
engines with more than 500 HP.<br />
12<br />
Fascination of bees<br />
Andreas Hillbrand from KURTZ Altaussee about bastard bees and honey<br />
For 13 years now, I have been bee-keeping<br />
as a hobby and currently look after around 15<br />
colonies of bees on a stand in <strong>the</strong> Ausseerland<br />
district of Austria. Bee-keeping for me is a hobby<br />
with a great benefit, as around 84 per cent of<br />
our indigenous flowering plants depend on<br />
pollination by bees. Without <strong>the</strong>ir small winged<br />
helpers, not one single seed would flourish.<br />
This applies to both wild and also domestic<br />
plants. Without bees, our modern culture<br />
landscapes would be unimaginable. However,<br />
fear of being jabbed by <strong>the</strong> bees‘ sting stops<br />
many people from breeding <strong>the</strong>m. But <strong>the</strong> fear<br />
of being stung is unfounded, as bees only sting<br />
in self-defence or to defend <strong>the</strong>ir colonies as a<br />
matter of principle. In addition, today‘s bees are<br />
bred for gentleness. For example, <strong>the</strong> Carnika<br />
race, which is generally bred nowadays, hardly<br />
ever makes use of its little weapon. If bees<br />
tend to sting, it is a question of ei<strong>the</strong>r so-called<br />
bastard bees, which are not purely of one race,<br />
but are cross-breeds. But <strong>the</strong> desire to sting<br />
can also be put down to wrong treatment. It is<br />
also possible that <strong>the</strong>y are in not so much of<br />
a good mood on certain days, for example in<br />
changes of wea<strong>the</strong>r - just like we humans.<br />
The health benefit of honey is undisputed<br />
and has been confirmed thousands of times.<br />
Honey can even support <strong>the</strong> body‘s defence<br />
in cases of feverish diseases, which are<br />
mainly <strong>the</strong> result of infections with<br />
pathogens. It not only increases<br />
<strong>the</strong> general physical resistance,<br />
but also possesses its own germinhibiting<br />
substances.<br />
Did you know that:<br />
A bee can cover 1 km in 10 minutes?<br />
A bee covers 8,000 km in <strong>the</strong> course of its life?<br />
One gram of honey is <strong>the</strong> life work of 350 to 400 bees?<br />
A bee would have to fly around <strong>the</strong> earth up to 3.5 times for 0.50 kg of honey?<br />
A queen bee can lay up to 3,000 eggs/day in May/June?<br />
1,500 to 1,800 eggs weigh <strong>the</strong> same as a queen bee?<br />
A bee larva increases its initial weight 500 times within 6 days and that in<br />
comparison a human baby would weigh 3,200 kg within six days?<br />
By Gün<strong>the</strong>r Bartschat<br />
Strong ties to <strong>the</strong> company<br />
High attendance at <strong>the</strong> pensioners‘ excursion<br />
In May, it was time for our annual excursion of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group pensioners. This<br />
year we went on a journey to Würzburg. The first destination was <strong>the</strong> „Residence“,<br />
<strong>the</strong> former seat of <strong>the</strong> Prince-Bishops of Würzburg. After a visit to <strong>the</strong> impressive<br />
and world-famous baroque building from <strong>the</strong> 18th century, <strong>the</strong> journey continued<br />
to <strong>the</strong> State Court Cellar, where <strong>the</strong> programme consisted of an excellent winetasting<br />
with a contribution by professional actors from <strong>the</strong> Municipal Theatre.<br />
The excursion came to a close with a dinner in <strong>the</strong> romantic beer garden of <strong>the</strong><br />
„Würzburger Hofbräu“ brewery. Great wea<strong>the</strong>r, an excellent mood and once more a<br />
high number of attendees made this year‘s pensioners‘ excursion an unforgettable<br />
experience. Again, <strong>the</strong> high number of people attending showed <strong>the</strong> strong ties of<br />
<strong>the</strong> former employees to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group.<br />
Apprenticeship in our group of companies<br />
By Sabine Haas<br />
On <strong>the</strong> occasion of <strong>the</strong> successful<br />
completion of <strong>the</strong>ir apprenticeships in<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group, ano<strong>the</strong>r 19 trained<br />
employees were released from <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
apprentice status in <strong>the</strong> course of a<br />
ceremony and taken over by group<br />
companies around <strong>the</strong> Wer<strong>the</strong>im/<br />
Kreuzwer<strong>the</strong>im/Hasloch location.<br />
Currently, <strong>the</strong> group has 75 apprentices,<br />
ano<strong>the</strong>r 28 starting professional life as<br />
apprentices in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group with <strong>the</strong><br />
start of <strong>the</strong> new apprenticeship year in<br />
<strong>the</strong> autumn. Qualification and support<br />
of next-generation workers within <strong>the</strong><br />
company is a very important matter for<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group. This is also shown by<br />
<strong>the</strong> apprentices‘ quota of more than ten<br />
per cent, which has been constant for<br />
years now.<br />
In <strong>the</strong> varied range with a total of 19<br />
apprenticed professions, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group<br />
offers <strong>the</strong> unique possibility of being able<br />
to face up to <strong>the</strong> challenges of <strong>the</strong> future<br />
with various courses of training. The<br />
double apprenticeship system, which<br />
has already proven its worth, makes it<br />
possible for <strong>the</strong> young employees to<br />
undergo a fur<strong>the</strong>r course of training after<br />
a successful apprenticeship, thus opening<br />
up outstanding vocational chances.<br />
A strong apprenticeship partner at <strong>the</strong><br />
side of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group is fabi e.V., <strong>the</strong><br />
„Firmenausbildungsverbund e.V. Main-<br />
Tauber“ (Main-Tauber Corporate Apprenticeship<br />
Association). With its varied and<br />
broadly based activities, <strong>the</strong> association<br />
gives valuable impulses for vocational<br />
training in <strong>the</strong> Main-Tauber district.<br />
The apprenticeship association was<br />
founded in January of 1983 on <strong>the</strong><br />
initiative of <strong>the</strong> „Juniors in Trade and<br />
Industry“ (Wirtschaftsjunioren) and<br />
has since <strong>the</strong>n established itself as a<br />
highly capable partner in apprenticeship<br />
matters, currently having 120 members<br />
from <strong>the</strong> areas of industry, handicrafts<br />
and communal authorities.<br />
fabi e.V. – Strong partner in vocational training<br />
In <strong>the</strong> association, fabi allows <strong>the</strong> affiliated<br />
member companies to give a bordercrossing<br />
apprenticeship. In this context,<br />
training contents which cannot be<br />
covered in <strong>the</strong> apprentice‘s own company<br />
are taught in partner companies. With its<br />
subsidiary ERSA GmbH, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group<br />
has been a member of fabi since 1984.<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> Holding GmbH & Co., KURTZ<br />
GmbH and MBW Metallbearbeitung<br />
Wer<strong>the</strong>im GmbH enterprises followed<br />
this example in 2000.<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group not only makes use of<br />
<strong>the</strong> fabi offer of apprenticeships for its own<br />
employees, but also actively participates<br />
in <strong>the</strong> training measures. In periods<br />
of six to eight weeks, KURTZ regularly<br />
trains apprentices from o<strong>the</strong>r companies<br />
in a basic metal course. This for example<br />
includes turning and milling courses,<br />
training of <strong>the</strong> manual skills typical for <strong>the</strong><br />
profession and <strong>the</strong> production of practice<br />
articles. In commercial areas, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong><br />
Group teaches training contents, for<br />
example in Finances/Controlling and<br />
Human Resources.<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group and fabi also commit<br />
<strong>the</strong>mselves for apprenticeships in <strong>the</strong><br />
course of vocational orientation and will<br />
be represented as partners at a trade fair<br />
stand at this year‘s vocational information<br />
event in Wer<strong>the</strong>im on October 13.<br />
IN TEAM<br />
The <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group also participated<br />
in <strong>the</strong> GIRLS-Day on April 28
14<br />
GIFA concept successful Reflow one way or <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />
KURTZ inspired with exhibition performance<br />
– what is economical?<br />
The GIFA visitors were<br />
enormously interested in both<br />
<strong>the</strong> foundry machine exhibits and<br />
in <strong>the</strong> supply and performance<br />
range of <strong>the</strong> KURTZ foundries<br />
By Tilo Keller<br />
The KURTZ exhibition concept for this<br />
year‘s GIFA was a total success. At <strong>the</strong><br />
world‘s largest foundry exhibition, <strong>the</strong><br />
foundry machines sector, which is part<br />
of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> METALS business segment,<br />
impressively presented itself on 200 m² in<br />
Düsseldorf from June 12 to 16.<br />
Above all <strong>the</strong> decision to show <strong>the</strong> various<br />
possibilities which KURTZ can offer in<br />
low-pressure casting, also with machines<br />
exhibited on <strong>the</strong> stand, proved to be a<br />
complete success.<br />
The visitors, whose international share<br />
has risen to above 50% since <strong>the</strong> last<br />
GIFA in 2003, were able to convince<br />
<strong>the</strong>mselves of <strong>the</strong> high machine quality at<br />
KURTZ „hands on“. For a precise view of<br />
<strong>the</strong> exhibits – some of <strong>the</strong>m were more<br />
than 6 m in height - our constructors at<br />
<strong>the</strong> fair even added a second storey to<br />
<strong>the</strong> fair stand, making a direct insight<br />
into <strong>the</strong> relevant details of <strong>the</strong> machines<br />
possible for <strong>the</strong> interested parties.<br />
According to analyses by <strong>the</strong> trade<br />
fair company, more than two thirds of<br />
<strong>the</strong> visitors were executives with a high<br />
decision-making competence. The KURTZ<br />
team was able to confirm this impression.<br />
During <strong>the</strong> entire opening hours of <strong>the</strong> fair<br />
and often over and above this, soundly<br />
based discussions were held and a number<br />
of concrete projects dealt with.<br />
Regardless of whe<strong>the</strong>r a „jobbing foundry“<br />
was an absolute beginner in low-pressure<br />
casting technology and interested in <strong>the</strong><br />
newly presented cost-optimised bestprice<br />
model AL 14-10 SR, or whe<strong>the</strong>r an<br />
automotive supplier wanted to implement<br />
complex applications in mass production<br />
– KURTZ had <strong>the</strong> matching exhibits and<br />
solutions for all of <strong>the</strong>m.<br />
A particularly large impression was made<br />
by a cast part weighing 250 kg. Hardly any<br />
of <strong>the</strong> visitors had thought it possible for<br />
such a large part to be cast in low-pressure<br />
sand casting technology before <strong>the</strong> fair.<br />
The fact that it is indeed possible is above<br />
all to be put down to <strong>the</strong> KURTZ lowpressure<br />
casting control enabling up to 20<br />
pressure stages and a controlling precision<br />
of ± 1 mbar.<br />
High machine<br />
availability, absolute<br />
process reliability and<br />
low consumptions of<br />
<strong>the</strong> ERSA HOTFLOW<br />
systems guarantee<br />
real added value.<br />
By Angelika Uehlein<br />
Profitability calculations clearly show<br />
that <strong>the</strong> use of low-cost machines with<br />
supposedly favourable purchase prices<br />
is a good decision only at first glance.<br />
Increasing energy and commodity prices<br />
have already determined operating costs<br />
and machine availability as decisive cost<br />
factors. Therefore, systems which can<br />
score with an efficient energy balance,<br />
comfortable features and a maximum<br />
machine availability are definitely <strong>the</strong><br />
better choice for successful users.<br />
The ERSA Hotflow 2 series provides<br />
real added value<br />
As an innovative machine manufacturer,<br />
ERSA is setting a new standard with<br />
<strong>the</strong> Hotflow 2 generation. The strategy<br />
of offering a conclusive „added value<br />
concept“ with consistent alignment to<br />
customer and market requirements was<br />
a total success and has given <strong>the</strong>m<br />
a leading role in <strong>the</strong> highly combated<br />
reflow market. Here, ERSA focuses on<br />
a maximum machine uptime, absolute<br />
process security and minimum energy<br />
and nitrogen consumption. The machine<br />
concept excels thanks to intelligent<br />
features and provides clear financial<br />
benefits.<br />
Cost factor maintenance time<br />
and MTTR<br />
A calculation example shows <strong>the</strong><br />
economic dimension which <strong>the</strong> factors<br />
of machine uptime, maintenance<br />
duration and maintenance interval have<br />
meanwhile achieved: With a throughput<br />
of 1,500 boards with an average<br />
price of 300 Euro per day, one hour of<br />
maintenance costs 18,750 Euro. Leading<br />
board manufacturers produce more than<br />
25,000 boards per day and line and do no<br />
longer calculate in hours, but in minutes.<br />
Maintainability and accessibility have<br />
meanwhile become a top subject.<br />
With <strong>the</strong> ASP feature, ERSA provides<br />
an intelligent solution. ASP (Advanced<br />
Service & Performance Package) is<br />
optionally available with <strong>the</strong> Hotflow 2/14<br />
and Hotflow 2/20. In detail, ASP means<br />
all <strong>the</strong> upper heating and cooling modules<br />
are quickly accessible through <strong>the</strong> hinged<br />
machine top cover. Radiators, fan motors<br />
and <strong>the</strong>rmo-elements are fitted on flanged<br />
panels. Connection wires are provided<br />
with plug-in connections. The whole unit<br />
can be removed by opening four quick<br />
release clamps. Fan motors in <strong>the</strong> lower<br />
modules are installed vertically and can<br />
simply be flipped to <strong>the</strong> front in <strong>the</strong> case<br />
of maintenance. The Multijet plates of <strong>the</strong><br />
heating and cooling cassettes can even<br />
be pulled out without <strong>the</strong> use of any kind of<br />
tools. All o<strong>the</strong>r components are designed<br />
to allow for a replacement in less than 15<br />
minutes. Filters and heat exchangers can<br />
be replaced completely without any tools<br />
in less than five minutes.<br />
@<br />
More online:<br />
www.<strong>kurtz</strong>-gesagt.de/<strong>31</strong>/article1<br />
16<br />
ERSA tests and researches<br />
for world-wide initiative<br />
Participation in <strong>the</strong> iNEMI project<br />
By Jochen Schreck<br />
In <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurtz</strong> Group, <strong>the</strong> subject of<br />
innovation has maximum priority. In this<br />
context, <strong>the</strong> work with research institutions<br />
is also being intensified.<br />
iNEMI (International Electronics Manufacturing<br />
Initiative, Inc.) is an international<br />
initiative of electronics manufacturers<br />
founded in <strong>the</strong> USA. The objective of this<br />
cooperation is to examine <strong>the</strong> lead-free<br />
process with regard to production and<br />
repair, in particular in <strong>the</strong> use of highly<br />
integrated components (BGA, QFN,<br />
CSP). The necessary processes and <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
reproducibility are to be examined. The<br />
initiative is composed of representatives<br />
from <strong>the</strong> areas of economy and research.<br />
Several equipment manufacturers are<br />
currently contributing to <strong>the</strong> project by<br />
producing measurement series according<br />
to a pre-determined sequence.<br />
An inquiry in this regard to ERSA North<br />
America was passed on to <strong>the</strong> ERSA<br />
headquarters last year, as <strong>the</strong> greatest<br />
experience exists in Germany. Since <strong>the</strong>n,<br />
By Angelika Uehlein<br />
The fact that continuous and, in particular, subject-specific<br />
coaching and fur<strong>the</strong>r training of employees is one of <strong>the</strong> most<br />
important success factors in companies, is shown by <strong>the</strong><br />
enormous echo for <strong>the</strong> ERSA know-how seminars. Within a very<br />
short period, <strong>the</strong> entire series of seminars in March had been<br />
completely booked. Above all, <strong>the</strong> practice-related workshops,<br />
with focus on process know-how enjoyed great interest. In<br />
order to satisfy <strong>the</strong> great demand, additional dates are being<br />
offered at short notice in July. Unfortunately, <strong>the</strong>y have already<br />
been completely booked too. The next series of seminars<br />
will be starting in October with two-day intensive training<br />
courses covering <strong>the</strong> subjects selective and wave soldering<br />
as well as rework. The focus of <strong>the</strong> workshops is acquisition<br />
and intensification of process technology knowledge, which<br />
is indispensable for employees of innovative and successful<br />
electronics manufacturers.<br />
<strong>the</strong> application technology<br />
department has been<br />
concerning itself with <strong>the</strong><br />
iNEMI project. On <strong>the</strong> basis<br />
of a test assembly group<br />
specifically produced by<br />
<strong>the</strong> iNEMI Group, a suitable<br />
temperature profile<br />
for a certain target part<br />
was determined and <strong>the</strong>n<br />
examined for reproducibility<br />
of <strong>the</strong> process sequence<br />
in ten cycles by using a<br />
measurement adapter.<br />
This first phase will soon<br />
be followed by a second<br />
one, in which <strong>the</strong> reproducibility<br />
will be examined on ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />
rework system of identical construction,<br />
in order to prove <strong>the</strong> dependency of<br />
<strong>the</strong> temperature profile on a certain<br />
equipment. Phase three is <strong>the</strong>n to be<br />
carried out on local customer equipment.<br />
Up to now, ERSA has been able to<br />
supply good results and will continue to<br />
support <strong>the</strong> project vigorously, in order<br />
ERSA’s participation in <strong>the</strong> international iNEMI project:<br />
Research in <strong>the</strong> area of rework.<br />
also to extend its own range of experience<br />
and to cope with <strong>the</strong> future requirements<br />
of <strong>the</strong> market by purposeful fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />
development.<br />
ERSA customers again profit from new,<br />
innovative solutions in <strong>the</strong> rework area<br />
which have originated and will fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />
originate as a result of knowledge obtained<br />
in this and also in many o<strong>the</strong>r projects.<br />
Fully booked straight away<br />
Outstanding success for ERSA know-how seminars<br />
An overview of <strong>the</strong> next seminars and <strong>the</strong>ir contents:<br />
23.+24.10.<br />
Workshop „Process technology selective soldering“<br />
simultaneously/parallel:<br />
23.+24.10.<br />
Workshop „Process technology wave soldering“<br />
25.10.<br />
Workshop „Rework - practice and <strong>the</strong>ory with assess-<br />
ment of <strong>the</strong> solder connections according to IPC-A-610“<br />
You can request <strong>the</strong> current programme with a detailed de-<br />
scription of <strong>the</strong> seminar contents by e-mail from:<br />
barbara.grimm@<strong>ersa</strong>.de<br />
ERSA i-CON C<br />
and ERSA EA 110 plus i<br />
Save costs in healthier working conditions<br />
By Tilo Keller<br />
Innovative soldering and desoldering with<br />
maximum flexibility: ERSA i-CON 2<br />
Cost optimisation, quality and environmental<br />
compatibility are topics in electro-<br />
nics production. To match <strong>the</strong> vision<br />
and mission of <strong>the</strong> enterprise, ERSA is<br />
offering complete solutions with respect<br />
to soldering which fulfil <strong>the</strong>se objectives.<br />
The proof of this is a complete package<br />
of intelligent manual soldering stations<br />
and a solder fume extraction unit, which<br />
are connected via an interface. When <strong>the</strong><br />
soldering iron is placed on its stand and<br />
switches into standby mode, <strong>the</strong> solder<br />
fume extraction unit is switched off and<br />
back on again when <strong>the</strong> iron is removed.<br />
Since <strong>the</strong> SMT exhibition in Nuremberg<br />
ERSA has been offering this „special<br />
package“ with a great price benefit for a<br />
limited period of time.<br />
The package contains two highperformance<br />
i-CON C soldering stations,<br />
each with <strong>the</strong> innovative ERSA i tool - one<br />
of <strong>the</strong> smallest and quickest soldering<br />
irons on <strong>the</strong> market - and <strong>the</strong> EA 110 plus<br />
i solder fume extraction unit.<br />
Users are given a whole<br />
series of benefits: on <strong>the</strong> one hand, <strong>the</strong><br />
healthy working climate resulting from<br />
<strong>the</strong> efficient solder fume filtering unit,<br />
on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, <strong>the</strong> standby function<br />
of <strong>the</strong> two systems means enormous<br />
savings in energy costs. In addition, <strong>the</strong><br />
service life of <strong>the</strong> filter is extended.<br />
ERSA i-CON2:<br />
Innovative soldering and desoldering<br />
with maximum flexibility<br />
The i-CON2 provides all <strong>the</strong> highlights<br />
of <strong>the</strong> i-CON as a combined station. It<br />
can be run with various soldering and/or<br />
desoldering tools, ensuring a maximum<br />
of flexibility. At <strong>the</strong> same time, it is<br />
compact, light and has a high output.<br />
The ERSA Chip tool is based on <strong>the</strong><br />
tried and tested TC40 desoldering<br />
pincette, but has been revised and<br />
improved with regard to ergonomics and<br />
precision. With a large selection of SMD<br />
desoldering tips, it ensures quick and<br />
secure removal of <strong>the</strong> smallest of chips<br />
(0201, 0402, etc.) and up to mediumsized<br />
PLCCs. Even large PLCCs with<br />
up to 84 connections can be securely<br />
desoldered with <strong>the</strong> tool in combination<br />
with <strong>the</strong> IRHP 200 heating plate.<br />
The X-Tool is a desoldering iron<br />
specifically developed for very difficult<br />
desoldering tasks on conventional<br />
components on large-mass circuit<br />
boards. The high process temperatures<br />
mean that desoldering in <strong>the</strong> lead-free<br />
process is more demanding and requires<br />
a tool which reliably ensures <strong>the</strong> process<br />
despite <strong>the</strong> lowest temperatures possible.<br />
With <strong>the</strong> 120 watt ERSA X-Tool, users<br />
can securely desolder heat-sensitive<br />
conventional components. The unique<br />
heat reservoir concept guarantees low<br />
retention times and <strong>the</strong> temperature<br />
monitoring ensures quick re-heating.<br />
The X-Tool must be used in combination<br />
with <strong>the</strong> CU vacuum unit.<br />
But naturally, o<strong>the</strong>r combinations are also<br />
possible with <strong>the</strong> i-CON2. Simply select<br />
<strong>the</strong> one that matches your requirements.<br />
Fur<strong>the</strong>r information online:<br />
www.i-tool.de<br />
18<br />
Gentle and effective:<br />
The modular pre-heating<br />
solutions of up to 2.6 m in<br />
<strong>the</strong> POWERFLOW<br />
ERSA extends <strong>the</strong> POWERFLOW series<br />
By Angelika Uehlein<br />
New wave soldering system with flexible pre-heat concepts<br />
After <strong>the</strong> successful market launch of <strong>the</strong> high-end wave soldering machine,<br />
POWERFLOW N2, ERSA is now supplementing <strong>the</strong> POWERFLOW<br />
series with an extendable entry level model.<br />
The new POWERFLOW manifests an<br />
extremely attractive price/performance<br />
ratio. The modular, flexible housing<br />
platform enables various customerspecific<br />
extension levels. The ERSA<br />
POWERFLOW represents a new, futureorientated<br />
machine concept containing<br />
numerous intelligent solutions and<br />
providing <strong>the</strong> user with a high added<br />
value. The POWERFLOW excels thanks<br />
to consistently continuous and complete<br />
lead-free capability. Its machine concept<br />
permits individual configurations in <strong>the</strong><br />
flux, pre-heating and soldering area, with<br />
<strong>the</strong> result that specific requirements of<br />
<strong>the</strong> board spectrum can be taken into<br />
best possible account.<br />
The spray fluxer, which is standard part<br />
of <strong>the</strong> basic machine, processes VOCfree<br />
and water-based fluxes securely<br />
and reproducibly. Optionally, a second<br />
spray head with a separate flux supply<br />
is available. The selection of flux type and<br />
amount applied is individually programmable<br />
for each board. In addition,<br />
<strong>the</strong> amount<br />
applied can be<br />
monitored by sensors.<br />
Programming of <strong>the</strong> flux area is done by<br />
a comfortable, intelligent, graphic user<br />
interface. Optionally, an automatic PCB<br />
outline recognition is available.<br />
The high demands of <strong>the</strong> lead-free<br />
process with regard to <strong>the</strong> preheating<br />
process have been consequently implemented<br />
in <strong>the</strong> ERSA POWERFLOW<br />
machine design. Modular, flexible preheating<br />
lengths and configurations up to<br />
2.6 m assure gentle and effective heat-up<br />
of multilayers. High-mass components<br />
are safely warmed-up in <strong>the</strong> preheating<br />
module. Optional top side convection<br />
heaters provide for optimal heat-up<br />
of <strong>the</strong>rmally demanding boards. The<br />
preheating length can freely be composed<br />
of short and medium wave length IR<br />
emitters and convection heaters thus<br />
covering a large spectrum of heat transfer<br />
possibilities. Individual production requirements<br />
can thus optimally be met.<br />
The POWERFLOW is available with pallet<br />
or finger conveyer. The pallet conveyer can<br />
optionally be designed as a segmented<br />
conveyor, which allows different speeds in<br />
<strong>the</strong> preheat and solder module.<br />
@<br />
More online:<br />
www.<strong>kurtz</strong>-gesagt.de/<strong>31</strong>/article2<br />
Rework software grows in line<br />
with customer requirements<br />
By Udo Hofmann<br />
IRSoft extended by valuable functions<br />
The reliable repair of high lead count<br />
components (e.g. BGA) continues to be<br />
a significant aspect of <strong>the</strong> manufacturing<br />
process for electronic components.<br />
ERSA provides support for its customers<br />
in this with <strong>the</strong> rework systems<br />
IR / PL 550 A and IR / PL 650 A. The new<br />
version of <strong>the</strong> IRSoft rework software has<br />
been expanded, in intensive cooperation<br />
with <strong>the</strong> customers in question, to include<br />
some new, valuable functions:<br />
Frequently recurring identical soldering<br />
processes can now be repeated in<br />
identical process sequences with <strong>the</strong><br />
help of <strong>the</strong> automatic process repeat<br />
(APR) function. Large numbers of similar<br />
circuit boards can now be processed<br />
simply. In this operating mode, soldering<br />
parameters and sensors only need to be<br />
set once. At <strong>the</strong> same time, <strong>the</strong> proven<br />
operating method is retained in <strong>the</strong><br />
closed loop control circuit, even when<br />
numerous different applications are to be<br />
processed flexibly. New developments<br />
include integrated user management<br />
and a library function. Depending on<br />
<strong>the</strong> user logged on, <strong>the</strong> rework software<br />
appears with a full or limited scope of<br />
functions. The operating environment,<br />
similar to Explorer, of <strong>the</strong> profile library<br />
enables soldering profiles to be saved<br />
using a structured system according to<br />
applications and users. Profiles can be<br />
allocated to individual users, so that only<br />
predetermined work can be carried out<br />
by each operator.<br />
In order to make profile data easier<br />
to find, IRSoft can allocate to each<br />
saved soldering profile an image of <strong>the</strong><br />
application toge<strong>the</strong>r with instructions.<br />
Errors due to incorrect soldering profiles<br />
are largely prevented, and <strong>the</strong> quality of<br />
repairs is increased. The operation of <strong>the</strong><br />
software itself has also been revised. The<br />
appearance and layout of IRSoft is now<br />
much clearer and more user-friendly. The<br />
users get <strong>the</strong> information <strong>the</strong>y need for<br />
each stage of <strong>the</strong> process.<br />
These innovations have already been<br />
presented at <strong>the</strong> SMT in Nuremberg and<br />
attracted a great deal of positive interest.<br />
ERSA‘s SMT success in Nuremberg<br />
By Tilo Keller<br />
Especially comfortable:<br />
IRSoft is easily handled despite<br />
<strong>the</strong> complex functions.<br />
This year, ERSA once again presented <strong>the</strong>ir entire range of<br />
products and services at <strong>the</strong> SMT in Nuremberg. The result<br />
was utter satisfaction right down <strong>the</strong> line. The ERSA trade fair<br />
team came away with many confirmed projects and plenty of<br />
direct business successfully concluded. The communication<br />
of <strong>the</strong> company’s vision was also well received and led to<br />
numerous requests for ongoing dialogue.<br />
This dialogue will continue on November 13 to 16 at <strong>the</strong><br />
Productronica. Everyone interested in innovative<br />
solutions for all aspects of electronics production should<br />
make a note of <strong>the</strong>se dates and be sure to visit ERSA at<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir almost 360 m² stand 578 in hall A3.<br />
20<br />
Strong in Asia<br />
Affordable shape moulding machine<br />
secures quality and business<br />
By Carlton Bhiladvala & Harald Seidenfuß<br />
Unaffordable technology is akin to taking<br />
your child to a toy shop: “You can see and<br />
touch but we cannot afford to buy it”.<br />
Similar situations occur when it comes<br />
to shape moulding equipment for EPS<br />
moulders in Asian countries. Cost<br />
competitiveness has encouraged multi -<br />
nationals to move <strong>the</strong>ir production bases<br />
to Asian countries. Many of <strong>the</strong> products<br />
produced by <strong>the</strong>se companies require<br />
protective packaging and EPS meets<br />
<strong>the</strong> demands as a viable packaging<br />
medium.<br />
Due to hi<strong>the</strong>rto prohibitive costs of<br />
technologically sound equipment,<br />
EPS moulders resorted to self made<br />
machines or those produced by local<br />
manufacturers, who lacked sound<br />
knowledge for producing EPS efficiently.<br />
As a result, many EPS moulders have<br />
ended up with extremely inefficient plants<br />
- too many machines, too many people,<br />
too much energy, too much wastage and<br />
too little or no profits.<br />
With multi-nationals aggressively<br />
pricing <strong>the</strong>ir products, it was natural that<br />
<strong>the</strong>y take a closer look at <strong>the</strong>ir inputs.<br />
EPS moulders for <strong>the</strong> last couple of<br />
years have been under extreme<br />
pressure as <strong>the</strong>ir large customers<br />
extracted annual price reductions, and<br />
at <strong>the</strong> same time, demanded higher<br />
quality standards and better service.<br />
The increasing price of EPS resin<br />
only made matters worse. Faced with<br />
inadequate returns, ever increasing<br />
energy costs and growing demands<br />
from <strong>the</strong>ir customers, <strong>the</strong> EPS moulders<br />
found <strong>the</strong>mselves at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> road.<br />
“Are we in <strong>the</strong> right business?”, was a<br />
comment one heard very often.<br />
And <strong>the</strong>n came a solution in <strong>the</strong> form of<br />
an innovative development: “The 1214 A”<br />
shape moulding machine of KURTZ.<br />
Designed and developed, keeping<br />
affordability in mind but not sacrificing on<br />
<strong>the</strong> quality of important features needed<br />
by <strong>the</strong> EPS industry, in Asia and in o<strong>the</strong>r<br />
emerging countries.<br />
我看中<br />
国-今<br />
天和未<br />
来<br />
With <strong>the</strong> platen size 1200 x 1400 mm it<br />
is large enough to mould multi cavities<br />
of most packaging parts and is thus<br />
greatly enhancing productivity.<br />
The classic ‘media block’ continues<br />
its magical role of media supply and<br />
control, enhancing repeatability of<br />
each cycle.<br />
Although high off <strong>the</strong> ground to<br />
facilitate comfortable mounting and<br />
demounting of moulds, its structure is<br />
solid, balanced and complimented by<br />
a reliable hydraulic system.<br />
A generously sized condenser coupled<br />
with an efficient central vacuum station<br />
ensures demoulding at higher temperatures<br />
and drier parts.<br />
Flexibility with mould adaptations is<br />
ano<strong>the</strong>r important consideration.<br />
With <strong>the</strong> introduction of 1214 A machines<br />
in <strong>the</strong>ir plants, EPS moulders, in Asian<br />
and in emerging countries, are now confident<br />
of satisfying <strong>the</strong>ir customers with<br />
deliveries and high quality. More importantly,<br />
<strong>the</strong>y are confident of <strong>the</strong> viability of<br />
<strong>the</strong> business <strong>the</strong>y are in: Producing EPS<br />
parts affordable to <strong>the</strong>ir customers and<br />
profitable for <strong>the</strong>ir wallets.<br />
By Stephan Gesuato<br />
Here, we recently presented a machine<br />
for a most economic production of<br />
complex moulded parts with inserts: The<br />
KURTZ Rotax machine. In <strong>the</strong> meantime<br />
this successful concept has been fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />
developed to a Double Rotax machine.<br />
In this machine, two mould closing units<br />
are connected to one ano<strong>the</strong>r by two<br />
rotating mould halves. This technology is<br />
used, for example, when moulded parts<br />
are to be produced with two different<br />
densities and <strong>the</strong> process does not allow<br />
for <strong>the</strong> use of a separating divider.<br />
This is <strong>the</strong> case when a product has<br />
a core of one density and a „skin“ of a<br />
different one. For example, a very light-<br />
KURTZ offers<br />
two machines in one<br />
New Double Rotax machine reduces cycle times<br />
weight core (also EPS recycling material)<br />
can be combined with a heavy-weight<br />
skin (fresh material). Even coloured<br />
materials can be separated precisely in<br />
this way.<br />
A fur<strong>the</strong>r application example is <strong>the</strong><br />
production of moulded parts with a film<br />
coating. Here, <strong>the</strong> EPS moulding can be<br />
produced on <strong>the</strong> one side, while <strong>the</strong> film<br />
is put into position on <strong>the</strong> second side.<br />
In both cases of application, a<br />
considerable reduction in cycle time<br />
compared with conventional methods<br />
is achieved. A patent application has<br />
been made for both variants of <strong>the</strong><br />
„Rotax machine“.<br />
From <strong>the</strong> Rotax to <strong>the</strong> Double<br />
Rotax machine: New fields of<br />
applications opened
22<br />
EPS transport with reduced dust share<br />
By Kurt Albrecht<br />
By Norbert Reuber<br />
KURTZ develops favourable cyclone solution<br />
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is transported<br />
a number of times during processing<br />
via - frequently branched - pipe<br />
systems. In this context, two systems are<br />
essentially known. Unfortunately, both<br />
of <strong>the</strong>m have certain disadvantages.<br />
KURTZ is now presenting <strong>the</strong> solution to<br />
this problem.<br />
The easiest method up to now is<br />
transporting <strong>the</strong> material with and<br />
literally through a fan. This is very often<br />
done with pre-broken or granulated<br />
material. However, <strong>the</strong> disadvantage<br />
in this context is that <strong>the</strong> material is<br />
damaged by <strong>the</strong> impeller of <strong>the</strong> fan and<br />
correspondingly large amounts of dust<br />
are caused.<br />
Ano<strong>the</strong>r possibility of material transport is<br />
applying <strong>the</strong> Venturi principle. Here, <strong>the</strong><br />
The new KURTZ fillers provide our customers with optimum<br />
installation and maintenance possibilities. Their decisive<br />
advantage is that even when <strong>the</strong> fillers are installed, <strong>the</strong> complete<br />
pneumatic drive and also <strong>the</strong> plunger can be removed and<br />
cleaned with only one manoeuvre.<br />
A tooth system against distortion ensures that <strong>the</strong> material hose<br />
always runs in <strong>the</strong> correct direction and does not obstruct any<br />
moving mould parts. These new functions can only be achieved<br />
with high-quality plastic injection moulding parts. These parts<br />
have been developed toge<strong>the</strong>r with experts for technical injection<br />
moulding parts.<br />
After some plastic parts processed by shape cutting, closeto-series<br />
parts were produced in a number of development<br />
stages with a rapid prototyping tool and <strong>the</strong>n tested under<br />
production conditions.<br />
At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> development, we now have filler parts of a high-<br />
material can be transported<br />
without, for example, being<br />
damaged by an impeller, However, this<br />
system is very cost-intensive.<br />
To eliminate <strong>the</strong> disadvantage of <strong>the</strong><br />
high costs and to allow for a gentle<br />
material transport, KURTZ developed<br />
a new concept: A cyclone is used with<br />
<strong>the</strong> transport fan being separated from<br />
<strong>the</strong> direct volume flow of <strong>the</strong> material.<br />
In this way, EPS can be transported at<br />
favourable cost without having to pass<br />
through <strong>the</strong> transport fan.<br />
Specifically in combination with <strong>the</strong><br />
slow-running granulators of <strong>the</strong> KURTZ<br />
KDG series, it is possible to implement<br />
a material processing concept which<br />
considerably reduces <strong>the</strong> production<br />
of dust.<br />
EPS is no longer damaged during<br />
transport: With <strong>the</strong> favourable KURTZ<br />
cyclone solution<br />
Red = EPS material flow<br />
Yellow: Air stream<br />
Dismantled in no time at all<br />
New fillers with optimum installation<br />
and maintenance possibilities<br />
Higher Efficiency & Returns<br />
By Pete Tatro<br />
A key to optimal shape moulding<br />
performance is <strong>the</strong> proper functioning of<br />
fill injectors, commonly referred to as fill<br />
guns. While EPS shape moulders debate<br />
<strong>the</strong> “best” fill gun available on <strong>the</strong> market,<br />
one fact is common regardless of <strong>the</strong><br />
manufacture: a poorly maintained fill gun<br />
will cost <strong>the</strong> moulder in significant ways.<br />
When consideration is given to <strong>the</strong> number<br />
of times a fill gun opens and closes<br />
during a production run, you realize just<br />
how important a fill gun is to <strong>the</strong> moulding<br />
operation. A properly operating fill gun<br />
will not leak air and will not create wasted<br />
EPS. The costs of <strong>the</strong>se negative results<br />
can become exponential ~ because it<br />
took energy to expand and process <strong>the</strong><br />
EPS. Already expensive production costs<br />
can be easily wasted due to improper fill<br />
gun maintenance.<br />
When properly operating fill guns are<br />
readily available to prepare a mould for<br />
use, <strong>the</strong> mould change times decrease<br />
significantly, <strong>the</strong> availability of a moulding<br />
machine is maximized, and <strong>the</strong> true<br />
yield from shape moulding machine<br />
investments are realized.<br />
The KURTZ Fill Injector Maintenance<br />
Programme impresses EPS processors<br />
These statements are not <strong>the</strong>ory, but<br />
ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y are a reality. We realized this<br />
after our customers asked for a way to<br />
assist <strong>the</strong>m to become more efficient in<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir operations.<br />
KURTZ North America (KNA) established<br />
a programme by which customers<br />
can routinely send in a box of up to 30<br />
fill guns. These fill guns are routinely<br />
maintained, completed with new O-rings,<br />
fittings, and a good cleaning followed by<br />
a test for proper operation. The results<br />
showed significant savings:<br />
fewer wasted parts or scrap due<br />
to fill gun malfunction<br />
up to 40% faster mould<br />
change times<br />
greater machine up-time<br />
increased reliability<br />
The fill gun programme – originally<br />
offered as a temporary service –<br />
ensures a cost effective production<br />
and offers its participants savings in<br />
unexpected areas.<br />
Fill injector test stand<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Holding GmbH & Co.<br />
Hauptverwaltung • Frankenstraße 2<br />
D-97892 Kreuzwer<strong>the</strong>im<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 70<br />
Fax +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 74 04<br />
e-mail: info@<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
KURTZ GmbH<br />
Verkauf, Engineering, Service<br />
Frankenstraße 2<br />
D-97892 Kreuzwer<strong>the</strong>im<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 70<br />
Fax +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 74 04<br />
e-mail: info@<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
Werk Hasloch • Eisengießerei<br />
D-97907 Hasloch/Main<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 50<br />
Fax +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 51 79<br />
e-mail: info@<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
MBW Metallbearbeitung Wer<strong>the</strong>im GmbH<br />
Gyla-Horn-Str. 21 • D-97877 Wer<strong>the</strong>im<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 93 42 / 9 63 60<br />
Fax +49 (0) 93 42 / 96 36 55<br />
e-mail: info.mbw@<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
Werk Baiersdorf<br />
Erlanger Str. 9 • D-91083 Baiersdorf<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 91 33 / 7 78 10<br />
Fax +49 (0) 91 33 / 77 81 25<br />
e-mail: info.mbw@<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
MGM Metall-Giesserei-Mannheim GmbH<br />
Ohmweg 21-29 • D-68199 Mannheim<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 6 21 / 84 49 10<br />
Fax +49 (0) 6 21 / 8 44 91 55<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>.mgm@t-online.de<br />
ERSA GmbH<br />
Leonhard-Karl-Str. 24 • D-97877 Wer<strong>the</strong>im<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 00<br />
Fax +49 (0) 93 42 / 80 01 00<br />
e-mail: info@<strong>ersa</strong>.de<br />
Editor:<br />
<strong>Kurtz</strong> Holding GmbH & Co.<br />
Frankenstraße 2<br />
D-97892 Kreuzwer<strong>the</strong>im<br />
Tel. +49 93 42 / 8 07-0<br />
Fax +49 93 42 / 8 07-4 04<br />
info@<strong>kurtz</strong>.de<br />
www.<strong>kurtz</strong>.info<br />
Responsible for <strong>the</strong> content:<br />
Dipl.-Ing. Walter <strong>Kurtz</strong><br />
Design and production:<br />
Keller & Brennecke Werbeagentur<br />
D-97941 Tauberbischofsheim<br />
www.keller-brennecke.de<br />
© by <strong>Kurtz</strong> Holding GmbH & Co., 7/2007<br />
...<strong>News</strong><br />
KURTZ Altaussee GmbH<br />
Puchen 214 • A-8992 Altaussee<br />
Tel. +43 (0) 36 22 / 71 17 10<br />
Fax +43 (0) 36 22 / 7 11 90<br />
e-mail: office@<strong>kurtz</strong>.at<br />
KURTZ North America Inc.<br />
1779 Pilgrim Road<br />
Plymouth, Wisconsin 53073, USA<br />
Tel. +1 / 92 08 93 17 79<br />
Fax +1 / 92 08 93 15 62<br />
e-mail: KNA@excel.net<br />
ERSA North America<br />
A Division of <strong>Kurtz</strong> North America Inc.<br />
1779 Pilgrim Road<br />
Plymouth, Wisconsin 53073, USA<br />
Tel. +1 92 08 93 37 72<br />
Fax +1 92 08 93 33 22<br />
e-mail: info<strong>ersa</strong>@kna.net<br />
KURTZ Far East Ltd. / ERSA Asia Pacific<br />
Suite 3505, 35/F<br />
China Resources Building<br />
26 Harbour Road<br />
Wan Chai, Hong Kong<br />
Tel. +8 52 / 23 <strong>31</strong> 22 32<br />
Fax +8 52 /27 58 77 49<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>@kfe.com.hk<br />
KURTZ Shanghai Ltd. / ERSA Shanghai<br />
Room 601 • 6th Fl. Beethoven Plaza • No. 1158<br />
Chang Ning Road • Shanghai • 200051 China<br />
Tel. +86 21 / 52 41 60 00<br />
Fax +86 21 / 52 41 99 18<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>@<strong>kurtz</strong>.com.cn<br />
KURTZ Zhuhai Manufacturing Ltd<br />
No. 122 Hua Rong Road<br />
Qin Shi Industrial Zone<br />
Sanzao Town, Guangdong<br />
Zhuhai 519040 • P.R.of China<br />
Tel. 0086 756 399 7888<br />
Fax 0086 756 399 7889<br />
180 Mio € Turnover 1.200 Employees<br />
KURTZ South East Asia Priv. Ltd.<br />
25 International Business Park<br />
02-106 German Centre,<br />
Singapore 609916<br />
Tel. +65 65 62 92 05<br />
Fax +65 65 62 92 06<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>sea@singnet.com.sg<br />
KURTZ France S.A.R.L.<br />
Vente, Assistance Technique, S.A.V.<br />
8, rue des Moulissards<br />
F-21240 Talant<br />
Tel. +33 (0) 3 80 56 66 10<br />
Fax +33 (0) 3 80 56 66 16<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>.france@wanadoo.fr<br />
KURTZ Italia S.R.L.<br />
Via Carlo Cassola 59<br />
I-21028 Travedona Monate (VA)<br />
Tel. +39 03 32 / 97 80 35<br />
Fax +39 03 32 / 97 81 35<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>ita@tin.it<br />
KURTZ South America Ltd.<br />
c/o Intertécnica Rua Alexandre Schlemm, 19/902<br />
89.202-180 Joinville, Brasil<br />
Tel. +55 (0) 47 / 4 22 28 19<br />
Fax +55 (0) 47 / 4 22 80 54<br />
KURTZ Systems Africa (Pty) Ltd.<br />
P.O. Box 6177 Zimbali 4418<br />
KwaZulu-Natal<br />
South Africa<br />
Tel. +27 (0) 32 / 5 38 12 00<br />
Fax +27 (0) 32 / 5 38 12 01<br />
e-mail: <strong>kurtz</strong>@mweb.co.za<br />
KURTZ Ost<br />
6, Zhukovskogo Str.<br />
141700 Dolgoprudny,<br />
Moscow Region<br />