Professor Fhatuwani Mudau - Unisa

Professor Fhatuwani Mudau - Unisa

Professor Fhatuwani Mudau - Unisa


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On behalf of the College, we are so escatic about this memorundum<br />

of understandasing and we really take this intiative very serious. In<br />

this era, we need to operate together in every aspect on life. Depsite<br />

the fact that we operatate in ODL enviroment, sharing brains and<br />

facilities will help both of us. What I would like to encorage is to start<br />

joint projects (MIT) and mobilize funding together as the way of<br />

starting to servicing this MOU.<br />

We do enter in this MOU this with open minds that within this<br />

radious of operation (Florida and Braamfontein), we feel that it is<br />

important as UNISA, CAES that our goal is to develop human capital<br />

and build knowldge above all. Therefore, there is no need for us to<br />

cook different pots. We hope that we will achieve all this stated areas<br />

of collaborations indicated below.<br />

Develop initiatives with special focus on identified niche areas and<br />

sharing of resources towards the advancement of each other’s<br />

research cultures.<br />

Jointly organize and / or host public lectures, seminars, policy<br />

dialogues, symposia and conferences or other similar academic<br />

pursuits.<br />

Collaborate in joint research and development initiatives, particularly<br />

research in the Biosciences and in specific niche areas including<br />

plant and animal health, natural resources and engineering

Participate in joint projects including development of joint scientific<br />

research and publications, exchange of academic materials as well<br />

as sharing of technical expertise and resources.<br />

Provide opportunities for exchange of post –doctoral fellowship at<br />

either WITS or UNISA.<br />

Cooperate in supervision, tuition and assessment of postgraduate<br />

students.<br />

Other forms of cooperation of interest to both parties shall be<br />

included subject to negotiations and consent of both parties.<br />

Once again we really thanks so much.<br />

Prof <strong>Mudau</strong>

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