Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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Dis-/Advantages of <strong>Primary</strong> Minimal Segm. Buckling Without Drainage 135<br />

study. When a retinal break is not obvious, intensive biomicroscopic<br />

study of the peripheral retina can be time-consuming,<br />

but is necessary.<br />

2. A prerequisite for minimal segmental buckling without drainage<br />

is having experience in indirect ophthalmoscopy and biomicroscopy<br />

to be able to find all of the breaks.<br />

3. Experience with the special guidelines (the 8 Rules) and indirect<br />

wide-field contact lenses can help the biomicroscopic search for<br />

small breaks in a pseudophakic eye [19, 20–22, 51].<br />

4. There is a learning curve to localizing posterior breaks in a<br />

bullous detachment and buckling them adequately without<br />

drainage of subretinal fluid.<br />

5. If a radial sponge is placed in the area of a rectus muscle, diplopia<br />

may occur. But diplopia can be averted with the use of a<br />

temporary balloon for breaks located beneath a rectus muscle.<br />

6. Exposure or infection of the sponge buckle can occur, but is<br />

infrequent and ranges at

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