Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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Chapter 10<br />

<strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> Repair: Outlook for the Future<br />

William R. Freeman<br />

Due to the pioneering work of many ophthalmologists, including<br />

Gonin, Lincoff, and others, the basic pathophysiology of rhegmatogenous<br />

retinal detachment has been established. A retinal tear is<br />

caused by a vitreous detachment and traction on the retinal tear,<br />

and peripheral retina is responsible for fluid currents, which go<br />

through the break and detach the retina. More fundamental questions<br />

remain to be answered and will have important implications<br />

for our ability to detect, prevent, and treat rhegmatogenous retinal<br />

detachment and its complications.<br />

Many controversies remain regarding surgical repair of this<br />

disease. This controversy is complicated due to a lack of prospective<br />

randomized clinical trials comparing different methods of<br />

Fig. 10.1. Radial sponge has cured a retinal detachment without the need<br />

for drainage

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