Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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10<br />

1 The History of <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> Surgery<br />

Fig. 1.3. Charles L. Schepens. (Reproduced with permission; Wilkinson<br />

CP, Rice TA (1997) Michels retinal detachment, 2nd edn. Mosby St. Louis<br />

MO. pp 241–333 [10])<br />

After applying surface diathermy to the full-thickness sclera over<br />

the break, he sutured a polyviol material to the sclera. The eye wall<br />

was indented at the area of the break so that the retina would appose<br />

the RPE and close the break. In 1956, he reported his experience<br />

with 515 consecutive patients with an 83.3% successful reattachment<br />

rate [85]. He did not believe that subretinal fluid needed<br />

to be drained and, if the subretinal fluid was not absorbed by day 4,<br />

he recommended re-operation.Schepens in 1951 performed the first<br />

scleral buckling procedure with an exoplant in the United States<br />

(Fig. 1.3) [86–93]. In 1956, he described the use of an encircling<br />

polyethylene tube that was placed under the flap of a lamellar<br />

scleral dissection [88]. Using the indirect ophthalmoscope introduced<br />

by Schepens, he and his colleagues were able to identify and<br />

meticulously localize the posterior edge of retinal breaks [94]. The

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