Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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<strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> Repair: Outlook for the Future 195<br />

Fig. 10.3. Horseshoe retinal tear with vitreous traction<br />

Fig. 10.4. Laser retinopexy surrounding horsehoe retinal tear<br />

applicable to all cases. For example, very large posterior tears are<br />

difficult to externally tamponade. Giant retinal tears do not respond<br />

to external buckle procedures because one cannot reappose the<br />

layers; the retina is merely pushed inward. In addition, the procedure<br />

can only work when all retinal breaks can be well visualized<br />

(Fig. 10.5). This may be difficult in eyes with media problems or

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