Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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<strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> Repair: Outlook for the Future 201<br />

Fig. 10.12. Several types of multifocal intraocular lenses<br />

IOLs for presbyopia will also complicate our view in the future as<br />

their use becomes widespread (Fig. 10.12).<br />

Let us also consider clinical trials of the future. Clearly, the current<br />

clinical trials methodologies in use are awkward, expensive,<br />

and extremely personnel intense.Anybody who has participated in<br />

a definitive National Institutes of Health or drug company trial<br />

knows this. These trials take years to plan and, by definition, cannot<br />

test cutting edge techniques and are not applicable to techniques<br />

in evolution. The paperwork and infrastructure currently<br />

required to perform high-quality clinical trials is extremely cumbersome<br />

and inefficient. Let us consider the concept of the Secure<br />

VPN or Virtual Private Network (Fig. 10.13). Consider that groups<br />

of surgeons will be securely networked and will have the power to

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