Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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202<br />

10 <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> Repair: Outlook for the Future<br />

Fig. 10.13. Virtual personal collaborative networks<br />

query the sum experience of the group. Imagine that data will be<br />

ferreted out because all data will be computerized and that sophisticated<br />

programs, worms, and internet cookies will allow compilation<br />

of preoperative data, procedure data, and outcomes, including<br />

standardized visual acuity. In addition, patients will be able to be<br />

contacted to determine quality of life outcomes. Although all procedures<br />

may not be standardized, standardization can evolve and<br />

may allow us to collect real time data and outcomes as they occur<br />

in patients throughout the United States or the world. One can only<br />

imagine what the ability to determine success and outcomes nationally<br />

and internationally will do to our ability to advance and<br />

understand surgical techniques when such information will be<br />

available with minimal effort in comparison with today’s clinical

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