Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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found that eyes with pre-existing retinal breaks do not have any increased<br />

risk of retinal detachment following PVD. The same was<br />

true of eyes with pre-existing senile retinoschisis (N.E. Byer, unpublished<br />

observations). In the group of eyes with pre-existing lattice<br />

degeneration the onset of sudden PVD did lead to new retinal<br />

tears in 24% (N.E. Byer, unpublished observations). In 76% of the<br />

eyes with lattice degeneration, the occurrence of a PVD did not<br />

produce any complication of any kind (N.E. Byer, unpublished observations).<br />

However, in 50% of the lattice-eyes the new tears appeared<br />

in “normal”-appearing retinal areas and, thus, could not<br />

have been pretreated (using the “prophylactic” method) because<br />

they would not have been detected.<br />

In summary, the conscientious examination of patients with recent<br />

symptoms of posterior vitreous detachment, followed by discovery<br />

and treatment of new retinal tears, provides the capability<br />

of preventing around 44% of rhegmatogenous retinal detachments.<br />

The older practice of “prophylactically” treating eyes with<br />

predisposing retinal lesions has led only to a disappointing and<br />

questionable clinical benefit. That procedure should be officially<br />

discarded, and the above much-preferred method should be recognized<br />

as the proper standard of care. This then is the obvious and<br />

available answer to the question of “What to DO” to prevent retinal<br />

detachment.<br />

References<br />

2 Prophylaxis in Fellow Eye of <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong><br />

1. Schepens CL (1947) A new ophthalmoscope demonstration. Trans Am<br />

Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 51:298–301<br />

2. Meyer-Schwickerath G (1949) Ber. 55,Vers Deutsch Ophth Ges Heidelberg<br />

3. Meyer-Schwickerath G, Fried M (1980) Prophylaxis of retinal detachment.<br />

Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 100:56–65<br />

4. Haut J, Arne J, Khairallah M (1988) La prevention du decollement<br />

idiopathique de la retine. Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr 1:173

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