Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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90<br />

5 Vitrectomy for the <strong>Primary</strong> Management of <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong><br />

eyes after one operation and 96.7% after multiple operations. The<br />

surgical techniques did vary and might explain some of the differences<br />

in anatomic outcomes. In some series, concomitant scleral<br />

buckling was done [10], but in others, a scleral buckle was not used<br />

in any of the eyes [9]. Also, vitrectomy was done only in pseudophakic<br />

eyes, compared with other series that were operated without<br />

regard to the lens status. The most common causes of failure of the<br />

primary operation were missed retinal breaks or the development<br />

of PVR. In a series of 25 failed cases analyzed for the cause of failure,<br />

missed retinal breaks were responsible for 64.3% of failures [12].<br />

These cases were managed with vitrectomy revision with or without<br />

scleral buckling. The visual acuity outcomes are not stated in<br />

many of these reports, and it is not possible to determine if the<br />

outcomes are more favorable than in eyes treated with scleral<br />

buckling alone. Some retrospective reviews and randomized clinical<br />

studies comparing the anatomic outcomes between vitrectomy<br />

and scleral buckling as the primary operation have been reported<br />

[13–15]. In general, they report similar anatomic and visual outcomes<br />

and probably have too small a number of eyes to have sufficient<br />

power to detect a difference. A large prospective randomized<br />

study with matched retinal detachments would be required to find<br />

if there is a difference in visual acuity outcomes. Such a study would<br />

probably require hundreds of patients, since the anatomic reattachment<br />

rates are high both with scleral buckling and with vitrectomy<br />

and is currently in progress in Germany (SPR Study) [16].<br />

There are several advantages to the use of vitrectomy in the<br />

primary management of retinal detachment. Intraocular visualization<br />

is much improved, reducing the possibility of missing retinal<br />

breaks. In one prospective study of 51 eyes undergoing vitrectomy,<br />

7 (13.7%) eyes were found to have previously undetected retinal<br />

breaks, and additional holes were found in 21 (41%) eyes [17]. The<br />

traction on the tear is removed with vitrectomy with any vitreous<br />

debris or hemorrhage. Thus, the patient rarely sees “floaters” postoperatively.<br />

The retina is almost completely flattened at the time<br />

of surgery with the help of perfluorocarbon liquids, and there is

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