WFA 2006 Annual Report.indd - Women's Funding Alliance

WFA 2006 Annual Report.indd - Women's Funding Alliance

WFA 2006 Annual Report.indd - Women's Funding Alliance


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10<br />

Judy Marken<br />

Catherine Marks<br />

Wendy Marlowe, Ph.D.<br />

Collen Marquist<br />

Maxine Martell<br />

Sydney Martin Dore<br />

Jeanne Martin<br />

Kathleen Martin<br />

Margaret L. Masar and Geoffrey Nichols<br />

Joan E. Mason<br />

Jolyn Mason and Craig Gibson *<br />

Sherry Mason<br />

Melissa Mather and Mindy Schaberg<br />

Marjory J. Mathews-Hellman<br />

Mary Mathiason<br />

Michael McCann<br />

Michael McCarron<br />

Sharon McColm<br />

Shirley McCune<br />

Elinor McDade<br />

Eleanor Mcelvaine<br />

Molly McGee<br />

Sylvia McGee<br />

Nancy and James McGill<br />

Judith McGilvray<br />

Helen McGough<br />

NIna McKenzie<br />

Theresa McKenzie<br />

Suzanne McLaughlin<br />

Kendall McLean<br />

Mercein and C.M. McMahan<br />

Megan McMally<br />

Laura McMillan<br />

Heidi McNamee<br />

Barbara McPhee<br />

Susan Mello<br />

Joanne Menard<br />

Yuko Mera<br />

Laura Merchant<br />

Laura and Jack Merrell<br />

Diane Merz<br />

Mark Messe<br />

Nancy Messenger<br />

Jane Meyerding<br />

Deborah Meyers<br />

April R. Millar<br />

Hillary Miller Slawson<br />

Julia Miller<br />

Louise Miller<br />

Melonie Miller<br />

Gloria Milliken<br />

Mary Lou Mills<br />

Suzanne Mills<br />

Judy Mims<br />

Dana Kauffman Mirick<br />

Patricia Mitchell<br />

Rachel Miyoshi<br />

Alisa Moffat<br />

Vicki Molnar<br />

Amy Monaghan<br />

Kellye Monahan<br />

Pamela Montgomery<br />

Anne German Moon<br />

Mardell O. Moore<br />

Nickie Moran<br />

Morgan Law Firm<br />

Risa Lewellyn<br />

Kristin and Craig Moritz<br />

Jeannie Morris<br />

Beverly Morrow<br />

Steven Morse<br />

Adriane Moschette<br />

Arno G. Motulsky<br />

Julie Mounts<br />

Merlyn Mowrey and Miklos Ferber<br />

Manuele Lepouse Moyer<br />

Dana Mrozek<br />

Marjorie Muecke<br />

Camille Mullen<br />

Carolyn and David Mullens<br />

Kathleen Mulligan<br />

Lisa Mundall<br />

Matilde Munol<br />

Claudia Munoz<br />

Pam Murray<br />

Sheila Musgrove<br />

Lisa Muth<br />

Carolynne Myall<br />

Roger Myers<br />

Joanne Myers-Ciecko<br />

Amanda Myhre<br />

Connie Narayanan<br />

Scott Neal<br />

Heidi Neff<br />

Heidi Neiman<br />

Janet Ness<br />

Jean Newman<br />

Gloria Newvine<br />

Les Newvine<br />

Sarah Neyhart<br />

Winnie Wing Yee Ng<br />

Jeanne and Mahlon Nichols<br />

Gaye and Joseph Nicklaus<br />

Jillian Nieder<br />

Heidi Nielson<br />

Holly Nilson and Carol Smith<br />

Susan Nivert and Barb Glen<br />

Heather Norberg Stewart<br />

Randall Nordfors<br />

Charles Nordhoff<br />

Grace Nordhoff<br />

Linda Lee Nordness<br />

Claire Noriega<br />

Jeanette Norris<br />

Lenny Norris<br />

Robin Obata<br />

Dorothy Oberto<br />

Sheila O’Brien<br />

Mary Obukowicz<br />

Judith Oerkvitz<br />

Sabrina Oesterle<br />

Carol Ann Ogden<br />

Cheryl Okazaki<br />

Christine O’Leary and Michael Courtney<br />

Kathleen O’Leary and Veronica Ritson<br />

Laurie Jennifer Oliver<br />

Alice A. Olson<br />

Janice M. Olson and Jann K. Longman<br />

Charlotte Omoto<br />

S. Kim O’Neal<br />

Ross O’Neill<br />

Jacilyn Oseguera and Debra S. Willendorf<br />

Sara Oshikawa-Clay<br />

Desiree and Kevin Otto<br />

Mimi Ozaki<br />

Robin Ozerkis<br />

Karen B. Page<br />

Kari Page<br />

Ruth and Albert Paige<br />

George Park<br />

Susan Parker<br />

Marjory A. Parry<br />

Donna Patrick<br />

Lora Patterson<br />

Karol Patton<br />

Anne Paul<br />

Julia Paulsen<br />

Tim Pavish<br />

Regina and Alan Pearlman<br />

Brenda Peddicord<br />

Suzanne Pedersen<br />

Terry Pedersen<br />

Joellene Peebles<br />

Ruth Pelz<br />

Susan Pennington<br />

Nancy Penrose<br />

Susan and Michael Peskura<br />

Dan Petegorsky<br />

Christina Peterson<br />

Claire Peterson<br />

Dena Peterson<br />

Donna Jean Peterson<br />

Glen Peterson<br />

Kathleen M. Peterson<br />

Lisa Peterson<br />

Michele Peterson<br />

Leland Petitjean<br />

Louise Petrasek and Liz Lang<br />

Ruth M. Pettis<br />

Rich Philips<br />

James Phillips<br />

Shannon Phillips<br />

Amy Pierce<br />

Becky Pierce<br />

Gregory W. Pierce and Susan A. Nakagawa<br />

Patricia Pierson<br />

Colleen Pike<br />

Diane Pilkey<br />

Refugee Women’s <strong>Alliance</strong><br />

Linda M. Pillo<br />

Constance G. Pious<br />

Eloise Piper<br />

Nancy-Lou Polk<br />

Monique Pollitt<br />

Margaret Pomranz<br />

Thomas Ponischil<br />

Suzanne Poppema and John Cramer<br />

Sharon Porter<br />

Jennell Prentice<br />

Julie West and Chris Prentice<br />

Martha Prescott<br />

Anne Price<br />

Kelly and James Priestley<br />

Shari Purves-Reiter<br />

Melani Quine<br />

Cheryl Rairigh<br />

Greg Rake<br />

Karen Rall<br />

Andrea and Michael C. Ramage<br />

M. Jolene Ramaker<br />

Lalitha Raman and Balan Sethu<br />

Barbara Ramey<br />

Brooke Randell<br />

Roberta Ray<br />

Judith A. Raymer and A. Paige Nilles<br />

Patricia Raymer and Janice Villard<br />

Karen Reagan<br />

Sharon Redeker<br />

Rose Mary Reed<br />

Tracy Reed<br />

Todd Reeves<br />

Guillemette Regan and Elizabeth Nucci<br />

Mike Reimbold<br />

Carol B. Reingold<br />

Haim Rekisiwang<br />

Helen Remick<br />

Cynthia Renfro<br />

Joseph Resing<br />

Jennifer Revall<br />

Sara Reyerson<br />

Barba Rhoads-Weaver<br />

Jean Rice<br />

Anita Richard<br />

Cynthia Richardson<br />

Elizabeth Richardson<br />

Kristin Richardson<br />

Tammy Richardson<br />

Kirk Richmond<br />

Ruthe and Robert Ridder<br />

Tom Rigert<br />

Marcia Riggers<br />

Lara Riley<br />

Cindy Ritchie<br />

Marybelen Rivera<br />

Diane and Orren Roberts<br />

Eve Roberts<br />

Carolyn Robison<br />

Gregg Rodgers<br />

Holly Rodgers<br />

Kathleen Rogers and Robert Puett<br />

Mary and David Rolfe<br />

Kris Romstad<br />

Shelley Ronnfeldt<br />

Marian and Peter Rose<br />

Patricia Sue Rose<br />

Kathryn Ross and Tim Schmuckel<br />

Suzanne Rothenberg<br />

Alyssa Royce<br />

Samantha Royce<br />

Howard Russell<br />

Nancy and Richard Rust<br />

Eric Ryan<br />

Pat Rytkonen<br />

Lorraine Sagdahl<br />

Linda Sakai<br />

Cheryl A. Sallee<br />

Margaret Sandelin<br />

Jackie Sanders<br />

Joan Sandler and Rita Shaw<br />

Alison Sands<br />

Angela Santamaria<br />

Susan Saranovich<br />

Daniel T. Satterberg<br />

Sarah Sawyer<br />

Pam and Paul Schell<br />

Diane Schmitz<br />

Gail Schmitz<br />

Karl Schmitz<br />

Daphne Schneider and Daniel Modeen<br />

James L. Schneider<br />

Andrea Schock<br />

Kenneth R. Scholes<br />

Marianne Scholl<br />

Christina Scholz<br />

Lisa Schuchman<br />

Fayla Schwartz<br />

Sheryl Schwartz<br />

Sharon Scully<br />

Jan Secor<br />

Karen Segar<br />

Brook Candace Self<br />

Susan Selmer<br />

Loretta J. Seppanen<br />

Laura Sevonty<br />

Stephanie Shandera<br />

Vernisa Eileen Sharp-Rovig<br />

Kathy Sheehan<br />

Patricia Shelledy<br />

Mark K. Sherard<br />

Jane Sheridan<br />

Karen Sheridan and John Miller<br />

Peggy Sherman<br />

Susan Sherrod<br />

Naomi and Murray Shiff<br />

Stanley Shikuma<br />

Sally Shintaffer<br />

Tonya Shum<br />

Marcia and Peter Sill<br />

James Simmonds<br />

Melinda Simon and John Larson<br />

Louise Simpson<br />

Patricia Simpson<br />

Michael Singleary<br />

Heidi Sitton<br />

Melna Skillingstead<br />

Susan Skillman<br />

Cindy Skolrud<br />

Teresa Skov<br />

Andrea Slayton<br />

April Slee<br />

Lynne Sloan<br />

Barbara Smith<br />

Judy Smith<br />

Mary Smith<br />

Patricia Smith<br />

Shannon Smith<br />

Theresa Smith<br />

Isabel Soley<br />

Roslyn Solomon<br />

Reza Soltani<br />

Rebecca Som Castellano<br />

Margaret Sorrel<br />

Nancy Spaeth<br />

Valerie Spagnolo<br />

Elaine Spalding<br />

Kim Sparks-Wilmer<br />

Hilary Starling Prentice and Mark Prentice<br />

Keith Starr<br />

Janet Stein<br />

Alec Stephens<br />

Mary K. Stevenson<br />

Pamela Stewart<br />

Hillary Stibbard-Terrell and Micahel Terrell<br />

Diane Stielstra and Donn Fry<br />

Carol Stoel-Gammon<br />

Cathy J. Strombom<br />

Arlene H. Strong<br />

Karen Stuhldreher<br />

Vega Subramaniam and Mala Nagarajan<br />

JoAnna Jody and Donald Sutherland<br />

Michael Sutherland<br />

Nancy Sutherland<br />

Margaret Sutthoff<br />

Shelley M. Sutton and Kenneth J. Nakatsu<br />

Robert Swope<br />

Karen L. Syrjala<br />

Carol Tanner<br />

David C. Tarshes and Deborah Kerdeman<br />

Bonnie Taylor<br />

Susan Taylor<br />

Nigist Tekie<br />

Richard and Christine Terrill<br />

Carol Thayer<br />

Joan and Mortimer Thomas<br />

Engelberta Thompson<br />

Gayle and John Thompson<br />

Kelly Thompson<br />


Thanks to your generous support, the<br />

Women’s <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> (<strong>WFA</strong>) exceeded<br />

our goals for 2005. Highlights include:<br />

GRANTS<br />

• More than $236,000 distributed to <strong>WFA</strong>’s 21<br />

member agencies, made possible by workplace<br />

campaign donations.<br />

• More than $152,000 awarded in annual and donor-<br />

advised grants focused on addressing the needs of<br />

women and girls.<br />


• <strong>WFA</strong> completed a Strategic Plan with the help of<br />

more than 20 community leaders, board members<br />

and staff. This plan outlines objectives for increasing<br />

<strong>WFA</strong>’s impact through 2009. The full plan is available<br />

at www.wfalliance.org.<br />

• <strong>WFA</strong> also embarked on a multi-year Advancement<br />

Campaign to strengthen our organization’s opera-<br />

tional capacity, conduct A Closer Look research study,<br />

and increase our strategic grant making. Several<br />

lead individuals and organizations stepped forward<br />

early to support this effort; their names are listed in<br />

the following pages.<br />

• <strong>WFA</strong> launched A Closer Look research study,<br />

which is taking an in-depth look at the realities<br />

facing women and girls in King, Pierce, Sno-<br />

homish and Whatcom counties. From this, <strong>WFA</strong><br />

will shape and lead a philanthropic agenda<br />

that has a greater impact, provides solutions<br />

to community issues, and targets funds<br />

toward the root causes of many challenges<br />

facing women and girls.<br />

WHO WE ARE<br />

No other organization in the Puget Sound region does what we<br />

do. The Women’s <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> (<strong>WFA</strong>) is the only funding<br />

organization in the Puget Sound region devoted solely to invest-<br />

ing in the lives of women and girls.<br />

Since its inception in 1983, <strong>WFA</strong> has distributed millions of<br />

dollars to more than 100 organizations, helping thousands<br />

of women and girls in our community.<br />

<strong>WFA</strong> invests in progressive, visionary and vibrant orga-<br />

nizations working on the ground level to address issues<br />

around education and leadership, poverty, domestic<br />

violence, discrimination and reproductive freedom.<br />

Often these organizations are meeting emerging needs,<br />

and are still small and under-funded. From the local<br />

Southern Sudanese Women’s Association to the North-<br />

west Women’s Law Center, contributions from <strong>WFA</strong><br />

make a significant impact on the infrastructure, con-<br />

tinued growth and effectiveness of these organizations.<br />

Mission:<br />

The Women’s <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> promotes justice, health<br />

and opportunities by investing in the future of women<br />

and girls.<br />

Vision:<br />

The Women’s <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> envisions a world where<br />

all women and girls thrive in a just and equitable society<br />

and have the resources and opportunities to reach their<br />

full potential.<br />


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