HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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(B) Drawing Room/ Dining Hall S.N. Item Qty. Amount in Rs. 1. ACs Depending on 50,000/size of room 2 Dining Table 1 30,000/- 3. TV 1 30,000/- 4. Sofa set 2 50,000/- 5. Carpet(as required) - 25,000/- 6. Dining set, Crockery, cutlery etc As required 15,000/- 7. Coffee table/ Tepoy- small table 1 5,000/- 8. DTH TV connection 1 4,000/- 9. Wall Clock, Table lamp, Paintings, Wall hangings As required 5,000/- TOTAL 2,09,000/- rounded off to 2,10,000/- C) Kitchen S.No Item Qty. Approx. amount (Rs.) 1. Refrigerator 1 20,000/- 2. Gas connection with Gas Burner 1 5,000/- 3. Microwave Oven 1 10,000/- 4. Cooking utensils As required 5,000/- 5. Water cooler with water filter 1 10,000/- 6. Buckets, Water storage Tank, etc. As required 5,000/- 7. Exhaust chimney 1 10,000/- 8. Mosquitoes/ Insects repellant 1 5,000/- 9. Fire extinguisher As required 5,000/- 10. Grinder 1 5,000/- 11. Mixer/Juicer 1 5,000/- 12. Electric Toaster 1 2,000/- TOTAL 87,000/- r. off to Rs.90,000/- Note: Above lists and prices are indicative only. The actual requirement/number may vary depending on the facts of each case. 97

12. Amount of financial assistance: The total amount of financial assistance shall be worked out based on above scales. The field offices should decide on their needs and prepare estimates after obtaining rates as per prescribed instructions in the GFRs. A note on how the rates have been ascertained along with a copy of the rates should be part of the proposal. 13. Rules for Allotment: The guest houses shall be governed by the Departmental Guest House (Indian Customs and Central Excise) Rules 2007. Allotment Rules Departmental Guest House (Indian Customs and Central Excise) Rules 2007 (i) These rules may be called the Departmental Guest House (ICE) Rules, 2007. (ii) They shall come into force immediately on issuance. (iii) In these rules unless the context otherwise requires:- “Guest House” includes Holiday Homes, rent free accommodation arranged by the department and any club with residential facility set up by the department; “Department” means the CBEC and its attached/ subordinate offices; (iv) Allotment of the Guest House shall be made by an allotting authority specified by the Chief Commissioner in whose jurisdiction the Guest House is set up. In case of difficulty where the guest house(s) and/or the rent-free accommodation are in jurisdiction of more than one Chief Commissioner the matter may be decided among the Chief Commissioners. (v) The Guest House shall remain under control of the Estate Officer or the Head of office in charge of the building in which they are situated. (vi) The Directorate of Logistics entrusted with the welfare function shall be the overseeing authority for administration of Guest House. The Directorate shall issue such administrative 98

(B) Draw<strong>in</strong>g Room/ D<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Hall<br />

S.N. Item Qty. Amount <strong>in</strong> Rs.<br />

1. ACs Depend<strong>in</strong>g on 50,000/size<br />

<strong>of</strong> room<br />

2 D<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Table 1 30,000/-<br />

3. TV 1 30,000/-<br />

4. S<strong>of</strong>a set 2 50,000/-<br />

5. Carpet(as required) - 25,000/-<br />

6. D<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g set, Crockery, cutlery etc As required 15,000/-<br />

7. C<strong>of</strong>fee table/ Tepoy- small table 1 5,000/-<br />

8. DTH TV connection 1 4,000/-<br />

9. Wall Clock, Table lamp, Pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>gs,<br />

Wall hang<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

As required 5,000/-<br />

TOTAL 2,09,000/- rounded <strong>of</strong>f to 2,10,000/-<br />

C) Kitchen<br />

S.No Item Qty. Approx.<br />

amount (Rs.)<br />

1. Refrigerator 1 20,000/-<br />

2. Gas connection with Gas Burner 1 5,000/-<br />

3. Microwave Oven 1 10,000/-<br />

4. Cook<strong>in</strong>g utensils As required 5,000/-<br />

5. Water cooler with water filter 1 10,000/-<br />

6. Buckets, Water storage Tank, etc. As required 5,000/-<br />

7. Exhaust chimney 1 10,000/-<br />

8. Mosquitoes/ Insects repellant 1 5,000/-<br />

9. Fire ext<strong>in</strong>guisher As required 5,000/-<br />

10. Gr<strong>in</strong>der 1 5,000/-<br />

11. Mixer/Juicer 1 5,000/-<br />

12. Electric Toaster 1 2,000/-<br />

TOTAL 87,000/- r. <strong>of</strong>f to Rs.90,000/-<br />

Note: Above lists and prices are <strong>in</strong>dicative only. The actual requirement/number<br />

may vary depend<strong>in</strong>g on the facts <strong>of</strong> each case.<br />


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