HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
instructions as considered necessary for proper administration, maintenance and up keep of guest house. (vii) Room entitlement for various categories of officers shall be as follows: S.N. Category of Officials Type of accommodation 1. Officers in the rank of Commissioner A.C. suite with ante room and and above attached toilet/bath room 2. Other Group-A officers A.C. room with attached toilet/ bath room 3. Group-B officers A.C. room with attached toilet/ bath room 4. Group-C Executive and Ministerial Air cooled rooms with Officers attached toilet/ bath room.# 5. Other Officers Air cooled rooms/ dormitory preferably with attached toilet.# # subject to availability of accommodation. (viii) Application for allotment should ordinarily be sent to the allotting authority at least 7 days prior to the date on which the guest house accommodation is required ** . In case of urgent visits and emergencies, the controlling officer may exercise discretion in allotting guest (ix) Order of priority: Allotment should be made in the following order of priority: First priority to the officials on departmental duty; Second priority to the serving departmental officials on private visit; Third priority to officers on duty of other offices who provide their Guest House facility to our department. Fourth priority to retired departmental officials; Fifth priority to guests of departmental officials. (x) The allotting authority shall allot the accommodation three days prior to the intended date of stay strictly according to the order of priority as above and the date of receipt of applications 99
irrespective of rank. In cases where requests are received at the same time from two officials of the same category, priority of allotment should be given to the senior officer. In the event of the seniority being the same priority may be given to the officer who application is received first. *** However one third of the rooms in a particular category may be allotted earlier on receipt of request to enable the officers’ plan their journeys. Where a facility is set up primarily as a holiday home the advance booking may be extended to two third of the total number. (xi) Period of stay (I) For serving departmental officials: (a) On official tours for the duration of the tour; (b) On private visits up to a max. of 3 days; Extension for further 2 days may be given on request if there is no demand for accommodation; (c) In case of transfers room charges will be as under: (i) For stay up to one month: at normal rates as per the guidelines (ii) For stay exceeding one month but up to 3 months: 50% of HRA admissible. (iii) Stay beyond 3 months may not be allowed. (d) In case of medical treatment at out-stations, departmental officials or their dependent family members, may be allowed to stay for period of treatment. (II) Other Officers: For a maximum of 3 days. (xii) An officer shall not be permitted to occupy the guest house situated at his/her own HQ except when the officer is on transfer or returning from long leave (more than 1 month). In case of returning from leave, guest house accommodation may be provided for a period not exceeding seven days. (xiii) In case of an accommodation being vacant, an officer may be allotted accommodation of one level higher. Similarly subject to 100
- Page 63 and 64: PART A (i) Name of Station- whether
- Page 71 and 72: To F.No. 207/01/2006-Ad.VIII (EC) G
- Page 73 and 74: 10. Details of financial bidding fr
- Page 75 and 76: 11. Advertisement given and offers
- Page 77 and 78: estimates which are permissible in
- Page 79 and 80: Demand No. 100-Department of Urban
- Page 82: WELFARE 67
- Page 85 and 86: 1.2 Nature of Funds The two funds f
- Page 87 and 88: laws in relation to Customs, Centra
- Page 89 and 90: for performance in Board Examinatio
- Page 91 and 92: if any. (b) The Commissioner while
- Page 93 and 94: CERTIFICATE 78 (Proforma) (To be su
- Page 97 and 98: to any assistance which may be sanc
- Page 99 and 100: 3.3 CASH AWARD SCHEME For the child
- Page 101 and 102: 2. Definitions (i) Eligibility crit
- Page 103 and 104: (A) Reimbursement of fees for first
- Page 105 and 106: (i) In case of children of SC/ST/OB
- Page 107 and 108: 7. Income limit of parents Notwiths
- Page 109 and 110: (ii) By converting residential flat
- Page 111 and 112: items shall be able to last for at
- Page 113: 12. Amount of financial assistance:
- Page 117 and 118: (iii) Receipts from room charges sh
- Page 119 and 120: quarterly basis from the interest a
- Page 121 and 122: Advisory Committee formed as per Di
- Page 123 and 124: 8. Whether amount of financial assi
- Page 125 and 126: 8. Complete details as to how cante
- Page 127 and 128: 3. No funds shall be sanctioned eit
- Page 129 and 130: S.No. ITEM Approx. cost (Rs.) For S
- Page 131 and 132: (B) For refurbishing of existing ca
- Page 133 and 134: 3.7 Norms/Guidelines for grant of F
- Page 135 and 136: (f) Financial assistance: (i) For s
- Page 137 and 138: S. Item Unit cost Scale at which it
- Page 139 and 140: (B) For up gradation/refurbishing o
- Page 141 and 142: 3.8 Guidelines/Norms for setting up
- Page 143 and 144: List of items proposed for Gym./Rec
- Page 145 and 146: 15. What is the estimated recurring
- Page 147 and 148: a. In case of under utilization, fo
- Page 149 and 150: 4.0 List of Common facilities 4.1 L
- Page 151 and 152: S.No. Commissionerate Place 21 Jams
- Page 153 and 154: Details of Guest Houses Setup/Furni
- Page 155 and 156: 4.4 GOVERNING BODY OF THE CUSTOMS &
- Page 157 and 158: Annexure-I S. Employee/ Designation
<strong>in</strong>structions as considered necessary for proper adm<strong>in</strong>istration,<br />
ma<strong>in</strong>tenance and up keep <strong>of</strong> guest house.<br />
(vii) Room entitlement for various categories <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers shall be as<br />
follows:<br />
S.N. Category <strong>of</strong> Officials Type <strong>of</strong> accommodation<br />
1. Officers <strong>in</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> Commissioner A.C. suite with ante room and<br />
and above attached toilet/bath room<br />
2. Other Group-A <strong>of</strong>ficers A.C. room with attached toilet/<br />
bath room<br />
3. Group-B <strong>of</strong>ficers A.C. room with attached toilet/<br />
bath room<br />
4. Group-C Executive and M<strong>in</strong>isterial Air cooled rooms with<br />
Officers attached toilet/ bath room.#<br />
5. Other Officers Air cooled rooms/ dormitory<br />
preferably with attached<br />
toilet.#<br />
# subject to availability <strong>of</strong> accommodation.<br />
(viii) Application for allotment should ord<strong>in</strong>arily be sent to the allott<strong>in</strong>g<br />
authority at least 7 days prior to the date on which the guest<br />
house accommodation is required ** . In case <strong>of</strong> urgent visits<br />
and emergencies, the controll<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>ficer may exercise discretion<br />
<strong>in</strong> allott<strong>in</strong>g guest<br />
(ix) Order <strong>of</strong> priority: Allotment should be made <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />
order <strong>of</strong> priority:<br />
First priority to the <strong>of</strong>ficials on departmental duty;<br />
Second priority to the serv<strong>in</strong>g departmental <strong>of</strong>ficials on private<br />
visit;<br />
Third priority to <strong>of</strong>ficers on duty <strong>of</strong> other <strong>of</strong>fices who provide<br />
their Guest House facility to our department.<br />
Fourth priority to retired departmental <strong>of</strong>ficials;<br />
Fifth priority to guests <strong>of</strong> departmental <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />
(x) The allott<strong>in</strong>g authority shall allot the accommodation three days<br />
prior to the <strong>in</strong>tended date <strong>of</strong> stay strictly accord<strong>in</strong>g to the order<br />
<strong>of</strong> priority as above and the date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> applications<br />