HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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willingness of the officer he may be allotted any lower level accommodation. (xiv)Room Charges: Room charges for the Guest House shall be as follows: Officers/Guests Class of city Type of accommodation AC Suite AC Room Air cooled room Charges/Fee Charges/Fee Charges/Fee per day (Rs) per day (Rs) per day (Rs) On duty On private On duty On On duty On (25% visit (20% (20% of private (15% private of DA) extra) DA) visit of DA) visit (20% (20% extra) extra) Departmental A-1A, and 65 80 45 55 25 30 officers specially 55 65 35 45 20 25 expensive localities B-1, and 45 55 30 35 15 20 expensive 35 45 25 30 10 15 localities. Others Other officials of A-1 A, and 130 90 50 Central/State specially 110 70 40 Govt./PSU/ expensive public sector localities 90 60 30 Bank ( room B-1, and charges double expensive 70 50 20 the rates localities applicable to Others departmental officials on duty) Guests of A-1A, and 95 65 35 departmental specially 80 55 30 officers(room expensive charges 20 % localities extra of rates B-1, and 65 45 25 applicable to expensive departmental localities 55 35 20 officials on private visits) Others N.B. The proposed rates are inclusive of Service charge, charges for Air-conditioners, Heaters, Geyser etc., but do not include charges for breakfast/ meals 14. Running of Guest House (i) A Committee should be formed for running/maintenance/ care taking of guest house. (ii) No funds shall be sanctioned for wages/salary of staff engaged for running the Guest House and kitchen. 101

(iii) Receipts from room charges should be used for meeting recurring and maintenance expenses of guest house. (iv) The occupants are required to pay in cash without fail, to the officer-in-charge, the room charges/fee and other charges due, before they vacate the guest house. Any damage to furniture, crockery, fixture or fittings caused by a guest shall be charged separately in addition to the rent. In case of dispute, decision of the Commissioner, having the responsibility of maintenance/ up keep/running of the guest house shall be final. 15. Records to be maintained The following details should be maintained in the records of Allotment Register: (i) Name & Designation, (ii) Commissionerate/Office, (iii) Place of posting, (iv) Telephone numbers (office/residence/mobile) (v) official/private visit, (vi) Date of arrival, (vii) Date of departure, (viii) period of stay, (ix) Type and number of rooms, (x) Room charges/fee per day, (xi) Room charges/fee paid, (xiii) Receipt number, (xiv) Signature of visitor. In case of dependent/guest of a departmental official, mention name, relationship, address (office and residence), telephone number, and purpose of visit of dependent/guest also. 16. Internal Audit: Internal audit should be carried out yearly (financial year) and report to be sent to Directorate of Logistics by 30 th April. Points 102

(iii) Receipts from room charges should be used for meet<strong>in</strong>g<br />

recurr<strong>in</strong>g and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance expenses <strong>of</strong> guest house.<br />

(iv) The occupants are required to pay <strong>in</strong> cash without fail, to<br />

the <strong>of</strong>ficer-<strong>in</strong>-charge, the room charges/fee and other charges<br />

due, before they vacate the guest house. Any damage<br />

to furniture, crockery, fixture or fitt<strong>in</strong>gs caused by a guest<br />

shall be charged separately <strong>in</strong> addition to the rent. In case<br />

<strong>of</strong> dispute, decision <strong>of</strong> the Commissioner, hav<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

responsibility <strong>of</strong> ma<strong>in</strong>tenance/ up keep/runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the guest<br />

house shall be f<strong>in</strong>al.<br />

15. Records to be ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

The follow<strong>in</strong>g details should be ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the records <strong>of</strong><br />

Allotment Register:<br />

(i) Name & Designation,<br />

(ii) Commissionerate/Office,<br />

(iii) Place <strong>of</strong> post<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

(iv) Telephone numbers (<strong>of</strong>fice/residence/mobile)<br />

(v) <strong>of</strong>ficial/private visit,<br />

(vi) Date <strong>of</strong> arrival,<br />

(vii) Date <strong>of</strong> departure,<br />

(viii) period <strong>of</strong> stay,<br />

(ix) Type and number <strong>of</strong> rooms,<br />

(x) Room charges/fee per day,<br />

(xi) Room charges/fee paid,<br />

(xiii) Receipt number,<br />

(xiv) Signature <strong>of</strong> visitor.<br />

In case <strong>of</strong> dependent/guest <strong>of</strong> a departmental <strong>of</strong>ficial, mention<br />

name, relationship, address (<strong>of</strong>fice and residence), telephone<br />

number, and purpose <strong>of</strong> visit <strong>of</strong> dependent/guest also.<br />

16. Internal Audit:<br />

Internal audit should be carried out yearly (f<strong>in</strong>ancial year) and<br />

report to be sent to <strong>Directorate</strong> <strong>of</strong> Logistics by 30 th April. Po<strong>in</strong>ts<br />


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