HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
(c ) Facilities for children : 1. There should be sleeping facilities for children. 2. Essential play material and teaching and learning material must be available to meet the needs of preschool children. 3. The Centre must be equipped with basic First Aid kit containing pediatric medicines for common ailments like fever, vomiting etc. and ointments, disinfectants, band aids, cotton wool etc. for minor injuries. (d) Care taking/security/safety of children: 1. There should be proper arrangements for trained or experienced Ayahas for taking care of children. 2. The centre should have a chowkidar for safety and security of children. 3. Responsibility should be assigned to a designated staff/ officer to maintain stock/record of the equipments/items provided to Creche. Arrangements for annual verification of equipments/items should also be in place. (e) Monitoring/supervision/running of Crèche: 1. A Committee having a representative from the women employees requiring Crèche facility should be formed for supervision and smooth running of the Crèche. 2. Crèche should be run on self-sustaining basis. A monthly fee may be charged from the employees availing the Crèche facility for meeting the running expenses. 3. Along with the proposal for setting up of a Crèche, Commissioner should specify fee to be charged in terms of number of children to meet running expenses. Possibility of entering into contract with a Service provider may also be explored following due procedure. 119
(f) Financial assistance: (i) For setting up a Crèche: An illustrative List of items to be provided for setting up a crèche at an approximate estimated cost shall be as given in the List of items. For setting up a Crèche, amount of financial assistance shall be decided according to number of items and type of item to be provided as per number of children. No financial assistance from Welfare Fund or from regular budget for paying wages of Ayahas and Chowkidar and any other miscellaneous expenses shall be admissible for running the Crèche. No funds shall be provided for Civil/Electrical works for setting up a Crèche. Apart from items mentioned in Annexure’2' any other item necessary may be considered on merit on case to case basis. (ii) For up gradation of existing Crèche : 1. Request for financial assistance for up gradation (enhancing the capacity) shall be considered depending on the utilization and demand in terms of number of children. (iii) For refurbishing of an existing Crèche : Items like crockery, utensils, Soft carpets, Toys, Mosquitoes net, mattresses, Bed sheets, Pillows, Towels, Toys, tricycles, Baby Walker etc. get worn out or broken over a period of time. Such items are required to be replaced after some time of their use. A period of 3 years is considered appropriate for replacement of such items. For replacement of other items such as Refrigerator, Colour TV, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner a period of 7 years is considered appropriate. 120
- Page 85 and 86: 1.2 Nature of Funds The two funds f
- Page 87 and 88: laws in relation to Customs, Centra
- Page 89 and 90: for performance in Board Examinatio
- Page 91 and 92: if any. (b) The Commissioner while
- Page 93 and 94: CERTIFICATE 78 (Proforma) (To be su
- Page 97 and 98: to any assistance which may be sanc
- Page 99 and 100: 3.3 CASH AWARD SCHEME For the child
- Page 101 and 102: 2. Definitions (i) Eligibility crit
- Page 103 and 104: (A) Reimbursement of fees for first
- Page 105 and 106: (i) In case of children of SC/ST/OB
- Page 107 and 108: 7. Income limit of parents Notwiths
- Page 109 and 110: (ii) By converting residential flat
- Page 111 and 112: items shall be able to last for at
- Page 113 and 114: 12. Amount of financial assistance:
- Page 115 and 116: irrespective of rank. In cases wher
- Page 117 and 118: (iii) Receipts from room charges sh
- Page 119 and 120: quarterly basis from the interest a
- Page 121 and 122: Advisory Committee formed as per Di
- Page 123 and 124: 8. Whether amount of financial assi
- Page 125 and 126: 8. Complete details as to how cante
- Page 127 and 128: 3. No funds shall be sanctioned eit
- Page 129 and 130: S.No. ITEM Approx. cost (Rs.) For S
- Page 131 and 132: (B) For refurbishing of existing ca
- Page 133: 3.7 Norms/Guidelines for grant of F
- Page 137 and 138: S. Item Unit cost Scale at which it
- Page 139 and 140: (B) For up gradation/refurbishing o
- Page 141 and 142: 3.8 Guidelines/Norms for setting up
- Page 143 and 144: List of items proposed for Gym./Rec
- Page 145 and 146: 15. What is the estimated recurring
- Page 147 and 148: a. In case of under utilization, fo
- Page 149 and 150: 4.0 List of Common facilities 4.1 L
- Page 151 and 152: S.No. Commissionerate Place 21 Jams
- Page 153 and 154: Details of Guest Houses Setup/Furni
- Page 155 and 156: 4.4 GOVERNING BODY OF THE CUSTOMS &
- Page 157 and 158: Annexure-I S. Employee/ Designation
(c ) Facilities for children :<br />
1. There should be sleep<strong>in</strong>g facilities for children.<br />
2. Essential play material and teach<strong>in</strong>g and learn<strong>in</strong>g<br />
material must be available to meet the needs <strong>of</strong> preschool<br />
children.<br />
3. The Centre must be equipped with basic First Aid kit<br />
conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pediatric medic<strong>in</strong>es for common ailments<br />
like fever, vomit<strong>in</strong>g etc. and o<strong>in</strong>tments, dis<strong>in</strong>fectants,<br />
band aids, cotton wool etc. for m<strong>in</strong>or <strong>in</strong>juries.<br />
(d) Care tak<strong>in</strong>g/security/safety <strong>of</strong> children:<br />
1. There should be proper arrangements for tra<strong>in</strong>ed or<br />
experienced Ayahas for tak<strong>in</strong>g care <strong>of</strong> children.<br />
2. The centre should have a chowkidar for safety and<br />
security <strong>of</strong> children.<br />
3. Responsibility should be assigned to a designated staff/<br />
<strong>of</strong>ficer to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> stock/record <strong>of</strong> the equipments/items<br />
provided to Creche. Arrangements for annual verification<br />
<strong>of</strong> equipments/items should also be <strong>in</strong> place.<br />
(e) Monitor<strong>in</strong>g/supervision/runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Crèche:<br />
1. A Committee hav<strong>in</strong>g a representative from the women<br />
employees requir<strong>in</strong>g Crèche facility should be formed<br />
for supervision and smooth runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the Crèche.<br />
2. Crèche should be run on self-susta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g basis. A monthly<br />
fee may be charged from the employees avail<strong>in</strong>g the<br />
Crèche facility for meet<strong>in</strong>g the runn<strong>in</strong>g expenses.<br />
3. Along with the proposal for sett<strong>in</strong>g up <strong>of</strong> a Crèche,<br />
Commissioner should specify fee to be charged <strong>in</strong> terms<br />
<strong>of</strong> number <strong>of</strong> children to meet runn<strong>in</strong>g expenses.<br />
Possibility <strong>of</strong> enter<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to contract with a Service<br />
provider may also be explored follow<strong>in</strong>g due<br />
procedure.<br />