HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...


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the <strong>of</strong>ficers and staff associations duly recognized by the M<strong>in</strong>istry<br />

for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g their views on the issue. However, the <strong>of</strong>ficers and<br />

staff associations may also k<strong>in</strong>dly be taken onboard at local<br />

level for ascerta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g their concerns and priorities on the issue,<br />

while formulat<strong>in</strong>g the LTHRP. The LTHRPs so formulated at Zonal/<br />

<strong>Directorate</strong> <strong>General</strong> level may be sent to this <strong>Directorate</strong> for<br />

their <strong>in</strong>tegration <strong>in</strong>to one comprehensive report for whole <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Department for submission to the Board for consideration and<br />

further necessary action.<br />

The matter my k<strong>in</strong>dly be accorded ‘Top Priority’.<br />

25<br />

Yours Faithfully,<br />

-Sd-<br />

(M.S. Arora)<br />

Additional Director <strong>General</strong> (HRM)

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