HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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PART C PURCHASE OF LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF OFFICE BUILDING/RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX (Xii) (a) Certificate from CPWD regarding minimum requirement of land (Annexure C-1). For this the Commissionerate should communicate their requirement of land to CPWD in accordance with prescribed norms. The certificate should also take into account the provisions of the local Municipal/Development Authority’s bye-laws viz., FAR, Ground Coverage, population density, etc. (b) Certificate from CPWD regarding suitability of land for the purpose for which it is being purchased (Annexure C-II). (c) If the office is currently housed in rented premises, the monthly rent of the said premises. (d) Certificate from the State Revenue Authority/District Magistrate regarding reasonableness of price of land (Annexure C-III). (i) Undertaking from the seller that the price is final and there will be no escalation (prospective or retrospective) after a deal has been finalised between CBEC and the seller (Government o otherwise) (Annexure C-IV). (ii) Certificate from local authority that the land is wholly unencumbered without any dispute and has a clear legal title (Annexure C-V). (e) Financial (i) Final cost of land (including registration charges, stamp duty, etc.). (ii) Availability of Budgetary provision. (iii) Likely date of getting possession over the land. 51

PART D INITIAL HIRING OF PREMISES (Xiii) (a) Copy of consent letter from landlord containing details of the offer (Annexure D-I). (b) Copy of fair rent certificate received from CPWD (Annexure D-II). (c) Rent being paid by any other Central/State Government Department in the vicinity/same locality (Annexure D- III). (d) If a new office has been sanctioned, whether the staff has joined or not. (e) Item-wise details on financial liabilities of the building owner and the hiring office during the hiring period. CPWD advice on each of these items. Part A has to be filled up in all cases. Part B, C and D are to be filled for purchase of ready built accommodation, land and hiring of buildings respectively. For example, in case of hiring of buildings only Part A and Part D may be filled and the relevant Annexures enclosed. There is no set proforma for the Annexures except Annexure D-II. 3. The jurisdictional Commissioner must certify that all the information/details as above have been incorporated in the proposal. 4. The proposal, complete in all respects, may be forwarded to the Directorate of Housing or Board as per the allocation of work informed vide Ministry’s letter F.No.207/37/2002-Ad.VIII(EC) dated 07.05.2003. 5. All the proposals must be routed through the officer so designated in the office of the Chief Commissioner as per the instructions contained in the letter F.No.207/34/2002-Ad.VIII(EC) dated 14.11.2002 issued by Member (P&V) addressed to all Chief Commissioners and D.Gs. It may be mentioned that the 52

PART C<br />



(Xii) (a) Certificate from CPWD regard<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>imum requirement<br />

<strong>of</strong> land (Annexure C-1). For this the Commissionerate<br />

should communicate their requirement <strong>of</strong> land to CPWD<br />

<strong>in</strong> accordance with prescribed norms. The certificate<br />

should also take <strong>in</strong>to account the provisions <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

Municipal/Development Authority’s bye-laws viz., FAR,<br />

Ground Coverage, population density, etc.<br />

(b) Certificate from CPWD regard<strong>in</strong>g suitability <strong>of</strong> land for<br />

the purpose for which it is be<strong>in</strong>g purchased (Annexure<br />

C-II).<br />

(c) If the <strong>of</strong>fice is currently housed <strong>in</strong> rented premises, the<br />

monthly rent <strong>of</strong> the said premises.<br />

(d) Certificate from the State Revenue Authority/District<br />

Magistrate regard<strong>in</strong>g reasonableness <strong>of</strong> price <strong>of</strong> land<br />

(Annexure C-III).<br />

(i) Undertak<strong>in</strong>g from the seller that the price is f<strong>in</strong>al<br />

and there will be no escalation (prospective or<br />

retrospective) after a deal has been f<strong>in</strong>alised<br />

between <strong>CBEC</strong> and the seller (Government o<br />

otherwise) (Annexure C-IV).<br />

(ii) Certificate from local authority that the land is<br />

wholly unencumbered without any dispute and has<br />

a clear legal title (Annexure C-V).<br />

(e) F<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

(i) F<strong>in</strong>al cost <strong>of</strong> land (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g registration charges,<br />

stamp duty, etc.).<br />

(ii) Availability <strong>of</strong> Budgetary provision.<br />

(iii) Likely date <strong>of</strong> gett<strong>in</strong>g possession over the land.<br />


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