HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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proposals which do not contain the above mentioned details would not be considered by the Directorate of Housing and at the Board level and returned to the forwarding officer without any further action. 6. Standard format of documents for notice inviting tenders, processing sheets for technical bids and processing sheets for financial bids will be circulated separately. Yours faithfully, -Sd- Encl: As above (SUSHMA KATARIA) UNDER SECRETARY TO THE GOVT. OF INDIA 53

CHECK-LIST FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS AS PROPOSED BY IFU S. No. Subject 1 Available land (area, in sq. mtrs.) 2 Encumbrances, if any (also enclose certificate from concerned District/Local Authority) 3 Date of administrative approval/ expenditure sanction for the cost of land (copy to be also enclosed). 4 Date of possession of land 5 Sanctioned strength at the station (category-wise as on date) 6 Working strength at the station (category-wise, as on date) 7 Requirement for quarters/office space as per norms. (Work-sheets to be enclosed) 8 Deviation, if any from the norms- reasons thereof 9 Lease rent, ground rent and other one time and/or recurring payment to local authority 10 Particulars (including date) of administrative approval of construction. (Copy to be enclosed). 11 Non-construction fee and other charges payable for delay in construction. 12 Cost of construction (also enclose CPWD P/E). 13 Plan of building (drawing/lay-out plan etc. indicating physical characteristics of the building, its elevation, lay-out etc.) 54



S. No. Subject<br />

1 Available land (area, <strong>in</strong> sq. mtrs.)<br />

2 Encumbrances, if any (also enclose certificate from<br />

concerned District/Local Authority)<br />

3 Date <strong>of</strong> adm<strong>in</strong>istrative approval/ expenditure sanction<br />

for the cost <strong>of</strong> land (copy to be also enclosed).<br />

4 Date <strong>of</strong> possession <strong>of</strong> land<br />

5 Sanctioned strength at the station (category-wise as<br />

on date)<br />

6 Work<strong>in</strong>g strength at the station (category-wise, as on<br />

date)<br />

7 Requirement for quarters/<strong>of</strong>fice space as per norms.<br />

(Work-sheets to be enclosed)<br />

8 Deviation, if any from the norms- reasons there<strong>of</strong><br />

9 Lease rent, ground rent and other one time and/or<br />

recurr<strong>in</strong>g payment to local authority<br />

10 Particulars (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g date) <strong>of</strong> adm<strong>in</strong>istrative approval<br />

<strong>of</strong> construction. (Copy to be enclosed).<br />

11 Non-construction fee and other charges payable for<br />

delay <strong>in</strong> construction.<br />

12 Cost <strong>of</strong> construction (also enclose CPWD P/E).<br />

13 Plan <strong>of</strong> build<strong>in</strong>g (draw<strong>in</strong>g/lay-out plan etc. <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

physical characteristics <strong>of</strong> the build<strong>in</strong>g, its elevation,<br />

lay-out etc.)<br />


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