HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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CHECK-LIST FOR REVISION OF RENT OF HIRED PREMISES (Procedure to be initiated at least 6 months before expiry of current hiring) 1. Initial date of hiring premises with rent and details of subsequent revisions in rent; 2. Ministry’s previous reference/file(s) nos., if any; 3. Copy of fair rent certificate issued by CPWD alongwith date on which the request for assessment was sent by the Commissioner to CPWD. 4. Copy of letter from landlord containing first request for revision of rent/date of first request for revision; 5. If the initial hiring/subsequent revisions were done by HOD within delegated powers, then detailed break-up of staff strength (category-wise) and detailed requirement of space as per norms and total space available may also be furnished; 6. Existing staff strength and space requirement as per norms. Change, if any, in staff strength, etc., after initial hiring; 7. Copy of existing and proposed lease/hiring agreement should be furnished for perusal; 8. Statement of Immovable assets of CBEC (land & building) for the city and necessity for continuing the hiring arrangement; 9. Any pending proposal under the consideration of DG (HRD) and/or CBEC for acquisition of land and construction thereon or acquisition of ready built office accommodation, where this office will be shifted after its finalization; 10. Certificate from Directorate of Estate/CPWD about nonavailability of General Pool Accommodation; 59

11. Advertisement given and offers received in response to the advertisement. Whether any fresh offer received considered or the present owner has consented for continuation of hiring at the same rates or at the rates advised in FRC; 12. Whether space norms for office space hiring are followed and details thereof; 13. Financial implication of the proposal: Monthly, annual and for the total period proposed for re-hiring; 14. Detailed justification in support of proposal (including the revenue collections of the past three financial years). 60

11. Advertisement given and <strong>of</strong>fers received <strong>in</strong> response to the<br />

advertisement. Whether any fresh <strong>of</strong>fer received considered or<br />

the present owner has consented for cont<strong>in</strong>uation <strong>of</strong> hir<strong>in</strong>g at<br />

the same rates or at the rates advised <strong>in</strong> FRC;<br />

12. Whether space norms for <strong>of</strong>fice space hir<strong>in</strong>g are followed and<br />

details there<strong>of</strong>;<br />

13. F<strong>in</strong>ancial implication <strong>of</strong> the proposal: Monthly, annual and for<br />

the total period proposed for re-hir<strong>in</strong>g;<br />

14. Detailed justification <strong>in</strong> support <strong>of</strong> proposal (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the revenue<br />

collections <strong>of</strong> the past three f<strong>in</strong>ancial years).<br />


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