HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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Demand No. 100-Department <strong>of</strong> Urban Development:<br />
Item <strong>of</strong> expenditure Description Major Head<br />
Purchase <strong>of</strong> land/Construction <strong>of</strong> F<strong>in</strong>ance 4216<br />
Residential Build<strong>in</strong>g for Customs and<br />
Central Excise and other construction<br />
activities on such purchase e.g.<br />
boundary wall etc.<br />
(Revenue)<br />
Demand No. 101 – Public Works:<br />
Item <strong>of</strong> expenditure Description Major Head<br />
Purchase <strong>of</strong> land/Construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice F<strong>in</strong>ance 4059<br />
Build<strong>in</strong>g for Customs and Central Excise (Revenue)<br />
and other construction activities on<br />
such purchase e.g. boundary wall etc.<br />
2. As far as expenditure towards orig<strong>in</strong>al works <strong>in</strong> the Government<br />
Build<strong>in</strong>gs constructed and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed by CPWD <strong>in</strong> concerned,<br />
the expenditure should be met from the grant <strong>of</strong> ‘Urban<br />
Development’ and ‘Public Works for the residential and Office<br />
Build<strong>in</strong>g respectively. The orig<strong>in</strong>al works is def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> GFR 123<br />
as new construction, addition and alterations to exist<strong>in</strong>g works,<br />
special repairs, remodel<strong>in</strong>g, etc. Further, as far as possible, the<br />
expenditure towards ma<strong>in</strong>tenance, repairs and m<strong>in</strong>or works’ <strong>of</strong><br />
the Government Build<strong>in</strong>gs should also be met by CPWD from<br />
the funds, under ‘Repairs & Ma<strong>in</strong>tenance’ provided <strong>in</strong> the<br />
Demands for Grant <strong>of</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Urban Development/Public<br />
Works.<br />
3. The availability <strong>of</strong> budget on the date <strong>of</strong> forward<strong>in</strong>g the proposal<br />
to the IFU under the respective Head <strong>of</strong> Accounts and Demand<br />
for Grants may also be mentioned. If the budget is not available,<br />
how it is proposed to be obta<strong>in</strong>ed, may also be stated <strong>in</strong> the<br />
proposal.<br />
64<br />
-Sd-<br />
(Sanjai S<strong>in</strong>gh)<br />
Director (F<strong>in</strong>ance)