HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
1.0 Introduction As a part of liberalization of the policies and procedures relating to grant of rewards to the Government servants, three funds, namely (i) Customs & Central Excise Welfare Fund, (ii) Performance Award Fund, and (iii) Special Equipment Fund, were created in the year 1985 for the purpose of financing various welfare schemes for promotion of welfare of staff and their families and for acquisition of anti-smuggling equipments of a specialized nature within the shortest possible time. The three Funds were financed by transfer of 10% of the sale proceeds of confiscated goods credited to the Government and Customs/Excise Duties, fines, penalties in offence cases realized and sustained in appeal/revision etc. during the year 1985-86 onwards as verified and confirmed by the Chief Controller of Accounts, CBEC and Financial Adviser to the Ministry of Finance. The distribution of the credits of 10% amongst three funds was as under: (i) Welfare Fund : 1% (ii) Performance Award Fund : 4% (iii) Customs Special Equipment Fund : 5% Customs and Central Excise Welfare Fund and customs and Central Excise Performance Award Fund Ministry have been merged into a single entity, called Customs and Central Excise Welfare fund vide Ministry’s order dated 12.10.2006, to be used for general welfare of staff and officers of the department. The funds have been allocated in the ratio 1:1 in the two funds. Accordingly, with effect from 12.10.2006, there are two funds namely (i) Customs and Central Excise Welfare Fund and (ii) Customs & Central Excise Special Equipment Fund. 1.1 Distribution of the credits amongst two funds The total amount equal to 10% of the sale proceeds of confiscated goods, credited to the Government and Customs/ Excise Duties, fines, penalties in offence cases realized and sustained in appeal/revision etc., is transferred every year to the two funds as under: (i) Customs and Central Excise Welfare Fund : 5% (ii) Customs & Central Excise Special Equipment Fund : 5% 69
1.2 Nature of Funds The two funds form a part of ‘Public Account’ in the same manner as General Provident Fund or Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme and thus are cumulative in character and the interest on the amount is to be annually transferred and credited to the respective fund accounts. 1.3 Administration of Funds Funds are centrally administered by constitution of a Governing Body comprising of the following members: (i) Chairman, CBEC Convener (ii) All Members of the CBEC Members (iii) Financial Adviser Member (iv) Commissioner (Logistics) Member-Secretary 1.4 Purposes of the Fund:- The underlying purpose of these funds is to cover the following liabilities/schemes :a) Promotion of staff Welfare, recreation and other outdoor activities including a sense of adventure. The staff welfare activities shall include setting up of recreation clubs, libraries, and scholarships for children of employees, opening of crèches, providing vocational training to wives of employees, arrangements of subsidized transport facility for the staff, providing more amenities in the departmental canteens etc. b) To provide for contingencies like death resulting from accident or from injury suffered or from a natural cause during and while the officer is actually engaged in an operation of antismuggling, anti-evasion or narcotic enforcement; injury suffered in the course of anti-smuggling, anti-evasion, or narcotic enforcement activities; death from any cause whatsoever while the officer is posted to a formation involving anti-smuggling, anti-evasion or foreign exchange or narcotic enforcement work as the case may be. The assistance may be provided even if the employee has ceased to be so posted but if the death could reasonably be attributed to his having worked in any such formation; and any permanent 70
- Page 32 and 33: Copy to: Principal Chief Controller
- Page 34 and 35: details like User ID and Password,
- Page 36 and 37: Name of the Officer PART - II (POST
- Page 38 and 39: Government of India Ministry of Fin
- Page 40 and 41: the officers and staff associations
- Page 42 and 43: c) All stations have been categoriz
- Page 44 and 45: e normally posted to a class ‘A
- Page 46 and 47: 5.5 All postings in the Board and d
- Page 48 and 49: ‘C’ stations, the officer could
- Page 52 and 53: S.No. STATION 1 AHMEDABAD 2 ALLAHAB
- Page 54 and 55: 39 ANNEXURE-IV North Zone: Jurisdic
- Page 56 and 57: B. Central Excise Commissionerates:
- Page 58 and 59: S.No. Posts Total(Including SEZ) SS
- Page 63 and 64: PART A (i) Name of Station- whether
- Page 71 and 72: To F.No. 207/01/2006-Ad.VIII (EC) G
- Page 73 and 74: 10. Details of financial bidding fr
- Page 75 and 76: 11. Advertisement given and offers
- Page 77 and 78: estimates which are permissible in
- Page 79 and 80: Demand No. 100-Department of Urban
- Page 82: WELFARE 67
- Page 87 and 88: laws in relation to Customs, Centra
- Page 89 and 90: for performance in Board Examinatio
- Page 91 and 92: if any. (b) The Commissioner while
- Page 93 and 94: CERTIFICATE 78 (Proforma) (To be su
- Page 97 and 98: to any assistance which may be sanc
- Page 99 and 100: 3.3 CASH AWARD SCHEME For the child
- Page 101 and 102: 2. Definitions (i) Eligibility crit
- Page 103 and 104: (A) Reimbursement of fees for first
- Page 105 and 106: (i) In case of children of SC/ST/OB
- Page 107 and 108: 7. Income limit of parents Notwiths
- Page 109 and 110: (ii) By converting residential flat
- Page 111 and 112: items shall be able to last for at
- Page 113 and 114: 12. Amount of financial assistance:
- Page 115 and 116: irrespective of rank. In cases wher
- Page 117 and 118: (iii) Receipts from room charges sh
- Page 119 and 120: quarterly basis from the interest a
- Page 121 and 122: Advisory Committee formed as per Di
- Page 123 and 124: 8. Whether amount of financial assi
- Page 125 and 126: 8. Complete details as to how cante
- Page 127 and 128: 3. No funds shall be sanctioned eit
- Page 129 and 130: S.No. ITEM Approx. cost (Rs.) For S
- Page 131 and 132: (B) For refurbishing of existing ca
1.0 Introduction<br />
As a part <strong>of</strong> liberalization <strong>of</strong> the policies and procedures relat<strong>in</strong>g<br />
to grant <strong>of</strong> rewards to the Government servants, three funds,<br />
namely (i) Customs & Central Excise Welfare Fund, (ii)<br />
Performance Award Fund, and (iii) Special Equipment Fund,<br />
were created <strong>in</strong> the year 1985 for the purpose <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g various<br />
welfare schemes for promotion <strong>of</strong> welfare <strong>of</strong> staff and their families<br />
and for acquisition <strong>of</strong> anti-smuggl<strong>in</strong>g equipments <strong>of</strong> a specialized<br />
nature with<strong>in</strong> the shortest possible time. The three Funds were<br />
f<strong>in</strong>anced by transfer <strong>of</strong> 10% <strong>of</strong> the sale proceeds <strong>of</strong> confiscated<br />
goods credited to the Government and Customs/Excise Duties,<br />
f<strong>in</strong>es, penalties <strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong>fence cases realized and susta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong><br />
appeal/revision etc. dur<strong>in</strong>g the year 1985-86 onwards as verified<br />
and confirmed by the Chief Controller <strong>of</strong> Accounts, <strong>CBEC</strong> and<br />
F<strong>in</strong>ancial Adviser to the M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> F<strong>in</strong>ance. The distribution <strong>of</strong><br />
the credits <strong>of</strong> 10% amongst three funds was as under:<br />
(i) Welfare Fund : 1%<br />
(ii) Performance Award Fund : 4%<br />
(iii) Customs Special Equipment Fund : 5%<br />
Customs and Central Excise Welfare Fund and customs and<br />
Central Excise Performance Award Fund M<strong>in</strong>istry have been<br />
merged <strong>in</strong>to a s<strong>in</strong>gle entity, called Customs and Central Excise<br />
Welfare fund vide M<strong>in</strong>istry’s order dated 12.10.2006, to be used<br />
for general welfare <strong>of</strong> staff and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the department. The<br />
funds have been allocated <strong>in</strong> the ratio 1:1 <strong>in</strong> the two funds.<br />
Accord<strong>in</strong>gly, with effect from 12.10.2006, there are two funds<br />
namely (i) Customs and Central Excise Welfare Fund and (ii)<br />
Customs & Central Excise Special Equipment Fund.<br />
1.1 Distribution <strong>of</strong> the credits amongst two funds<br />
The total amount equal to 10% <strong>of</strong> the sale proceeds <strong>of</strong><br />
confiscated goods, credited to the Government and Customs/<br />
Excise Duties, f<strong>in</strong>es, penalties <strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong>fence cases realized and<br />
susta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> appeal/revision etc., is transferred every year to<br />
the two funds as under:<br />
(i) Customs and Central Excise Welfare Fund : 5%<br />
(ii) Customs & Central Excise Special Equipment Fund : 5%<br />