HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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(b) Illness or accidents resulting in serious physical or mental infirmity, which permanently incapacitates the official for further service. (c) A partial bodily or mental infirmity or handicap like loss of vision/hearing/limbs. In such cases, a minimum physical handicap to the extent prescribed for qualifying a person for consideration for employment under the PH quota, may justify the waiver. (xi) Ceiling on room charges: The ceiling on room charges (category-wise) have been fixed as given below for grant of financial assistance: Category Type of room Rent per day Group ‘A’ Single Room Rs. 4,500/- Group ‘B’ Twin Sharing Rs. 3,000/- Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Multi Bed/General Ward Rs. 1,500/- All categories ICU Actuals (xii) Submission of proposal (a) Certificates in the prescribed Proforma, duly certified by the Commissioner/HOD should accompany the proposal showing break up of amount spent, amount reimbursed and amount non-reimbursable category wise (cost of treatment etc, room charges and sundry charges). (b) Each proposal should be scrutinized and recommended by the Advisory Committee, headed by Commissioner/ Director and having one representative each from Group ‘A’ to ‘D’ officials, before it is sent to the Directorate of Logistics. The proposals received without recommendation of the Advisory Committee would not be placed before the Governing Body. (c) Checklist for sending proposals Photocopies of the requisite documents as listed in the check-list should be enclosed with the proposal. 77

CERTIFICATE 78 (Proforma) (To be submitted with the proposal for grant of Financial Assistance on non reimbursable medical claims) 1. Certified that the proposal for financial assistance has been recommended by the Advisory Committee constituted in this office for this purpose. 2. Certified that a sum of Rs._____has been earlier sanctioned to the individual as Financial Assistance from the Welfare Fund for medical expenses for spouse and dependent children and the details thereof have been entered in the individual’s service book. Further,______ number of proposals of Financial Assistance are pending (give details) with Directorate of Logistics. Note: The amount of financial assistance to staff/employee should not be included in above certificate 3. Certified that the name of the officer is as per the service book (in case of change of name, details may be given.) 4. Certified that the number of surviving children are less then two. Note: This certificates required only in cases of grant of Financial Assistance on the non reimbursable expenses on the maternity expenses or termination of pregnancy. 5. Certified that the spouse of employee/officer is non working. Note: This certificate is required only where financial assistance is sought for medical expenses of spouse. 6. Details of medical expenses reimbursed and not reimbursed are as under: No. of days for which room rent paid for stay in other than ICU/CCU ________


78<br />

(Pr<strong>of</strong>orma)<br />

(To be submitted with the proposal for grant <strong>of</strong> F<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

Assistance on non reimbursable medical claims)<br />

1. Certified that the proposal for f<strong>in</strong>ancial assistance has been<br />

recommended by the Advisory Committee constituted <strong>in</strong> this<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice for this purpose.<br />

2. Certified that a sum <strong>of</strong> Rs._____has been earlier sanctioned to<br />

the <strong>in</strong>dividual as F<strong>in</strong>ancial Assistance from the Welfare Fund<br />

for medical expenses for spouse and dependent children and<br />

the details there<strong>of</strong> have been entered <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>dividual’s service<br />

book. Further,______ number <strong>of</strong> proposals <strong>of</strong> F<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

Assistance are pend<strong>in</strong>g (give details) with <strong>Directorate</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Logistics.<br />

Note: The amount <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial assistance to staff/employee<br />

should not be <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> above certificate<br />

3. Certified that the name <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer is as per the service book<br />

(<strong>in</strong> case <strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong> name, details may be given.)<br />

4. Certified that the number <strong>of</strong> surviv<strong>in</strong>g children are less then two.<br />

Note: This certificates required only <strong>in</strong> cases <strong>of</strong> grant <strong>of</strong><br />

F<strong>in</strong>ancial Assistance on the non reimbursable expenses<br />

on the maternity expenses or term<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> pregnancy.<br />

5. Certified that the spouse <strong>of</strong> employee/<strong>of</strong>ficer is non work<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Note: This certificate is required only where f<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

assistance is sought for medical expenses <strong>of</strong> spouse.<br />

6. Details <strong>of</strong> medical expenses reimbursed and not reimbursed<br />

are as under:<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> days for which room rent paid for stay <strong>in</strong> other than<br />

ICU/CCU ________

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