HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...

HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ... HRD in CBEC - Directorate General of human resource ...
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CHECK LIST FOR PROPOSALS FOR EX-GRATIA FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Check that: 1. Application of beneficiary has been enclosed. 2. The date of death and age of the deceased official is mentioned. 3. Death certificate is enclosed. 4. In cases of death due to accident, or in mysterious circumstances, police investigation report is enclosed. 5. Following details of each of the surviving members of the family of deceased official are given: Name, Age, Relationship with the deceased official, employment (income/earning), in case of dependent children give their marital status, employed (mention earning/income) or studying (mention class/course). 6 Details of immovable assets, and Insurance /Fixed deposits etc. in the name of deceased official or in the name of his family members, if any, are given. Also mention income by way of rent or/and interests, if any. 7. Details such as Gratuity, CGEIS, GPF, encashment of leave, family pension etc., of terminal benefits received by the family of the deceased official have been given. 8. Details of outstanding loans against the deceased official, if any, along with supporting documents have been given. 9. In case if the surviving beneficiary are minor children, details of their legal heir ship along with copy of Court Order, if any, have been given. 10. Proposal has been submitted within prescribed time limit of 2 years from the date of death of the official. 11. In case of proposal submitted after 2 years from the death of the official, enclose Verification Report on the present family conditions of the family as at Sl. No. 5 above, and mention reasons for delayed submission of the proposal. 12. Proposal has been recommended by the Advisory Committee headed by Commissioner/HOD. 83

3.3 CASH AWARD SCHEME For the children of officials with Grade Pay above Rs. 1,800/- (other than Drivers, Havaldars and Head Havaldars), including children of deceased officials: The eligibility conditions (minimum percentage of marks), number of Cash Awards and amount of each Cash Award are given in Table-1 below: Table-1 Class Stream Min % of marks Number of Amount of each cash awards cash award (Rs.) Category Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 10th Not applicable General 80% 75 % SC/ST 70% 65% OBC 74% 69% 12th Science General 85% 80% SC/ST 75% 70% All All OBC 79% 74% found found 5,000/- 6,000/- Comm. General 85% 80% eligible eligible With SC/ST 75% 70% Maths OBC 79% 74% Others General 75% 70% SC/ST 65% 60% OBC 69% 64% B. For the children of officials with Grade Pay upto Rs. 1,800/- and Drivers, Havaldars and Head Havaldars and physically handicapped children of all categories including children of deceased officials. The eligibility conditions (minimum percentage of marks), number of Cash Awards and amount of each Cash Award are given in Table-2 below: Table-2 Class Stream Min % of marks Number of Amount of each cash awards cash award (Rs.) Category Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 10th & Not General 65% 60% All All 12th applicable SC/ST 55% 50% found found 5,000/- 6,000/- OBC 59% 54% eligible eligible 84


For the children <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials with Grade Pay above<br />

Rs. 1,800/- (other than Drivers, Havaldars and Head<br />

Havaldars), <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g children <strong>of</strong> deceased <strong>of</strong>ficials:<br />

The eligibility conditions (m<strong>in</strong>imum percentage <strong>of</strong> marks),<br />

number <strong>of</strong> Cash Awards and amount <strong>of</strong> each Cash Award<br />

are given <strong>in</strong> Table-1 below:<br />

Table-1<br />

Class Stream M<strong>in</strong> % <strong>of</strong> marks Number <strong>of</strong> Amount <strong>of</strong> each<br />

cash awards cash award (Rs.)<br />

Category Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls<br />

10th Not<br />

applicable <strong>General</strong> 80% 75 %<br />

SC/ST 70% 65%<br />

OBC 74% 69%<br />

12th Science <strong>General</strong> 85% 80%<br />

SC/ST 75% 70% All All<br />

OBC 79% 74% found found 5,000/- 6,000/-<br />

Comm. <strong>General</strong> 85% 80% eligible eligible<br />

With SC/ST 75% 70%<br />

Maths OBC 79% 74%<br />

Others <strong>General</strong> 75% 70%<br />

SC/ST 65% 60%<br />

OBC 69% 64%<br />

B. For the children <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials with Grade Pay upto<br />

Rs. 1,800/- and Drivers, Havaldars and Head Havaldars and<br />

physically handicapped children <strong>of</strong> all categories<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g children <strong>of</strong> deceased <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />

The eligibility conditions (m<strong>in</strong>imum percentage <strong>of</strong> marks), number<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cash Awards and amount <strong>of</strong> each Cash Award are given <strong>in</strong><br />

Table-2 below:<br />

Table-2<br />

Class Stream M<strong>in</strong> % <strong>of</strong> marks Number <strong>of</strong> Amount <strong>of</strong> each<br />

cash awards cash award (Rs.)<br />

Category Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls<br />

10th & Not <strong>General</strong> 65% 60% All All<br />

12th applicable SC/ST 55% 50% found found 5,000/- 6,000/-<br />

OBC 59% 54% eligible eligible<br />


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