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Download the brochure here - Gothia Cup

Download the brochure here - Gothia Cup


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July 14-20 2013<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg Sweden

Welcome to <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> 2013<br />

With this <strong>brochure</strong> we hope to give you as much<br />

information as possible about <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

and what it stands for. We want to describe to you<br />

how <strong>the</strong> tournament is built and what you can expect<br />

from a <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> week. We want to do it as informatively<br />

as possible. Because going to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> is<br />

a major decision to take. For many youth and leaders<br />

it might be one of <strong>the</strong> greatest sport adventures in life<br />

and <strong>the</strong>refore it is important to be prepared.<br />

On our web site www.gothiacup.se you can find<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r information about <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> and <strong>the</strong> routines<br />

on a participation. Here you also find <strong>the</strong> latest<br />

news from <strong>the</strong> tournament.<br />

The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> was arranged for <strong>the</strong> first time in<br />

1975 and today it is, not only <strong>the</strong> biggest, but most<br />

certainly also <strong>the</strong> most well known youth football<br />

tournament in <strong>the</strong> world. Naturally we are very proud<br />

but at <strong>the</strong> same time we know that it makes heavy<br />

demands on us to make an even better tournament.<br />

Only satisfied and happy guests will enable us to<br />

keep our position as world leading. The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

is meant to be a meeting place for youth from all over<br />

<strong>the</strong> world. The football is <strong>the</strong> common denominator<br />

and <strong>the</strong> language that everybody understands. Regardless<br />

if you come <strong>here</strong> to win <strong>the</strong> tournament or<br />

just to have fun playing football, you are welcome.<br />

Regardless if you come from Zambia, Norway, Laos<br />

or Brazil, you are welcome. It is <strong>the</strong> mixture of teams<br />

and participants from all over <strong>the</strong> world that with <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

different purposes make <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> an absolutely<br />

unique tournament.<br />

Layout: <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> • Text: <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> • Photo: Bildbyrån, <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> • Print: Prinfo Alfredssons<br />

Welcome 5

110 fields<br />

4500 games<br />

1600 teams<br />

80 nations<br />

Numbers 7

Place:<br />

Day:<br />

Time:<br />

Spectators:<br />

Tickets:<br />

Nya Ullevi<br />

Monday<br />

20:00 (8 pm)<br />

52 000 persons<br />

Included in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Card<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Opening Ceremony<br />

GOTHIA<br />



The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> Opening Ceremony has during<br />

<strong>the</strong> years developed into something that <strong>the</strong><br />

guests appreciate more than anything. From <strong>the</strong><br />

beginning <strong>the</strong> opening ceremony took place in different<br />

places in central Go<strong>the</strong>nburg, w<strong>here</strong> all <strong>the</strong><br />

teams marched behind <strong>the</strong>ir nation’s flag. Along<br />

with <strong>the</strong> continuos growth of <strong>the</strong> tournament, this<br />

became impossible to arrange. That is why <strong>the</strong><br />

opening ceremony in 1989 was moved to Nya Ullevi.<br />

At first just half of <strong>the</strong> arena was being used.<br />

Today <strong>the</strong>re is hardly enough place in <strong>the</strong> whole<br />

arena, this in spite of over 50 000 seats.<br />

The opening ceremony is a close to two hours long<br />

show. The presentation of <strong>the</strong> participating nations<br />

is <strong>the</strong> standing feature of <strong>the</strong> show, but usually <strong>the</strong>re<br />

are o<strong>the</strong>r performances that attract more attention.<br />

It isn’t easy to describe <strong>the</strong> opening ceremony just<br />

in words. Music, song, dancing, fireworks, feeling<br />

and lots of joy are <strong>the</strong> ingredients. For us it is all<br />

about mixing and composing <strong>the</strong>se ingredients in<br />

<strong>the</strong> best way possible. And judging from <strong>the</strong> spectators’<br />

reaction we usually manage quite well.<br />

Events 9

<strong>Gothia</strong> Opening Ceremony<br />

- A memory for life<br />

Events<br />


D uring<br />

<strong>the</strong> first couple of years this event took place<br />

in a hall at Liseberg – Rondo. It certainly wasn’t<br />

much of a leaders party. T<strong>here</strong> was food and beverage<br />

but <strong>the</strong> entertainment consisted of dull speeches and<br />

to that information about <strong>the</strong> upcoming week.<br />

It wasn’t really until <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> 80s that it became<br />

a real party event. The youth had <strong>the</strong>ir disco. Of course<br />

<strong>the</strong> leaders, that put so much effort in coming with <strong>the</strong><br />

team to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>, should be offered something<br />

at least as good. During many years Fiskhamnen (<strong>the</strong><br />

fish port) in Go<strong>the</strong>nburg was <strong>the</strong> meeting place. Seated<br />

on shrimp boxes <strong>the</strong> guests were offered seafood<br />

and music. The arrangement was much appreciated<br />

but soon <strong>the</strong> capacity in Fiskhamnen was no longer<br />

enough.<br />

After that <strong>the</strong> party moved every year to new places.<br />

The aim was to show as much as possible of <strong>the</strong> city.<br />

Eriksbergshallen, Marstrands Fästning, Frölundaborg<br />

and Älvsborgs Fästning are some of <strong>the</strong> places that<br />

have been visited.<br />

Place:<br />

Day:<br />

Time:<br />

Guests:<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Leaders Party<br />

From 1999 until today <strong>the</strong> big indoor arena - Scandinavium<br />

- is <strong>the</strong> given place for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Leaders<br />

Party. Here is enough space on <strong>the</strong> floor to seat<br />

3800 guests. Well, at least close enough. Latecomers<br />

sometimes have to sit on <strong>the</strong> gallery.<br />

A leaders party consists of good<br />

food and entertainment. And<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is usually a good at-<br />

mosp<strong>here</strong>. Later in <strong>the</strong><br />

evening most of <strong>the</strong><br />

guests are standing up<br />

and singing along. Here<br />

<strong>the</strong> leaders meet on a<br />

different plane and can<br />

feel <strong>the</strong> community and joy<br />

alongside <strong>the</strong> football. All you<br />

leaders toge<strong>the</strong>r play a crucial role<br />

in this big, international meeting<br />

that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> is.<br />

Scandinavium<br />

Tuesday<br />

19:00 (7 pm)<br />

3 800<br />

GOTHIA<br />


PARTY<br />

F rom<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Disco<br />

a less fancy school dance in a shabby gymnasium<br />

to one of <strong>the</strong> world’s greatest discos in one of<br />

Europe’s biggest indoor gymnasium. That is how <strong>the</strong><br />

development of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Disco could be described.<br />

Svenska Mässan is w<strong>here</strong> thousands of participants<br />

end up in <strong>the</strong> evenings during <strong>the</strong> tournament. This is<br />

w<strong>here</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Disco is held and w<strong>here</strong> you meet and<br />

hang out with your friends, and off course, dance. The<br />

music is loud, <strong>the</strong> base is pulsing in your head and chest<br />

and nobody over 20 years old could really understand<br />

that delight. But <strong>the</strong> youth are comfortable and happy<br />

to be in a crowd with 4 000 like minded, so who can<br />

oppose.<br />

The popularity leads to queuing some nights at <strong>the</strong><br />

end of <strong>the</strong> week. So make sure to be <strong>the</strong>re in good time.<br />

Place:<br />

Day:<br />

Time:<br />

Visitors:<br />

GOTHIA<br />

THE<br />

DISCO<br />

Swedish Exhibition Center<br />

Tuesday - Saturday<br />

19:00 (7 pm) - Midnight<br />

Max 4 000 every day<br />

Events<br />


<strong>Gothia</strong> Finals<br />

Days:<br />

No. of finals:<br />

Spectators:<br />

Tickets:<br />

Friday - Saturday<br />

14<br />

30 000 persons in total<br />

Included in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Card<br />

A s<br />

<strong>the</strong> week goes by and if you are still in <strong>the</strong> tournament<br />

competition, closer comes The Big Final.<br />

But first, let’s clarify that all teams are playing some<br />

kind of Play Off. The two first placed teams in <strong>the</strong> group<br />

advance to <strong>the</strong> A-Play Off, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r two to <strong>the</strong> B-Play<br />

Off.<br />

Depending on how many teams <strong>the</strong>re are in <strong>the</strong> age<br />

category, you might end up playing nearly ten matches<br />

before you reach it all <strong>the</strong> way through.<br />

The finals are being played on Friday and Saturday.<br />

The principle is that <strong>the</strong> age categories with least number<br />

of teams, play <strong>the</strong>ir finals first.<br />

Many of <strong>the</strong> teams that don’t reach <strong>the</strong> finals come<br />

to <strong>the</strong> stadium to see <strong>the</strong> final in <strong>the</strong>ir age category. It<br />

gives a hint about how your team would have asserted<br />

itself in <strong>the</strong> competition and it also is a nice closure of<br />

<strong>the</strong> teams’s <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> adventure.<br />

GOTHIA<br />

THE<br />

FINALS<br />

Events<br />



Källström Trophy is <strong>the</strong> class that gives youngsters<br />

with developmental disabilities <strong>the</strong> opportunity<br />

to participate in <strong>the</strong> world’s largest by GOTHIA youth CUP football<br />

tournament. To get to play against teams from o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

countries is a experience, and we guarantee you an<br />

unforgettable adventure with exciting meetings. Both<br />

on and off <strong>the</strong> field. Kim Källström and <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> invites<br />

to summer’s big climax, sign up today!<br />

Kim Källström Trophy has its own regulations and tournament information. You can find<br />

<strong>the</strong>se and much more information about Kim Källtröm Trophy at <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>’s homepage!<br />

“ During my years as a professional footballer, I have had <strong>the</strong> opportunity to<br />

meet and inspire many children and young people active in football. Now I<br />

want to share my passion with many more.<br />

To give a chance to children and adolescents with developmental disabilities<br />

is something I’ve wanted to do for years. Who has inspired me for this<br />

is my grandmo<strong>the</strong>r who worked with children and adolescents with developmental<br />

disabilities for a long time. My wish is that as many people as possible<br />

get <strong>the</strong> chance to share <strong>the</strong> fellowship and joy that football offers. Taking<br />

part in <strong>the</strong> world’s largest youth tournament in football, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>, is a<br />

memory for life.<br />

I am proud of all <strong>the</strong> participants who helped to spread true football happiness<br />

in Kim Källström Trophy, which was something I wanted to see since I<br />

started <strong>the</strong> tournament . I look forward to <strong>the</strong> third edition of this category and<br />

hope more teams from more nations can participate 2013. I want to see you<br />

and your team in Go<strong>the</strong>nburg in <strong>the</strong> summer!<br />

- Kim Källström<br />

Born:<br />

Mo<strong>the</strong>r club:<br />

Current club:<br />

Position:<br />

Biggest strength:<br />

Family:<br />

National football team games:<br />

Selection of<br />

accomplishments:<br />

K im<br />

24 august 1982, Sandviken<br />

Partille IF<br />

FC Spartak Moskva<br />

Midfielder<br />

Fierce left foot<br />

Wife Erica & daughter Zoë<br />

95<br />

“<br />

Winner of <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>, Swedish and French leage<br />

and cup champions, rookie of <strong>the</strong> year, midfielder of<br />

<strong>the</strong> year.<br />

Kim Källström Trophy<br />


Go<strong>the</strong>nburg - The urban host city<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg:<br />

Founded:<br />

Inhabitants:<br />

Main street:<br />

Airports:<br />

- The most international city in <strong>the</strong> world during <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

Second largest city in Sweden<br />

1621<br />

550 000<br />

Kungsportsavenyn<br />

2 (Landvetter & City Airport)<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />


The summer city<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg is one of <strong>the</strong> most popular summer towns<br />

in Sweden. The proximity to <strong>the</strong> harbor and <strong>the</strong> sea<br />

is what most people refer to <strong>the</strong> most important factors for<br />

<strong>the</strong> city’s popularity. O<strong>the</strong>rs appreciate <strong>the</strong> great small town<br />

w<strong>here</strong> everything feels close. Not to forget <strong>the</strong> typical Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />

humor.<br />

The Go<strong>the</strong>nburg tourism is constantly in development and<br />

can already compete with o<strong>the</strong>r cities, thanks to its great selection.<br />

The city is one of <strong>the</strong> leading event cities in Europe<br />

and offers a wide selection of culture, entertainment and<br />

sports events. The citizens of Go<strong>the</strong>nburg are used to happenings<br />

and <strong>the</strong>refore also used to taking care of <strong>the</strong>ir visitors.<br />

You will certainly feel welcome, that you can be sure of.<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg might even be <strong>the</strong> most international city in<br />

<strong>the</strong> world, not least because of <strong>the</strong> cultural and multilingual<br />

football festival that every summer is presented at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong>.<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />


Inaugurated:<br />

Guests per year:<br />

No. of rides:<br />

Web page:<br />

Liseberg<br />

1923<br />

2,8 million<br />

39<br />

liseberg.se<br />

- The big meeting place<br />

We are proud of having Europe’s foremost<br />

amusement park <strong>here</strong> in Go<strong>the</strong>nburg –<br />

Liseberg. Investigations have shown that 98 % of<br />

all <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> participants do visit <strong>the</strong> park during<br />

<strong>the</strong> week. Many of <strong>the</strong>m even more than once.<br />

Liseberg is also one of <strong>the</strong> biggest meeting places.<br />

The park is filled with youth in colorful training<br />

suits and many contacts are being made.<br />

Liseberg amusement park offers free admission<br />

to anyone with <strong>Gothia</strong> Card, and you are also<br />

offered to purchase an affordable Ride Pass.<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />


Number of children:<br />

Number of schools:<br />

Countries:<br />

Nearly 11 000<br />

7<br />

Burkina Faso<br />

Congo-Brazzaville<br />

Thailand<br />

Congo-Kinshasa<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> in <strong>the</strong> world<br />

The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> shall be a meeting place for youth<br />

from all over <strong>the</strong> world. This was established already<br />

in <strong>the</strong> very first years.<br />

Every year <strong>the</strong> tournament helps teams and players<br />

with poor living conditions to come to Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />

and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>. But what can you do when that<br />

simply isn’t enough? When <strong>the</strong> dream about playing<br />

football is so much bigger than what an organization<br />

like <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> is able to satisfy? The answer<br />

was: - We’ll have to move <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> to places<br />

w<strong>here</strong> it’s needed!<br />

In 1995 <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> Village in Ouagadougou in<br />

Burkina Faso was inaugurated. The facility consists<br />

of a club house and three football pitches in one of<br />

<strong>the</strong> poorest regions of <strong>the</strong> world. Hundreds of boys<br />

and girls got <strong>the</strong> chance to meet, hang out and play<br />

football.<br />

A couple of years later a co-operation with Svenska<br />

Missionskyrkan (The Mission Covenant Church<br />

of Sweden) led to <strong>the</strong> set up of ano<strong>the</strong>r school. This<br />

time in Congo-Brazzaville. The commitment grew<br />

and pretty soon it comprised ano<strong>the</strong>r two places in<br />

<strong>the</strong> city.<br />

From 2009 <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> is also supporting <strong>the</strong><br />

construction and <strong>the</strong> start up of ano<strong>the</strong>r facility in <strong>the</strong><br />

neighbouring country Congo-Kinshasa.<br />

A part of <strong>the</strong> surplus in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> is every<br />

year used to help vulnerable children and youth from<br />

different parts of <strong>the</strong> world. In o<strong>the</strong>r words, as a participant<br />

of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> you play an important part<br />

in making <strong>the</strong> world a fairer place.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> world<br />


N o<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r youth tournament in <strong>the</strong> world can compete<br />

with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> when it comes to international<br />

participation. More than 50 % of <strong>the</strong> teams<br />

come from abroad. This means that approximately 800<br />

teams travel from o<strong>the</strong>r countries to Sweden and Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />

to take part in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>. This is something<br />

we can be very proud of and it also puts an exclusive<br />

World Youth <strong>Cup</strong><br />

stamp on <strong>the</strong> tournament. A normal year nearly 70 nations<br />

take part.<br />

Most of <strong>the</strong> foreign countries come from Norway,<br />

USA, England, Germany and – Brazil. O<strong>the</strong>r major participating<br />

countries are Iceland and India!<br />

The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> truly is The World Youth <strong>Cup</strong>.<br />

Meet The World<br />

T he<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> is very proud of having SKF as<br />

main sponsor. SKF is a genuine Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />

company with activity all over <strong>the</strong> world. The <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong> and SKF in many respects share <strong>the</strong> same values.<br />

This has led to <strong>the</strong> establishment of tournaments<br />

worldwide that go under <strong>the</strong> name Meet <strong>the</strong> World.<br />

Every year SKF and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> arrange 15-20<br />

tournaments for boys and girls from different coun-<br />

tries. Preferably in countries that do not have funds to<br />

arrange tournaments or to travel. The winning teams<br />

in each of <strong>the</strong>se tournaments get free travel to and<br />

free accommodation at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>.<br />

This way a dream can come true for hundreds of<br />

youth every year.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> world<br />


The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

The <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>:<br />

Copies:<br />

Manufacturing:<br />

Height:<br />

Weight:<br />

Champions:<br />

The trophy you all<br />

are fighting to win.<br />

14 every year<br />

Hand made<br />

46 cm<br />

6,8 kg<br />

346<br />

Letters<br />

“ Your work is heartening evidence<br />

of what young people<br />

can do to make <strong>the</strong> world a<br />

better place. As <strong>the</strong> United<br />

Na- tions Continues to work for<br />

peace and better standards of<br />

life in larger freedom, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong> have shown that you<br />

are, in truest sense, our partners.<br />

You have also shown how<br />

encounters on <strong>the</strong> sports field<br />

have led to better understanding<br />

among people of diverse<br />

Joseph S. Blatter<br />

President FIFA<br />

nations. And you have taken<br />

it even fur<strong>the</strong>r by giving young<br />

people in Africa opportunity to<br />

do <strong>the</strong> same.<br />

On behalf of <strong>the</strong> United Na-<br />

tions, I am pleased to extend<br />

my best wishes and my grati-<br />

tude to thise who take part in<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>. I also hope<br />

that you will continue to work in<br />

partnership with <strong>the</strong> UN also in<br />

<strong>the</strong> furure.<br />

“<br />

The whole world knows about<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>. This unique<br />

tournament has become fa-<br />

mous w<strong>here</strong>ver football is<br />

played on our planet, not only<br />

because it is <strong>the</strong> best youth tournament<br />

in <strong>the</strong> world. The <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong> has become a standard for<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r youth tournaments<br />

Kofi A. Annan<br />

Former General Secretary<br />

United Nations<br />

elsw<strong>here</strong> in <strong>the</strong> world to emulate.<br />

The concept may have<br />

been copied by o<strong>the</strong>rs, but remains<br />

<strong>the</strong> pace-setter in terms<br />

of excellence of organi- sation<br />

and renown.<br />

““<br />

In <strong>the</strong> world<br />


Nr. Nation<br />

42 Albania/Albanien<br />

21 Algeria/Algeriet<br />

3 Argentina/Argentina<br />

43 Armenia/Armenien<br />

113 Australia/Australien<br />

92 Austria/Österrike<br />

120 Azerbaidjan/Azerbadjan<br />

94 Bangladesh/Bangladesh<br />

90 Belarus/Vitryssland<br />

44 Belgium/Belgien<br />

4 Belize/Belize<br />

5 Bermuda/Bermuda<br />

6 Bolivia/Bolivia<br />

45 Bosnia-Herzegovina<br />

7 Brazil/Brasilien<br />

46 Bulgaria/Bulgarien<br />

22 Burkina Faso/Burkina Faso<br />

116 Cameroun/Kamerun<br />

1 Canada/Kanada<br />

8 Chile/Chile<br />

103 China/Kina<br />

9 Colombia/Colombia<br />

127 Congo Brazzaville<br />

133 Congo Kinshasa<br />

63 Croatia/Kroatien<br />

47 Cyprus/Cypern<br />

84 Czech Republic/Tjeckien<br />

85 Czeckoslovakia/Tjeckoslovakien *<br />

48 Denmark/Danmark<br />

10 Dominican Republik<br />

95 Dubai/Dubai<br />

93 East Germany/Östtyskland*<br />

12 Ecuador/Ecuador<br />

23 Egypt/Egypten<br />

11 El Salvador/El Salvador<br />

49 England/England<br />

25 Eritrea/Eritrea<br />

50 Estonia/Estland<br />

26 Ethiopia/Etiopien<br />

53 Faeroe Islands/Färöarna<br />

115 Fiji/Fiji<br />

51 Finland/Finland<br />

52 France/Frankrike<br />

69 FYR Macedonia/FYR Makedonien<br />

54 Georgia/Georgien<br />

87 Germany/Tyskland<br />

27 Ghana/Ghana<br />

55 Greece/Grekland<br />

56 Greenland/Grönland<br />

13 Guatemala/Guatemala<br />

57 Guernsey/Guernsey<br />

14 Honduras/Honduras<br />

98 Hong Kong/Hong Kong<br />

89 Hungary/Ungern<br />

60 Iceland/Island<br />

99 India/Indien<br />

131 Indonesia/Indonesien<br />

100 Iraq/Irak<br />

59 Ireland/Irland<br />

101 Israel/Israel<br />

61 Italy/Italien<br />

24 Ivory Coast/Elfenbenskusten<br />

136 Japan/Japan<br />

102 Jordan/Jordanien<br />

117 Kazakhstan/Kazakstan<br />

28 Kenya/Kenya<br />

118 Kosovo/Kosovo<br />

104 Kuwait/Kuwait<br />

130 Laos/Laos<br />

64 Latvia/Lettland<br />

124 Lebanon/Libanon<br />

29 Liberia/Liberia<br />

65 Lichtenstein/Lichtenstein<br />

66 Lithuania/Litauen<br />

67 Luxemburg/Luxemburg<br />

30 Malawi/Malawi<br />

105 Malaysia/Malaysia<br />

68 Malta/Malta<br />

32 Mauritius/Mauritius<br />

15 Mexico/Mexiko<br />

70 Moldavia/Moldavien<br />

125 Mongolia/Mongoliet<br />

31 Morocco/Marocko<br />

33 Namibia/Namibia<br />

58 Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands/Holland<br />

114 New Zeeland/Nya Zeeland<br />

34 Nigeria/Nigeria<br />

106 North Korea/Nordkorea<br />

71 Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland/Nordirland<br />

72 Norway/Norge<br />

107 Oman/Oman<br />

15.<br />

108 Pakistan/Pakistan<br />

121 Palestine/Palestina<br />

16 Paraguay/Paraguay<br />

4..<br />

17 Peru/Peru<br />

96 Philippines/Filippinerna<br />

14..<br />

13..<br />

73 Poland/Polen<br />

74 Portugal/Portugal<br />

11..<br />

109 Qatar/Qatar<br />

75 Romania/Rumänien<br />

76 Russia/Ryssland<br />

123 Rwanda/Rwanda<br />

110 Saudi Arabia/Saudiarabien<br />

78 Scotland/Skottland<br />

12.<br />

119 Serbia & Montenegro<br />

126 Sierra Leone/Sierra Leone<br />

128 Singapore<br />

79 Slovakia/Slovakien<br />

80 Slovenia/Slovenien<br />

35 South Africa/Sydafrika<br />

81 Soviet Union/Sovjet*<br />

82 Spain/Spanien<br />

18 St Lucia/St Lucia<br />

122 Sudan/Sudan<br />

83 Sweden/Sverige<br />

129 Syria/Syrien<br />

77 Switzerland/Schweiz<br />

111 Taiwan/Taiwan<br />

137 Tajikistan/ Tajikistan<br />

36 Tanzania/Tanzania<br />

112 Thailand/Thailand<br />

37 Togo/Togo<br />

38 Tunisien/Tunisien<br />

86 Turkey/Turkiet<br />

97 UAE/Förenade Arabemiraterna<br />

39 Uganda/Uganda<br />

88 Ukraine/Ukraina<br />

19 Uruguay/Uruguay<br />

2 USA/USA<br />

132 Wales/Wales<br />

20 Venezuela/Venezuela<br />

91 West Germany/Västtyskland*<br />

62 Yugoslavia/Jugoslavien*<br />

40 Zambia/Zambia<br />

41 Zimbabwe/Zimbabwe * Länderna finns ej med på kartan<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

World of <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

- Participating countries since 1975<br />

9.<br />

17.<br />

8.<br />

5..<br />

10..<br />

20.<br />

6.<br />

16.<br />

3.<br />

18..<br />

19.<br />

7.<br />

56.<br />

135.<br />

60.<br />

53..<br />

83.<br />

72.<br />

51.<br />

50.<br />

71.<br />

78..<br />

64.<br />

48.<br />

66.<br />

58.<br />

59.<br />

49.<br />

73.<br />

90.<br />

132.<br />

44.<br />

87.<br />

57.<br />

84.<br />

79. 88.<br />

67.<br />

52. 77.<br />

92. 89. 70.<br />

80. 63. 75.<br />

45.<br />

61. 119.<br />

65.<br />

46.<br />

82.<br />

69.<br />

74.<br />

55. 86.<br />

76.<br />

54.<br />

43.120.<br />

42.<br />

31.<br />

38.<br />

68. 47. 129.<br />

124.<br />

121. 100.<br />

101.<br />

102.<br />

104.<br />

21.<br />

33.<br />

40.<br />

23.<br />

122.<br />

25..<br />

22.<br />

24. 27.<br />

126.<br />

37..<br />

29.<br />

34.<br />

116.<br />

127.<br />

26.<br />

39.<br />

28.<br />

123.<br />

133.<br />

36.<br />

35.<br />

41.<br />

110.<br />

30..<br />

109. 95.<br />

97.<br />

107.<br />

32.<br />

117.<br />

108.<br />

137.<br />

99.<br />

94.<br />

125.<br />

103.<br />

130.<br />

112.<br />

105.<br />

128.<br />

98.<br />

106.<br />

131.<br />

111.<br />

96.<br />

113.<br />

136.<br />

114.<br />

History<br />


1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984<br />

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Heden Center<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Intersport<br />

Official sport shop<br />

Viasat Fotboll<br />

Watch broadcasted <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

football and get your subscription<br />

Umbro<br />

See <strong>the</strong>ir latest products and chill<br />

in <strong>the</strong>ir lounge<br />

Comviq<br />

Relax in <strong>the</strong>ir summer lounge<br />

ELON Laundry Lounge<br />

Wash your uniforms for free<br />

Folktandvården<br />

Free dental care<br />

6<br />

11<br />

9<br />

10<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

8<br />

3 2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

5<br />

15<br />

16<br />

14<br />

17<br />

13<br />

11 12<br />

10<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Food Court<br />

Enjoy a great barbeque, drinks<br />

or snacks<br />

Scandic<br />

Register for <strong>the</strong>ir Sports Card and<br />

build you own tifo<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Info Center<br />

Information site<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Internet Café<br />

presented by Samsung<br />

Free Internet<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Leaders Sports Bar<br />

Have some free coffee, meet<br />

colleagues from all over <strong>the</strong> world<br />

and get your coach t-shirt<br />

9<br />

20<br />

16<br />

17<br />

14<br />

15<br />

12<br />

13<br />

GP/ Ford<br />

Cage football<br />

Newbody<br />

Sumo football<br />

Tipselit<br />

Speedshooting<br />

Intersport<br />

Speedshooting<br />

Umbro<br />

PAL Original - practice and learn<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Africa Projects<br />

Learn more about our football<br />

schools in Africa<br />

19<br />

18<br />


Players name<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

July 17-23 2011<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburG<br />

sweden<br />

Studio Heden with SKF<br />

Commentators and guests<br />

Dennis Andersson<br />

General Secretary<br />

Lena Rönnefors<br />

Tournament Director<br />

Viasat Fotboll<br />

TV broadcasting<br />

The Swedish Red Cross<br />

Medical assistance<br />

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012<br />


Players name<br />

Dennis Andersson<br />

General Secretary<br />

July 15-21 2012<br />

Go<strong>the</strong>nburG<br />

sweden<br />

Lena Rönnefors<br />

Tournament Director<br />


Since 1975<br />

History 33

Tournament information<br />

Who may participate?<br />

All clubs, which are members of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

FIFA affiliated national associations,<br />

are welcome to participate in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong>. The tournament begins with group<br />

play. Teams are divided into groups of<br />

four or five, w<strong>here</strong> all teams are playing<br />

each o<strong>the</strong>r once. The first and second<br />

team in <strong>the</strong> group qualify for “Play-off A”,<br />

<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r teams in <strong>the</strong> group for “Play-off<br />

B”. The tournament is played under all<br />

applicable FIFA or Swedish FA rules. All<br />

players must be insured, both for games<br />

and leisure time. Arrival for all teams is<br />

on Sunday July 14. Kick-off for <strong>the</strong> preliminary<br />

round games is on Monday July 15.<br />

Playing periods<br />

Class<br />

B18, B16,<br />

Group<br />

Play-off B<br />

Play-off A<br />

B15 G19,<br />

G17, G15<br />

2x25 min 2x30 min<br />

O<strong>the</strong>rs 2x20 min 2x25 min<br />

Class<br />

B18 – Boys born 1/1-95 and later<br />

B16 – Boys born 1/1-97 and later<br />

B15 – Boys born 1/1-98 and later<br />

B14 – Boys born 1/1-99 and later<br />

B13 – Boys born 1/1-00 and later<br />

B12 – Boys born 1/1-01 and later<br />

B11 – Boys born 1/1-02 and later<br />

G19 – Girls born 1/1-94 and later<br />

G17 – Girls born 1/1-96 and later<br />

G15 – Girls born 1/1-98 and later<br />

G14 – Girls born 1/1-99 and later<br />

G13 – Girls born 1/1-00 and later<br />

G12 – Girls born 1/1-01 and later<br />

B11, B12 and G12 playes 7-a-side<br />

Number of players per<br />

team<br />

T<strong>here</strong> is no limit to <strong>the</strong> number of players<br />

in each team. However only 7<br />

substitutes are allowed in each match<br />

(11-a-side) and 5 in 7-a-side). All players<br />

must be able to show proof of age<br />

and identity.<br />

Dispensation<br />

Dispensations will automatically be<br />

given to two players per squad who are<br />

maximum one year over aged. This only<br />

applies to 11 a side categories. For 7 a<br />

side, <strong>the</strong>re are no automatically given<br />

dispensations. Note that you can not<br />

use more players by switching <strong>the</strong>m<br />

between matches. In classes B16, G17<br />

and G15 teams from countries that still<br />

use <strong>the</strong> 1st of August limit (mainly USA<br />

and England) may also use players 5<br />

months over aged. Girls may play in<br />

boys teams in all classes.<br />

The <strong>Gothia</strong> Card includes<br />

• Free travel within <strong>the</strong> city on buses<br />

and trams and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Line, Airport<br />

bus not included.<br />

• Free admittance or discounted admittance<br />

to most of Go<strong>the</strong>nburg’s<br />

leading tourist attractions.<br />

• Free entry to <strong>the</strong> Opening Ceremony<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Nya Ullevi Stadium.<br />

• Free entry to <strong>the</strong> Finals.<br />

• Liseberg amusement park offers free<br />

admission to anyone with <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

Card.<br />

Transfer<br />

Return transfer between airport/railway<br />

station/ferry terminal in Go<strong>the</strong>nburg<br />

and your place of accommodation is included<br />

in <strong>the</strong> accommodation cost. Note<br />

that <strong>the</strong>re is only one return transfer per<br />

team/group of teams.<br />

Team Leader Plus Card<br />

Each team receives two Team Leader<br />

Plus Cards, giving entry to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

Leaders’ Party, a <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> Coach Tshirt<br />

and entrance to <strong>Gothia</strong> Leaders’<br />

Sports Bar<br />

Extra nights<br />

For teams that have travel arrangements<br />

that require extra nights before<br />

or after <strong>the</strong> tournament, this can<br />

be arranged (maximum of 2 nights).<br />

The cost is EURO 15 (USD 20). No<br />

meals are served during this period.<br />

Number of teams in <strong>the</strong><br />

tournament<br />

It is our aim that all teams wishing to take<br />

part in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> should be able to<br />

do so. But please note that during last<br />

years <strong>the</strong> tournament has not been able<br />

to accept all teams that wished to enter.<br />

T<strong>here</strong> will be a maximum of 1600 teams<br />

(including 230 local teams). The teams<br />

paying <strong>the</strong>ir entry fees first will be given<br />

priority. A club may enter a maximum of<br />

two teams in each age class.<br />

Hotel bookings for parents<br />

and supporters<br />

Only players and a maximum of four<br />

team leaders per team can be accommodated<br />

in schools. For relatives and<br />

friends, hotel accommodation can be<br />

arranged at reasonable prices. For<br />

bookings and fur<strong>the</strong>r information please<br />

contact <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> office.<br />

Insurance and responsability<br />

All participants must carry <strong>the</strong>ir own insurance.<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> does not carry any<br />

group insurance, and is not responsible<br />

for, protecting participants in case of injury,<br />

illness, <strong>the</strong>ft or damage to property.<br />

Participants from countries that have<br />

no medical insurance agreement with<br />

Sweden must have personal medical<br />

insurance.<br />



ROOM.<br />

Contact us!<br />

For more information about <strong>the</strong> tournament,<br />

prices, Go<strong>the</strong>nburg etc, please<br />

contact <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>!<br />

Entry & payments<br />

Register via our web page www.gothiacup.se<br />

The team fee toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong><br />

completed application form must be received<br />

by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> no later than<br />

April 10, 2013. The accommodation<br />

fees must be paid no later than May 10,<br />

2013. Refunds of accommodation fees<br />

could only be made when <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong> receives your withdrawal notice before<br />

June 10, 2013. The team fee can<br />

not be refunded. All payments need to<br />

be done to <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> bank account:<br />

Payments in EURO:<br />

SEB, Sweden.<br />

IBAN code SE 72-5000-0000-0590-<br />

1824-1113<br />


Payments in USD:<br />

SEB, Sweden.<br />

IBAN code SE 34-5000-0000-0590-<br />

1821-9002<br />


Note that all bank transaction fees has<br />

to be paid by <strong>the</strong> teams. You have to pay<br />

in <strong>the</strong> currency (Euro or USD) that is <strong>the</strong><br />

most ”natural” currency in your country.<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

Box 22052, SE-400 72<br />

Göteborg, Sweden<br />

Telephone: +46 31 50 67 80<br />

Fax: +46 31 50 67 99<br />

E-mail: info@gothiacup.se<br />

Internet: www.gothiacup.se<br />

Important dates<br />

• April 10: Registration form and payments<br />

of team fees should be received<br />

by <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong>.<br />

• May 10: Payment of accommodation<br />

cost should be received by <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong><br />

• July 14: Arrival in Go<strong>the</strong>nburg.<br />

• July 15: Tournament starts, Opening<br />

ceremony.<br />

• July 19-20: Finals.<br />

*Cancelation of <strong>the</strong> tournament and Force Majeure<br />

In <strong>the</strong> event that <strong>the</strong> tournament cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond <strong>the</strong> control of <strong>the</strong> tournament organizers (force majeure*) or due to events which are<br />

not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence or <strong>the</strong> tournament organizers, <strong>the</strong> tournament organizers cannot be held liable by delegates for any damages, costs or<br />

losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders. financial losses, etc. Under <strong>the</strong>se circumstances, <strong>the</strong> tournament organizers<br />

reserve <strong>the</strong> right to ei<strong>the</strong>r retain <strong>the</strong> entire registration/accommodation fee and to use it for a future tournament, or to reimburse <strong>the</strong> delegate after deducting costs already<br />

incurred for <strong>the</strong> organization of <strong>the</strong> tournament and which could not be recovered from third parties.<br />

Tournament information 35

Costs 2013<br />

Extra orders can be made:<br />

Category A<br />

- School<br />

July 14-20. Minimum one,<br />

maximum four leaders per team<br />

may stay in <strong>the</strong> school. Everyone<br />

staying at <strong>the</strong> school has to pay<br />

<strong>the</strong> accommodation cost. Sleeping<br />

bag or beds are not included<br />

in <strong>the</strong> price. You can rent beds and<br />

bedding from us. The first meal is<br />

dinner on July 14 and <strong>the</strong> last meal<br />

is lunch on July 20. Maximum of<br />

1220 teams in this category.<br />

Category B<br />

- Hotel<br />

July 14-20. Please contact <strong>Gothia</strong><br />

<strong>Cup</strong> for hotel prices. Lunch and<br />

dinner at nearby schools can be<br />

purchased separately at EURO<br />

84 (USD 114) for 12 meals and<br />

EURO 42 (USD 58) for 6 meals.<br />

Maximum of 100 teams in this category.<br />

Category C<br />

- O<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

Teams arranging <strong>the</strong>ir own accommodation.<br />

All participants in<br />

this category need to pay a participant<br />

fee EURO 45 (USD 65) that<br />

includes <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> Card. T<strong>here</strong><br />

is a limited number (50) of teams<br />

accepted in this category. This<br />

category is normally fully booked<br />

in October.<br />

Team fee 220 EUR/team (280 USD) 220 EUR/team (280 USD) 300 EUR/team (400 USD)<br />

- Payment deadline April 10th April 10th As soon as possible<br />

Accommo. cost/Particip. fee 245 EUR/pers (380 USD) Contact <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> for prices 45 EUR/pers (65 USD)<br />

- Payment deadline May 10th May 10th May 10th<br />

Mattress Contact us for rental prices --- ---<br />

Meals Included – 3 per day Breakfast included No meals included<br />

<strong>Gothia</strong> Card* Included Included Included<br />

Transfer Included (only for teams) Included (only for teams) ---<br />

Extra nights 15 EUR/pers/night (20 USD) Contact <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> for prices ---<br />

Leaders Plus card** 2 cards per team included 2 cards per team included 35 EUR/card (50 USD)<br />

* <strong>Gothia</strong> Card<br />

(Incl. a ticket to Opening Ceremony,<br />

finals, local transport, <strong>Gothia</strong> Line, discounts<br />

on many tourist attractions)<br />

** Leaders Plus card<br />

(Incl. ticket to Leaders party, Leaders<br />

sportsbar and a coach T-shirt)<br />

Meal card<br />

Meals served at a school<br />

- Meal card, 12 meals<br />

- Meal card, 6 meals<br />

45 EUR/65USD<br />

35 EUR/50 USD<br />

84 EUR/114 USD<br />

42 EUR/58 USD<br />

All payments need to be done to <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> bank account:<br />

Payments in EURO:<br />

SEB, Sweden. IBAN code SE 72-5000-0000-0590-1824-1113.<br />


Payments in USD:<br />

SEB, Sweden. IBAN code SE 34-5000-0000-0590-1821-9002.<br />


Note that all bank transaction fees has to be paid by <strong>the</strong> teams. You<br />

have to pay in <strong>the</strong> currency<br />

(Euro or USD) that is <strong>the</strong> most ”natural” currency in your country<br />

Notes<br />

Costs 37

“<br />

With <strong>the</strong> love for football as a common<br />

denominator <strong>the</strong> <strong>Gothia</strong> <strong>Cup</strong> shall be a<br />

meeting place for <strong>the</strong> youth of <strong>the</strong> world,<br />

regardless of religion, color or nationality.<br />

“<br />

Our vision and mission<br />






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