Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now


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12<br />

Como si se tratara de una delicada<br />

filigrama de plata, el río Salcca serpentea<br />

en su tramo final antes de entregar sus<br />

aguas al Vilcanota, al sur del <strong>Cuzco</strong>. Este<br />

pequeño valle de agricultores depende de<br />

las lluvias de estación para el desarrollo de<br />

sus cultivos.<br />

As if it were delicate silver filigree, the Salcca<br />

River snakes its way through its final stretch<br />

before adding its water to the Vilcanota<br />

River south of <strong>Cuzco</strong>. This small farming<br />

valley depends upon seasonal rains for the<br />

growth of its crops.

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