Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now


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El historiador cuzqueño José Gabriel Cosío, presente<br />

en las expediciones de Hiram Bingham a Machu<br />

Picchu (1913), aseguró en un Informe oficial que<br />

el Intihuatana tenía “sobresaliendo de la base un<br />

poliedro de piedra de cuatro caras que remataba en<br />

una argolla de piedra trabajada de una sola pieza”.<br />

The <strong>Cuzco</strong> historian José Gabriel Cosío,<br />

representative of the <strong>Peru</strong>vian government in the<br />

1913 Machu Picchu expeditions of Hiram Bingham,<br />

wrote in the official report that the Intihuantana,<br />

“jutting out from a base, had a four-sided stone<br />

polyhedron that ended in a stone ring made from<br />

just one piece.”

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