Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now


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Según la tradición, la zona enmarcada por los ríos Huatanay y Tullumayu se dividía en dos sectores. En el hurin o ‘bajo’ habrían vivido los<br />

clanes y ayllus de los primeros soberanos. En la zona del hanan o ‘alto <strong>Cuzco</strong>’, en torno a Sacsayhuamán, habría residido la nobleza inca.<br />

According to tradition, the area encircled by the Huatanay and Tullumayu Rivers was divided into two sectors. In the hurin or “lower” one, the clans and<br />

the ayllus (collectivity of relatives) of the first governors would have lived. In the hanan or “upper <strong>Cuzco</strong>” zone, the Incan nobility would have resided.

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