Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now

Cuzco - Peru Travel Now


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El Qosqo incaico estuvo dividido en cuatro<br />

partes: Chinchaysuyo, Antisuyo, Collasuyo<br />

y Contisuyo. Eran precisamente los caminos<br />

que, partiendo de la plaza principal,<br />

se dirigían a los cuatro suyos, los que<br />

delimitaban las cuatro partes en las que<br />

estaba dividida la ciudad.<br />

The Incan Qosqo was divided in four<br />

quarters: Chinchaysuyo, Antisuyo, Collasuyo<br />

y Contisuyo. Starting from the main square,<br />

these were the only four roads that directed<br />

themselves outward to the four suyos, which<br />

demarked the four parts in which the city was<br />

divided.<br />


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