Número 6-7 - Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia ...

Número 6-7 - Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia ...

Número 6-7 - Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia ...


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1953).<br />

23. GIJZMAN, 1\1. A .. Comunicación personal (Nov. \(j,<br />

24. ASENjO, C. F. y C. G. Moscoso, Ascorbic acid<br />

content ami other characteristics of thc "'est lndian<br />

cherry. Food Res., 15: 103·106, 1950.<br />

25. DERsE, 1'. H. Y C. A. ELVEHjEM, Nutrient contcnt<br />

of acero<strong>la</strong>, a rich sourcc of vitamin C. ]. A 111. Med.<br />

Assoc., 156: 1501, 1954.<br />

21i. ASEN.lO, C. F., I~nsayo biológico <strong>de</strong> vitamina C en<br />

<strong>la</strong> ccreza "Antil<strong>la</strong>na" (Malpighia punicifolia L.). Arcll.<br />

T'e"e:. N,¡lricióll, 5: 317-325, 1954,<br />

27. ARÓSTEGUI, F. y C. F. ASEl'ójo, Obscrvacioncs por<br />

publicar.<br />

28. ARÓSTEGUI, F., C. F. ASENjO, A. L. MuRlz y 1.. ALE­<br />

;\IAÑY, Stlldies on thc "'cst Indian chcrry, Mal¡>i~hia<br />

punicifolia 1..; Obser\'ation ami data on a promosing<br />

selection. Proc. FllI. S<strong>la</strong>le [-Jos/' Soc., 67: 2,iO·253 (talllhién<br />

cn j. A~ric. U"ill. P. R., 39: 51·!i(j, 195!i COIIIO "Obscrvations<br />

aIHI data on a promosing sclection of the "'cst<br />

lndian chen)', Malpighia punicifolia L.).<br />

2!1. SA~TII"I .fR., R .. Idcntification a \1(1 dctcrmination<br />

of polybasic organic acids prcscnt in \Vest Indian (Malpighia<br />

punicifolia L.) and in thrcc varictics of gl<strong>la</strong>va<br />

(Psidillm guaja\·a). j. Agric. U"Íl'. Puerlo Rico, 37: 195-<br />

19/1, 1952.<br />

30. SA:>;TINI JR., R. Y A. S. Ht;n,E, Idclllification of<br />

thc po]Ybasic organic acids prcscnt in gl<strong>la</strong>\'as amI acc·<br />

ro<strong>la</strong> hy paper chromatography. j. A~rir. U"h'. Puerlo<br />

Hico, 40: 86, 19!i(j.<br />

31. DEL CA:ltl'ILLO, A. y C. 1:. ASEl"jO, The distriLmtion<br />

of ascorbic acid, <strong>de</strong>hydroascorbic acid, amI diketognlonic<br />

acid in the acero<strong>la</strong> fmit at difercnt stages of<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment. j. Agric. Urrill. Puel·to Rico, 41: 161·166,<br />

1957.<br />

32. DEL CAMPILLO, A. Y C. F. ASENjO, Bound ascorbic<br />

acid in acero<strong>la</strong> juice, ]. Agric, Univ. Puerto 'Rico,<br />

41: 134-139, 1957,<br />

33. SANTINI JR., R., Detennination of reducing amI<br />

total sugars in \Vest ludian cherry (Malpighia punicifolia<br />

L.) juice. ]. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico, 37: 199-205,<br />

1952.<br />

34. SANTINI JR., R. Y A. S. HUYKE, I<strong>de</strong>lllification of<br />

sugars present in fruit of the acero<strong>la</strong> (Malpighia punicifolia<br />

L.) by paper chromatography. ]. Agric. Unill.<br />

Pllerto Rico, 40: 87-89, 1956.<br />

3,i. ASENJO, C. F. y A. 1. MuRlz, Pantothenic acid<br />

contcnt of tropical foods. Food Res., 20: 1-8, 195,j.<br />

36. CAl>:CIO, M. y J. M. LEÓN, Contenido <strong>de</strong> sodio y<br />

potasio en alimentos <strong>de</strong> P. R. l\<strong>la</strong>nual <strong>de</strong> Dietistas <strong>de</strong><br />

Puerto Rico, Mayo 22, 1958.<br />

37. SANcHEZ-NIE\'A, F., Extraction, proccssing. canning<br />

and keeping quality of acero<strong>la</strong> juice. J. Agric. UI/ill.<br />

Puerlo Rico, 39: 17,j-183, 1955.<br />

38 .. -\SE:>;.JO, C. F .. Obscrvacioncs por publicar.<br />

39. I'IRAZZI, R., Lahoratorio dcl Dcpar<strong>la</strong>mento <strong>de</strong> Agricultura<br />

<strong>de</strong> 1'. R. COlllunicación personal (19:)9).<br />

40. SA:>;TIl>:1 .fR.. R. Y J. NEVAREZ, Extraction of ascorbic<br />

acid fmm accro<strong>la</strong>s (:\<strong>la</strong>lpighia punicifolia L.). J.<br />

Agric. VI/ir'. Pllerlo Uim. 3!1: IIH·18!l, l!l,i,i.<br />

'11. SA:>;Tll>:1 JR., R., Y A. S. HUYKE, I<strong>de</strong>ntificalion oC<br />

the anthocyanin present in the accro<strong>la</strong> which produces<br />

color changes in the juice on pastcurization amI canning.<br />

]. A~rir. UI/;". Pllnlo Rico, 40: 1 i 1-1 iR, 1 !l,j(j.<br />

·12..-\SE:-;.I0, C. F .. Ohscn'acioncs por publkar.<br />

43. SANTll>:1 JR., R., Confcrencia al Capilulo Local<br />

<strong>de</strong>l El /11. Che/I/. Soc, Die. 1 (j, 19:)5. Información mimeo·<br />

grafiada E~/(/r. l~xJ). Agr., Unir'. d/~ P. R., 19,j!i.<br />

·H. ASENjO, ;, N. \V., Acero<strong>la</strong> juice. The richest known<br />

source of vitamin C. ]. Pedialrics, 48: 140-145, 1956.<br />

47. ASENjO, C. F. y O. GONZ.\LEZ ALVAREZ, Rcport of<br />

a case oC acute infantile scurvy treated with acero<strong>la</strong> jelly.<br />

Rev. Asoc. Salud Publ., 1: 12·13, 1955.<br />

48. emES H. y G. SA~IUELS, Mineral-<strong>de</strong>ficiency symptOI1lS<br />

<strong>de</strong>sp<strong>la</strong>yed by acero<strong>la</strong> trccs grown in the greenhouse<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r controllcd condilions. Tcchnical Paper NQ 15, Aug.<br />

1955, Agric. Exp. St. UlIiv. P. R., Río Piedras, Puerto<br />

Rico.<br />


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