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V <strong>FORO</strong> <strong>LEGAL</strong> <strong>LATINOAMERICANO</strong><strong>DE</strong> <strong>LEASING</strong>MIAMI, FLORIDA. MAYO 17 Y 18 <strong>DE</strong>L 2012Hotel Intercontinental en Doral, Miami

V <strong>FORO</strong> <strong>LEGAL</strong><strong>LATINOAMERICANO</strong> <strong>DE</strong><strong>LEASING</strong>El negocio del arrendamiento de bienes de capital o leasing lleva más de medio siglo floreciendo en las Américas. En laactualidad, el hemisferio occidental maneja más de US$ 700 mil millones de dólares en inversiones vigentes en dichosbienes. La figura del leasing se basa en las competencias de los profesionales del Derecho, quienes la han venidodesarrollando y sofisticando.Las empresas Arrendadoras de América Latina ya mantienen un portafolio de inversiones alrededor de losUS$ 100 mil millones de dólares, y su papel dentro de las economías nacionales es cada vez más importante. Sinembargo, el tratamiento jurídico del leasing sigue sometido en forma permanente a crecientes desafíos en todos loscampos del Derecho, que obligan a los abogados a mantenerse alerta en relación con los problemas actuales einminentes, y las soluciones que en otras jurisdicciones se les han dado a dichos problemas.Desde 2008, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Latin American Region, LLC ha venido organizando y moderando las ricasintervenciones y discusiones de los abogados vinculados a la industria del leasing. Los Foros anteriores han contado conla activa participación tanto de abogados internos de las empresas de leasing, como los funcionarios de las agencias delos Gobiernos que de una u otra forma regulan el leasing, así como los miembros de bufetes de abogados externos querepresentan a quienes ofrecen, quienes negocian y quienes disfrutan de los beneficios del leasing, y los funcionarios yprofesionales de las firmas de consultoría y auditoria, y otros profesionales, incluyendo funcionarios de las áreas deoperaciones de las empresas Arrendadoras.Para este año, con ocasión del Quinto Foro Latinoamericano de Leasing, hemos preparado un programa de lamayor utilidad para los directores de operaciones de empresas de arrendamiento y financiamiento de equipos y paraabogados practicantes. Diseñado para ser mucho más interactivo, práctico e ilustrativo, este Foro tocará a fondo los temasque hemos recibido de parte de todos los clientes y operadores de <strong>Alta</strong>, como motivos de especial atención. Extendemosesta invitación a los profesionales valiosos de la comunidad financiera con intereses de negocio en América Latina.Las principales razones para asistir al Foro son las siguientes:‣ Es la perfecta oportunidad para tener acceso a los más recientes y avanzados desarrollos en la práctica legal delas empresas arrendadoras de vanguardia en las Américas;‣ Es la perfecta ocasión para informarse acerca de las leyes y regulaciones de todos los países de las Américasque tienen influencia en el negocio del leasing;‣ Es la mejor herramienta para que las empresas de arrendamiento y financiamiento de equipos puedan reducir suexposición a los riesgos operacionales.‣ Es la mejor ocasión para conocer a los colegas y clientes que pueden brindar beneficio a los negocios y prácticasprofesionales;‣ Es una excelente ocasión para darse a conocer dentro de la comunidad profesional del leasing en las Américas.‣ El Foro Legal Latinoamericano ha contado con la asistencia de profesionales de todas las Américas e incluso deEuropa y Asia Pacífico

JUEVES MAYO 177:30 AM - 8:20 AMDesayuno Continental8:20 AM - 8:30 AMPalabras de BienvenidaRafael Castillo-TrianaCEO, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Latin AmericanRegion, LLC8:30 AM - 10:00 AMCambios regulatorios recientes queafectan a las empresas de leasing:Prevención de Lavado de ActivosProtección de Datos Personalesvs. Burós de CréditoEstatutos de protección alconsumidor vs. Basilea IIIexigiendo reducción de riesgosPanel Interactivo10:00 AM - 10:30 AMCoffee break10:30 AM - 12:00 MContinuación: Cambios regulatoriosrecientes que afectan a las empresasde leasing:Almuerzo12:00 M - 2:00 PM2:00 PM - 3:30 PMAnálisis de normas y prácticas en elcampo del arrendamiento puro.Panel InteractivoCoffee break3:30 PM - 4:00 PM4:00 PM - 5:00 PMHerramientas legales para preservarel crecimiento de las empresas deleasing frente a baja en la liquidezde los mercadosPanel Interactivo6:00 PM - 8:00 PMCocktail de IntegraciónOportunidades depatrocinio disponibles!Contactos:En referencia al Foro, parapatrocinios, registros al Foro yreservas de Hotel:Katrin Forster Tel. 954-632-0922Email: kforster@thealtagroup.comHotel Intercontinental Doral Miami:2505 North West 87th Avenue Doral,Fl, 33172-16101-800-496-7621 o 1-305-468-1400American Airlines y sus afiliadasLAN y British Airways ofrecen undescuento especial para el Foro:Puede hacer sus reservas online paraAA/AE gratis en:www. www.aa.com/group.Y utilizando el código: 7852DLÓ a través de su agencia con un cargoadicional indicado por su agencia.Avis ofrece un descuento especialpara el Foro:Haga su reserva online, en elaeropuerto o por teléfono e indique elcódigo: D495884

VIERNES MAYO 187:30 AM - 8:20 AMDesayuno Continental8:20 AM - 8:30 AMApertura del Segundo díaRafael Castillo-TrianaCEO, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Latin AmericanRegion LLC8:30 AM - 10:30 AMAnálisis de Avancesjurisprudenciales:Valores residualesgarantizados pagados poranticipadoISSHell or high waterLiquidación de perjuiciospor incumplimiento de losarrendatariosLeasing vs. Regímeneslegales de insolvenciaDiscusión de material compilado por<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Panel Interactivo10:30 AM - 11:00 AMCoffee break11:00 AM - 12:30 PMTratamiento jurídico del RiesgoPolítico: Experiencias de Argentina,Grecia, Venezuela y otros países.Discusión de material compilado por<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Panel InteractivoAlmuerzo12:30 PM - 2:00 PM2:00 PM - 3:30 PMNovedades fiscales en el campo delleasing.Discusión de material compilado por<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Panel InteractivoCoffee break3:30 PM - 3:45 PM3:45 PM - 5:00 PMTaller práctico: Benchmarking decláusulas contractuales útiles(evergreen, all or nothing, techrefresh etc.)Fin del Foro y entrega decertificados

Print FormConference RegistrationV LATIN AMERICAN <strong>LEGAL</strong>FORUM ON <strong>LEASING</strong>Date: May 17 & 18 of 2012Location: InterContinental Miami at Doral2505 NW 87 Ave Miami FL 33176 Tel. (305) 468-1400<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> LAR8930 W State Rd 84 # 289Davie, FL 33324 USAPhone: 954-632-0922 Fax: 954-636-2046www.thealtagroup.com/latin-americaAttendee InformationRegistration FeesName Attendee 1:Name Attendee 2:Company:Position Attendee 1:Position Attendee 2:Address:Address (cont.)CityConference Fee:x Number of Attendees:Subtotal:Total Due:FEES: US $1,485.10% Discount if paid before April 20th.Includes conference fees, breakfast, lunch, coffeebreaks and cocktail.PaymentCheck payable to: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> LARState & Postal Code:Credit CardWireCountry:American ExpressMain Contact:Email:Phone (with prefix i.e.+Country+City+Ph)Wire Transfer Information:Please contact: kforster@thealtagroup.com for Bank InformationCredit Card Payment: Please write here the addressregistered with the credit card if different than above:VisaMaster CardCard Number:Expiration Date:Cardholder Name:Card Security Code:If you have any question please contact: Katrin Forster at+1-954-632-0922 email: kforster@thealtagroup.com

Print FormHotel RegistrationIntercontinental Miami at DoralV LATIN AMERICAN <strong>LEGAL</strong> FORUMON <strong>LEASING</strong>Date: May 17 & 18 of 2012Location: InterContinental Miami at Doral2505 NW 87 Ave Miami FL 33176 Tel. (305) 468-1400<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> LAR8930 W State Rd 84 # 289Davie, FL 33324 USAPhone: 954-632-0922 Fax: 954-636-2046www.thealtagroup.com/latin-americaGuest InformationHotel Fees:Name Guest 1:Name Guest 2:Company:Address:City:State:Zip/Postal Code:Hotel Fee:x Number of Rooms:Subtotal:Total Due:FEES: US $129 per night for Single/Double RoomRooms as per availability.Includes Internet, porterage & Housekeeping chargeCancellation Policy: 24 hours prior to arrivalCheck-In Time 04:00 PM Check-Out Time 12:00 PMCredit Card (to hold reservation)Country:Check in Date:American ExpressVisaCheck out Date:MastercardMain Contact Name:Email:Phone:Card Number:Expiration Date:Cardholder Name:Credit Card to Reserve Room: Please write here the addressregistered with the credit card if different than above:Card Security Code:Note: Visa & Mastercard security code are the 3 digits on theback, in the signature box. American Express security codeare the 4 digits in the front of the card.If you have any question please contact: Katrin Forster at+1-954-632-0922 email: kforster@thealtagroup.com


INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDFounded in 1992, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is the world’s largest consulting firm specialized in theequipment leasing and financing industry. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> LAR has, since 2008,organized and successfully executed the Latin American Legal Forum on Leasing, thepremier forum of its kind for the industry in the region. This year’s edition will carry onthe central objective of providing knowledge and tools to all participants in order toensure the application of the best available practices in all aspects pertaining to leasingand the law.<strong>The</strong> Forum presents a tremendous opportunity to access some of the most representativeleasing companies and outside counsel of several Latin American countries thatcustomarily attend the event, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela etc.In previous editions we have had the presence of top managers of leasing companies orleasing divisions of banks and equipment manufacturers and in-house and outsidecounsel thereof.SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESThis year we are looking to dedicate a specific spots in the program to law firms in LatinAmerica and the U.S. in order to allow legal professionals to know the key decisionmakers, get feedback, and establish potential leads and business relationships.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is interested in receiving proposals to sponsor and conduct thecorresponding information sessions for the Fourth Annual Latin American Legal Forumon Leasing, to be held at the Intercontinental Hotel at Doral Miami on May 17 & 18.<strong>The</strong> following Sponsorship Opportunities are available:Kindle Fire with your logo for each participant (1 opportunity available) $ 6,000<strong>The</strong> sponsor receives the following benefits: Recognition (your logo) in all promotional material and in the final program Recognition (your logo) in our event website www.thealtaconferencias.com Company description and contact information will be included in the onsite attendeeconference materials Recognition from the podium at the opening and other sessions One complimentary conference registration Right of first refusal to sponsor the same event the following year (good for one year)2

Kindle Fire Leather Case Cover with your logo for each participant(1 opportunity available) $ 3,000<strong>The</strong> sponsor receives the following benefits: Recognition (your logo) in all promotional material and in the final program Recognition (your logo) in our event website www.thealtaconferencias.com Company description and contact information will be included in the onsite attendeeconference materials Recognition from the podium at the opening and other sessions One complimentary conference registration Right of first refusal to sponsor the same event the following year (good for one year)Breakfast sponsor (2 opportunities available) $ 3,500<strong>The</strong> sponsor receives the following benefits: Recognition (your logo) in all promotional material and in the final program Recognition (your logo) in our event website www.thealtaconferencias.com Company description and contact information will be included in the onsite attendeeconference materials Recognition from the podium at the opening and other sessions Signage at the breakfast One complimentary conference registration Right of first refusal to sponsor the same event the following year (good for one year)Coffee breaks sponsor (2 opportunities available) $ 3,500<strong>The</strong> sponsor receives the following benefits: Recognition (your logo) in all promotional material and in the final program Recognition (your logo) in our event website www.thealtaconferencias.com Company description and contact information will be included in the onsite attendeeconference materials Recognition from the podium at the opening and other sessions Signage at the coffee breaks during that day One complimentary conference registration Right of first refusal to sponsor the same event the following year (good for one year)3

Lunch sponsor (2 opportunities available) $ 4,500<strong>The</strong> sponsor receives the following benefits: Recognition (your logo) in all promotional material and in the final program Recognition (your logo) in our event website www.thealtaconferencias.com Company description and contact information will be included in the onsite attendeeconference materials Recognition from the podium at the opening and other sessions Signage at the lunch One complimentary conference registration Right of first refusal to sponsor the same event the following year (good for one year)Cocktail sponsor (1 opportunity available) $ 6,500<strong>The</strong> sponsor receives the following benefits: Recognition (your logo) in all promotional material and in the final program Recognition (your logo) in our event website www.thealtaconferencias.com Company description and contact information will be included in the onsite attendeeconference materials Recognition from the podium at the opening and other sessions Signage at the cocktail One complimentary conference registration Right of first refusal to sponsor the same event the following year (good for one year)We will also consider customized sponsorship upon request and availability.Please submit your proposal on or before April 15th, 2012, and if you have any questions pleasecontact:Katrin ForsterAssociate<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Latin Americakforster@thealtagroup.comMelvin LoboSenior Managing Director<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Latin Americamlobo@thealtagroup.com4

Some of our previous attendees include representatives fromthe following companies:AB+C Leasing de MexicoABELAlston & Bird LLPALTA <strong>Group</strong>AMSOFAC MexicoArias y MunozArrendamientos y Créditos Atlántida, S.A.(ACRESA)Baker & McKenzieBancentroBanco Bradesco S.A.Banco Central de la Rep. DominicanaBanco Central do BrasilBanco Comercio-PeruBanco Credito PeruBanco de ComercioBanco de Costa RicaBanco de Credito CentroamericanoBanco De Lage Landen BrasilBanco FicohsaBanco Nacional de BoliviaBanco PopularBanco Popular C por ABHD - D.R.BladexBNCRBrigard & Urrutia AbogadosCarrillo y AsociadosCastellucci Fernandez Pescuma & Asoc.CGM Leasing Argentina S.A.Chacon Mora AbogadosCIT <strong>Group</strong> Inc.CIT MexicoCSI Leasing MexicoDe Lage Landen - MexicoDe Lage Landen S.A.C.V.Sofom ENRELFAErnst & YoungF.A. Arias & Munoz CompanyFedeleasingFortunati Abogados ArgentinaFTAA Consulting IncHöfling, Thomazinho AdvogadosHP Financial ServicesImprosaLeasing Bancoldex SALeasing BancolombiaLeasing de CreditoLeasing de OccidenteNoguera, Larrain & EdulantoOdessa TechnologiesOracle CorporationOrange Republica DominicanaPalacios OrtegaPatton Boggs LLPPosse, HerreraProvincia Leasing S.A.Scania , CIT ChileSIGMA SAFI S.A<strong>The</strong> <strong>Alta</strong> <strong>Group</strong>White & Case5

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