Sea Turtles - WIDECAST

Sea Turtles - WIDECAST

Sea Turtles - WIDECAST

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The HawksbillThe hawksbill is a beautiful sea turtle. Its hard, topshell, called the carapace, is made up of dark brownor yellow and brown scales. These scales overlap likeshingles on a roof. The hawksbill's bottom shell iscalled the plastron. It is yellow. The skin of its headand flippers has brown patches rimmed in yellow. Thehawksbill gets its name from its beak, because thetop of it hooks down over the lower part, much likethe bill of a hawk. This sea turtle measures a little lessthan three feet long and weighs a little over onehundred pounds.Hawksbills and other sea turtles have lungs andbreathe air. Even though sea turtles can hold theirbreath for many minutes, they must come up tobreathe. Hawksbills swim near coral reefs where theyfind sponges, worms, fish, snails, and crabs to eat.La Tortuga CareyLa tortuga carey es muy hermosa. Su caparazónduro, llamado concha, está formado por placas decolor café oscuro o café y amarillo ámbar. Estasplacas están sobrepuestas en la misma forma que lastejas de un techo. El caparazón inferior se llamaplastrón y es de color amarillo. La piel de la cabeza yde las aletas tiene manchas cafés rodeadas deamarillo. Esta tortuga de mar mide un poco menos deun metro de largo y pesa alga más de 45 kilogramos.Las tortugas carey, así como el resto de las tortugasmarinas, poseen pulmones y respiran aire. Aunque lastortugas marinas pueden contener la respiracióndurante varios minutos, deben subir a la superficiepara respirar. Las tortugas carey viven alrededor delos arrecifes de coral donde se alimentan deesponjas, gusanos de mar, peces, caracoles, ycangrejos.

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