URC2068BC2 - Universal Electronics Remote Control Support

URC2068BC2 - Universal Electronics Remote Control Support

URC2068BC2 - Universal Electronics Remote Control Support


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<strong>URC2068BC2</strong>Getting StartedFunctional Key ChartMUG2068S-GP-03REMOTE CONTROL USER’S GUIDEGuía del usuarioGUIDETVINFOPOWERPAGEMUTECABLEEXITMENUPrimeros pasos12Remove battery cover.Retire la tapa del compartimiento de pilas.Insert 2 AA batteries. Match the + and – marks.Coloque 2 pilas AA. Haga coincidir las marcas "+" y "-".Note/Nota:Make sure TV is ON beforestarting remote controlsetup.Asegúrese de que la TVesté prendida antes decomenzar la configuracióndel control remoto.Cuadro de teclas de funcionesTurns TV ON / OFFEnciende/apaga la TVDisplays program GUIDEMuestra la guía de programaciónDisplays INFO for currentlyselected programMuestra información sobre elprograma actualmente seleccionadoGUIDETVINFOPOWERCABLEEXITMENUTurns cable box ON / OFFEnciende/apaga la caja de cableDisplays main cable MENUMuestra el menu principal de cableEXITs current menu andreturns to current programSale del menú actual y vuelveal programa actualLASTPAGE1 2 3MUTE4 5 67 8 90www.urcsupport.comSetup Method A:LANGConfiguración del Método A:Tip/Consejo:3Replace battery cover.Vuelva a colocar la tapa del compartimiento de pilas.The LED will blink 5 times witheach key-press when batteriesneed replacement.El LED parpadeará 5 veces concada presión de tecla cuandosea necesario reemplazar laspilas.Popular BrandsMarcas famosas<strong>Control</strong>s and MUTEs TV VOLUME<strong>Control</strong>a y silencia el volumen del televisorReturns to LAST channel you were watchingVuelve al último canal que estaba mirandoHOLD for 3 seconds to enter SETUPMantenga presionado 3 segundospara ingresar a la configuraciónLAST1 2 34 5 67 8 90LANGUsed in the program guidefor PAGE navigationSe utiliza en la guía de programaciónpara navegar1Press and hold SETUPuntil LED blinks twice.Mantenga presionada latecla SETUP (Configurar)hasta que el LEDparpadee dos veces.7 8 90LANG2Press the TV POWER key,LED remains ON.Presione la tecla TVPOWER (Encendido delTelevisor).GUIDETVPOWERCABLEMENU3Press and hold down theDIGIT key for your TVbrand.Mantenga presionada latecla del digito quecorresponde a la marcade su TV.1 2 34 5 67 809LANG4Let go of the key whenyour TV turns off. Setup iscomplete.Suelte la tecla cuando suTV se apague. La configuraciónestá completa.2 PARPADEOS = CORRECTA1 PARPADEO LARGO = INCORRECTACOFETEL certificate number:La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:(1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y(2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causarsu operación no deseada.FCC NOTICEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and if not used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications.• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase or decrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced remote control/ TV technician for help.• It is strongly recommended that the TV be plugged into a seperate wall outlet.DIGITDÍGITO123TVTVsInsignia / DynexLG / ZenithMitsubishiHowever, there is no guarantee that interfer ence will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, the user is encouragedor try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:TROUBLESHOOTINGRESOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASThis equipment has been verified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant toFCC Rules. The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the equipment without theapproval of manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.Tip/Consejo:If your brand does not appear on popular TV brand chart, try eitherMethod B or Method C to setup the remote to control your TV.Si la marca que utiliza no aparece en el cuadro de marcas, intenteya sea con la Opción B o la Opción C para configurar el controlremoto de su TV.WWW.URCSUPPORT.COM© Copyright <strong>Universal</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> 20124567890PanasonicPhilips / MagnavoxSamsungSharpSonyToshibaVizioProblem:Solution:Problem:Solution:Problem:Solution:LED does not blink when a key is pressed.Replace batteries.TV does not respond when TV POWER or VOLUME keys arepressed.Program remote control for your TV brand using instructionsin Setup Method A, B, or C.Tried all codes for my TV brand and none work.Try CODE SEARCH (Setup Method B) method or go towww.urcsupport.com for additional support and for CODEFINDER search tool.Problema:Solución:Problema:Solución:Problema:Solución:El LED no parpadea al pulsar una tecla.Reemplace las pilas.El televisor no responde al presionar las teclas POWER (Encendido) oVOLUME (Volúmen).Programe el control remoto para su marca de TV utilizando las instruccionesen Configuración Método A, B o C.Probé con todos los códigos que corresponden a mi marca deaparato y ninguno funciona.Pruebe con el método de BÚSQUEDA DE CÓDIGO (ConfiguraciónMétodo B) o visite www.urcsupport.com para recibir ayuda adicionaly para la herramienta de búsqueda LOCALIZADOR DE CÓDIGOS.

LANGGUIDEINFOPAGEMUTELASTMENUINFOEXITGUIDEPAGEMUTELASTEXITMENULANGSetup Method B:Code SearchCodes: TVMUG2068S-GP-03Configuración del Método B:Búsqueda de códigoCódigos: TVsNote/Nota:Make sure TV is ONbefore starting remotecontrol setup.Asegúrese de que la TVesté prendida antes decomenzar la configuracióndel control remoto.Setup Method C:Configuración del Método C:1Note/Nota:Press and hold SETUP untilLED blinks twice.Mantenga presionada latecla SETUP (Configurar)hasta que el LED parpadeedos veces.7 8 90Tip/Consejo:LANGPress LED blinks and hold twice.SETUP untilMantenga presionada latecla SETUP (Configurar)hasta que el LED parpadeedos veces.Make sure TV is ON before starting remote control setup.Asegúrese de que el televisor esté en la posición ON de encendido antes decomenzar la configuración del control remoto.2 3 4Enter the 1st TV code foryour brand from the codelist to the right. LEDblinks twice.Ingrese el 1er código deTV para su marca de lalista de códigos.Write the working TV code here for future use.Escriba aquí el código de TV que funciona, para uso futuro.GUIDEINFOEXITMENUPress the TV POWER key totest TV control. If the TVturns off, setup is complete.Presione el botón deencendido para probarel control para TV. Si la TV seapaga, la configuración estácompleta.To find the exact code for your TV, use our CODE FINDER feature at WWW.URCSUPPORT.COMPara encontrar el código exacto para su TV, utilice nuestra función de LOCALIZADOR DECÓDIGOS en WWW.URCSUPPORT.COMSet volume control for the TV:Ajustar el control de volumen de la TV:1Press and hold SETUP until LEDblinks twice.Mantenga presiondada la teclaSETUP (Configurar) hasta que elLED parpadee dos veces.7 8 90LANG1 2 37 8 90LANGGUIDE1 2 34 5 67 809LANG2Press VOL +. The LED willblink twice.Presione VOL +. El LEDparpadeará dos veces.INFOPAGEMUTEEXITPress and hold down theOK/SELECT key.Mantenga presionada latecla OK/SELECT(Aceptar/Seleccionar).OKSELECTDirect Code EntryEntrada Directa de CódigoTVPOWERCABLEMENU1 2 34 5 67 8 90TVPOWERCABLETV codeLet go of the OK/SELECT keywhen the TV turns off.Suelte la tecla OK/SELECT(Aceptar/Seleccionar) cuandoel dispositivo se apague o seencienda.If TV does not turn off,repeat this process usingthe next code for yourTV brand.Si el TV no se apaga, repitaeste proceso utilizando elsiguiente código para sumarca de TV.Código de TVSet volume control for the STB:Ajustar el control de volumen para el STB:1Press and hold SETUP until LEDblinks twice.Mantenga presiondada la teclaSETUP (Configurar) hasta queel LED parpadee dos veces.7 8 90LANG1 2 34 5 67 8 902TVPOWERCABLEPress MUTE. The LED willblink 4 times.Presione MUTE. El LEDparpadeará 4 veces.INFOPAGEMUTEEXITAccurian 1803Action 0873Akai 1675, 1207, 1676, 1688,1689, 1692, 1935, 2232America Action 0180Anam 0180AOC 1365, 1590, 2014, 2087,2402, 2621Aomni 1623Apex Digital 0890, 1217, 2397Astar 1531, 1738Audinac 0180Audiovox 1564, 0180, 0802, 0846,0875, 1766, 1803, 1937,1951, 2121, 2513, 3065Aventura 0171Axion 1937Baysonic 0180BenQ 1032, 1315BGH 0876Blue Sky 2153Bradford 0180Broksonic 1935Byd:sign 1309Candle 0186Carver 0170Casio 1205Citizen 0186, 1935Clarion 0180Coby 1538, 1634, 2017, 2306,2314, 2315, 2326, 2338,2340, 2344, 2345, 2348,3202Commercial Solutions 1447Contec 0180Continental 2357Coradir 2844Craig 0180Crown 0180Curtis 1200, 2352, 2397, 2855,2859Curtis Mathes 0145, 1661CXC 0180Daewoo 1661, 0661Dell 1264, 1080Delta 1369Denon 0145Denstar 0628Digital Lifestyles 1765, 1822Disney 1665, 1892Durabrand 0180, 0178, 0171, 1665Dynex 1463, 1785, 2049Electrograph 1755, 1623Electrohome 1670Elektra 1661Element 1687, 1886, 2183Emerson 1864, 0180, 0178, 0171,1661, 1394, 1665, 1886,1963Emprex 1422, 1765Encross 0876, 1474Envision 0813, 1365, 2014, 2087ESA 0171, 1963Fujitsu 0809, 0186, 0683Funai 0180, 0171, 1963Futuretech 0180Gateway 1755, 1756GE 1447, 0178GFM 1864, 0171, 1665, 1886,1963Go Video 0886, 1823, 1831GoldStar 0178GPX 2693Gradiente 0170Grundig 0683Grunpy 0180Haier 1753, 2293, 2494, 2690,3204Hallmark 0178Hanns.G 1783Hannspree 1348, 1745, 1783Harvard 0180Helios 0865Hewlett Packard 1494, 1088Hikato 0628Himitsu 0180, 0628Hisense 1314, 1660, 2098Hitachi 1643, 0145, 0797, 2215,2433, 2679, 2879Hitech 1814HP 1494, 1088Hyundai 0849, 1219, 1294, 1814I-Inc 1746iLo 1463, 1286, 1394, 1603,1665, 1684, 1990Initial 1603, 1990Insignia 1423, 1564, 0171, 1204,1517, 1660, 1710, 1785,1892, 1963, 2049, 2417iRIS 2189IRT 1661, 0628IX 0877JCM 2189, 2256Jensen 1299JVC 1601KDS 1498, 1687KEC 0180Kioto 0706, 0628Konka 0628, 1831Kost 1483Kreisen 0876, 1474KTV 0180Lasonic 3198LG 1423, 1447, 0178, 0856,1530LiteOn 1088LodgingStar 3147LXI 0156, 0178MAG 1498, 1687Magnavox 1454, 1866, 1755, 0171,0706, 0186, 0802, 1198,1365, 1525, 1867, 1963,1990, 2655Marantz 1454, 0704, 1398Maxent 1755, 1211, 1757Megatron 0178, 0145Memorex 0150, 0178, 0877, 1665,1670, 1785, 1892, 2739MGA 0150, 0178Mintek 1603, 1990Miray 3309Mitsubishi 1250, 0150, 0178, 1797Multitech 0180NAD 0156, 0178Naxa 2104, 2735NEC 0170, 0704, 0876, 1398,1797, 2026NetTV 1755, 2753NEX 1814Nexus <strong>Electronics</strong> 2183Nikko 0178Niko 1581Nimbro 2104Norcent 0824, 1365, 1590, 1591,1745Norwood Micro 1286, 1303NuVision 1657, 2158Olevia 1610, 1144, 1240Onwa 0180Optoma 1348Orion 1463Panasonic 1480PARK 2104PDI 1474Penney 0156, 0178Philco 0145, 0171, 1661, 1394,1665, 1963Philips 1454, 1866, 0171, 0899,1394, 1483, 1867Pioneer 1457, 1398Planar 1496Polaroid 0865, 1286, 1314, 1328,1341, 1498, 1538, 1687,1766, 1767, 2063, 2121Portland 1661Prima 1753, 1785Proscan 1447, 2147, 2183, 2256Proton 0178Protron 1320Proview 1498, 1687Punktal 2687Pyle 1200, 2196RadioShack 0180, 0178RCA 1447, 1661, 0899,1781, 2434, 2746, 2932Realistic 0180, 0178Recco 0706RevolutionHD 1623Runco 1398Sampo 1755Samsung 0178, 0766, 0814,1060, 2051Sansui 0171, 1463, 1409,1670, 1892, 1935Sanyo 1142Sceptre 0878, 1217, 1360,1599, 2337Scotch 0178Scott 0180, 0178, 1711Sears 0156, 0178, 0171Semivox 0180Semp 0156, 1743Sharp 0818, 2402Sherwood 1399Simpson 0186Skyworth 1799Solarism 1220Sole 1377, 1483, 1530, 1623Sony 0810, 1685Soundesign 0180, 0178, 0186Sova 1320Soyo 1520, 1746, 1826,1828, 1830, 1831Spectroniq 1498, 1687Squareview 0171SSS 0180Starlite 0180SunBriteTV 1610, 1420, 1435, 2337Superscan 0864Supersonic 1753, 2104, 2784,3154, 3204SVA 0865, 0871, 1963Sylvania 1864, 0171, 1314,1394, 1665, 1886, 1963Symphonic 0180, 0171, 1394Syntax 1610, 1144, 1240Tatung 1286, 1756, 2496TCL 2434Teknika 0180, 0150, 0186TMK 0178Tophouse 0180Toshiba 1524, 0156, 1343,1369, 1743, 1935TruTech 1665, 1723US Logic 1286, 1303Vidikron 1398Vidtech 0178Viewsonic 1755, 1564, 0797,0864, 0885, 1330,1365, 1578, 1627,1742, 2014, 2049,2087, 2277Viore 1207, 1684, 2104,2352, 3094, 3118Visart 1336Vito 1320Vizio 1758, 0864, 0885,1756, 2707Wards 0156, 0180, 0178, 0186Waycon 0156Westinghouse 0885, 0890, 1217,1282, 2195, 2293, 2499White Westinghouse 1661Wyse 1365Yamaha 0797Zenith 1423, 0178, 0145,1661, 1365LASTLAST1 2 31 2 3WWW.URCSUPPORT.COM © Copyright <strong>Universal</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> 2013

Pulse Pairing OptionsRF PAIRINGThis remote control is capable ofcontrolling a set-top box(STB) that ishidden from sight when it has been pairedwith an RF STB or an RF Adapter.Tip: The STB or RF Adapter that you areusing must be compatible with this remotecontrol and the proper pairing method mustbe used. For the latest list of compatible RFdevices, go to www.urcsupport.com/rfRF Pairing to Set-Top BoxNOTE: Certain set-top boxes (such asEVOLUTION branded boxes) may require theuser to put the box into RF PAIRING modebefore RF pairing can occur. To do so, locateREMOTE CONTROL in the on-screen MENUand select REMOTE CONTROL PAIRINGbefore following the steps shown below.1. Press and hold the SETUP key on theremote until the LED blinks twice.2. Press the MENU key on the remote andthe remote will begin blinking as itattempts to pair.3. If a PIN number appears on yourTV screen, enter that number using theremote numeric keys.4. LED on the remote will blink twice toverify success.RF Pairing to an RF AdapterTo perform RF pairing with an RF adapter, pleaserefer to the instructions provided with the adapteror go to www.urcsupport.com/rf and locate thesupport page for the RF adapter for more information.

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