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S13.9 B: Latin America insertion in a multipolar world: In search for new<br />

theoretical and methodological perspectives<br />

Hora: Miércoles, 29/06/2016: 17:15 - 19:15 · Lugar: HOSPEDERÍA FONSECA. AULA 2.3<br />

Presidente de la sesión: Edme Dominguez Reyes, Universidad de Gotemburgo<br />

Presidente de la sesión: Isidro Morales Moreno, . Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública. Tecnológico de<br />

Monterrey<br />

Mesa 2: Economía global, regionalismo, dependencias.<br />

Comentarista: Isidro Morales Moreno, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey.<br />

Costa Rica’s outward-looking development: from ‘agriculture of change’ to food insecurity (1990-<br />

2008)<br />

Elisa Botella Rodríguez<br />

Universidad de Salamanca, España; ebotella@usal.es<br />

Costa Rica has been a great example of the neoliberal approach to agricultural policy implemented during the<br />

last two decades in most Latin American countries. Costa Rica shifted from import substitution industrialisation<br />

(ISI) to export-led growth and what the government and international organisations called ‘Agriculture of<br />

Change’ in the early 1980s. A combination of an active state, stable democracy, high social investment and<br />

support for small and medium firms, including cooperatives, resulted in higher economic growth and better<br />

gender and income distribution than in neighbouring countries. Since 1990, Costa Rica accelerated trade<br />

liberalisation, foreign direct investment (FDI), and non-traditional agricultural exports (NTAEs) through<br />

agricultural conversion programmes. Since the early 1990s new patterns of agricultural development have<br />

promoted the regional specialisation of agricultural production. The new strategy shaped agriculture and rural<br />

development in different regions and cantons creating opportunities and challenges for small famers and rural<br />

inhabitants.<br />

Latin America's new dependencies in a diversified world<br />

Edme Dominguez Reyes<br />

Universidad de Gotemburgo, Suecia; edme.dominguez@gu.se<br />

América latina esta en un periodo de reorientación de sus relaciones exteriores. De ser una región<br />

prácticamente dominada por la hegemonía norteamericana, sobre todo en el caso de Centroamérica y México<br />

y con una gran influencia de la Unión Europea en el caso del Cono Sur se empieza a hablar cada vez con<br />

mayor insistencia de la presencia asiática en la región. Sin embargo, debido al enorme incremento de las<br />

relaciones comerciales con China lo que se plantea es un nuevo tipo de dependencia que se hace sentir en la<br />

actual criris económica que atraviezan gran parte de los paísies del cono sur, ya acostumbrados a mandar gran<br />

parte de su produccion mineral o agroexportadora al gigante asiatico. Que implica esta nueva reorientada<br />

dependencia para el futuro economico de la region?. Esta ponencia discute esta situación y sus implicaciones.<br />

449<br />

The renewal of US-led “competitive liberalization” and its consequences for regional cooperation<br />

and blocs in the Western Hemisphere<br />

Isidro Morales Moreno 1 , Isidro Morales Moreno 2<br />

1<br />

Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública. Tecnológico de Monterrey, México; 2 Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación<br />

Pública. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico; isidro.morales@itesm.mx<br />

US-led "Competitive liberalization" reached momentum in 2005, when the FTAA was about to be signed. Those<br />

negotiations were derailed by the opposition of Brazil. Once hemispheric and multilateral trade negotiations<br />

under the WTO came to an impasse, alternative models of regional cooperation proliferated in the Americas,<br />

such as Venezuela-led ALBA or Brazil-led UNASUR. Though the “competitive liberalization” formula has not the<br />

strength and legitimacy that it used to have before the failure of the FTAA, the south-south cooperation<br />

mechanisms never succeeded in building an alternative to the US proposal, especially in the economic front.<br />

Notwithstanding, the second term of the Obama administration was successful to re-launch America’s trade<br />

diplomacy in two new regional fronts: Asia Pacific and Europe. This presentation shall explore what is at stake<br />

in the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TTP). What will the consequences be of the renewal of US trade<br />

diplomacy for regional cooperation and blocs in the Western Hemisphere?.<br />




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