‘Nanarh Yukpapi’ - somos yukpa | we are yukpa
‘Nanarh Yukpapi’ representa un paso firme de lxs Sokorpa-Yukpa hacia el público. Quieren que el mundo sepa sobre su existencia, su forma de vida y la lucha incansable por su territorio en el noreste de Colombia. Para este libro de fotos, lxs líderes y residentes del resguardo Sokorpa se han unido con un fotógrafo y una antropóloga social y cultural. Fotos únicas e historias individuales proporcionan un acercamiento personal hacia las personas fotografiadas. Textos adicionales informan sobre las condiciones locales y el contexto sociopolítico. ‘Nanarh Yukpapi’ represents the Sokorpa-Yukpa’s confident step into the public domain. They want the world to know about their existence, their way of life and their tireless struggle for their territory in Northeastern Colombia. For this photo book, the leaders and inhabitants of the Sokorpa territorial unit have teamed up with a photographer and a social and cultural anthropologist. Unique photos and individual stories allow for a personal approach to the photographees. Additional texts provide information about local living conditions and the socio-political context.
‘Nanarh Yukpapi’ representa un paso firme de lxs
Sokorpa-Yukpa hacia el público. Quieren que el
mundo sepa sobre su existencia, su forma de vida y
la lucha incansable por su territorio en el noreste de
Colombia. Para este libro de fotos, lxs líderes y residentes
del resguardo Sokorpa se han unido con un
fotógrafo y una antropóloga social y cultural. Fotos
únicas e historias individuales proporcionan un acercamiento
personal hacia las personas fotografiadas.
Textos adicionales informan sobre las condiciones
locales y el contexto sociopolítico.
‘Nanarh Yukpapi’ represents the Sokorpa-Yukpa’s
confident step into the public domain. They want
the world to know about their existence, their way
of life and their tireless struggle for their territory
in Northeastern Colombia. For this photo book,
the leaders and inhabitants of the Sokorpa territorial
unit have teamed up with a photographer and a
social and cultural anthropologist. Unique photos
and individual stories allow for a personal approach
to the photographees. Additional texts provide
information about local living conditions and the
socio-political context.
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Preface<br />
My name is Esneda. I am cabilda gobernadora (official representative)<br />
of the Sokorpa resguardo (indigenous territorial<br />
unit) in the Serrania del Perijá, within the jurisdiction<br />
of the municipality of Becerril in the Cesar department. I<br />
was first elected as cabilda gobernadora in 2015 and reelected<br />
in 2017. The Yukpa <strong>are</strong> located in three municipalities<br />
of Cesar: Becerril, Codazzi and La Paz. In Becerril,<br />
there is the Sokorpa resguardo; in Codazzi, there is the<br />
Iroka resguardo and the Menk<strong>we</strong> resguardo; and in La Paz,<br />
there <strong>are</strong> three resguardos, namely, Caño Padilla, El Koso<br />
and El Rosario.<br />
As cabilda gobernadora of the Sokorpa resguardo, I have<br />
dedicated myself to the struggle for our territory. We<br />
have over 25,000 hect<strong>are</strong>s of land, which have been legally<br />
assigned to us; but, of these 25,000 hect<strong>are</strong>s, only 20% <strong>are</strong><br />
in our hands. Half of them <strong>are</strong> <strong>are</strong>as with sacred sites and<br />
rivers, which cannot be cultivated. The other half comprise<br />
what is left for the 2,500 people who live in the Sokorpa<br />
resguardo. Today, only a small part of our territory<br />
belongs to us, the Yukpa people. This is not enough to<br />
maintain our families. With the formation of the resguardos,<br />
the government spatially limited us and took away our<br />
territory. Today, my community and I, as gobernadora, <strong>are</strong><br />
in a process of struggle because there is no political will on<br />
the part of the national government here in Colombia to<br />
return our lands to us.<br />
Esneda Saavedra Restrepo<br />
Cabilda Gobernadora of the Sokorpa Resguardo<br />
Global warming, caused by so much mining exploitation<br />
here in Colombia, especially in the Cesar department, is<br />
causing us harm. Here, in the municipality of Becerril, mining<br />
is intensifying every day. This contributes to the destruction<br />
of our natural environment. The senior authorities of<br />