Terraplen en Suelo Reforzado con Geotextiles, 1993
Terraplen con suelo reforzado con dos carriles laterales y un canal central construido con refuerzo de geotextiles y una altura maxima de 13 metros. Se emplearon taludes de 0.5H:1.0V en suelos arenosos.
The Coello-Tolima Irrigation District required among its design works, to be considered an embankment as a solution to cross a lower topographical zone about 110m (360.8ft) long. A channel system and a double road was to be constructed on top of the 13m(42.65ft) high embankment. This scheme was chosen after analyzing other options, namely: a siphon type of conduction made of reinforced concrete pipe-3.2m (10.5ft) in diameter, a conventional embankment with 2H:1V slope inclination, and a Geosynthetic reinforced earth embankment with 0.5H:1V slope inclination.
The advantages gained with the last alternative was to reduce material volume and therefore hauling, and reduce costs and project duration.
The article describes the design considerations, the general construction procedures and the advantages of this innovative solution, because this reinforced embankment was the highest ever constructed in Colombia at that time.
Terraplen con suelo reforzado con dos carriles laterales y un canal central construido con refuerzo de geotextiles y una altura maxima de 13 metros. Se emplearon taludes de 0.5H:1.0V en suelos arenosos.
The Coello-Tolima Irrigation District required among its design works, to be considered an embankment as a solution to cross a lower topographical zone about 110m (360.8ft) long. A channel system and a double road was to be constructed on top of the 13m(42.65ft) high embankment. This scheme was chosen after analyzing other options, namely: a siphon type of conduction made of reinforced concrete pipe-3.2m (10.5ft) in diameter, a conventional embankment with 2H:1V slope inclination, and a Geosynthetic reinforced earth embankment with 0.5H:1V slope inclination.
The advantages gained with the last alternative was to reduce material volume and therefore hauling, and reduce costs and project duration.
The article describes the design considerations, the general construction procedures and the advantages of this innovative solution, because this reinforced embankment was the highest ever constructed in Colombia at that time.