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CHAPTER I Media and the Soc1al \\Orld 5



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-Households with ... • TV households with ... • Adults ( 1 S...) wrth

Source: 1 U.S. Census Bureau (2010) data for 2007; 2 Television Bureau of Advertising (2010); 1 leichtman Rne•rch Group (2010).

'Smith (2010a); 'Smith (2010b); 'Smith (2010c).


Media use among young people is even more extensive ·~'has been increasong sign oil

cantly in all forms-except for reading, which has de<:),!~d. (See Exhibit I 3 ) Onr >1udy

found that, by 2009, young people 8 to 18 years of age devoted more than 7 5 hou,; ,, d.l)' to

entertainment media, including television, music. computers, and video games Reccltl'tt" rht•')"

often multitask-using more than one form of media at a time. such as liscening to .tn \,P,

player while surfing the web-young people managed to access 10 hours and 45 mmutM of

~ontent duri~ The si nificant increase in media use O\'er .1 IO·yt·dr

period ~ely to the growth of · edia devices-especially cell phones. \11'1

players, and laptop computers-which made it easier to access media products Jllj11mt'

anywhere @ideout, Foehr, and Roberts 2010). With such vast exp()~ure to med1a. 11 c.1n t....

argued that hem · ave b&ome !!linant social institution in conte_mporary S(K 1rty t

supplanting the influence of older institutions, such as the ~ducational system and rch~1on

Our media and our society as we know it are fused: media/society One way to rrro~nize

the importance of the media in our lives is to imagine life w.rhout 1hr rnrd1.1

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