L'intermittence en emploi peut-elle être une expérience ... - acelf

L'intermittence en emploi peut-elle être une expérience ... - acelf

L'intermittence en emploi peut-elle être une expérience ... - acelf


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L’intermitt<strong>en</strong>ce <strong>en</strong> <strong>emploi</strong> <strong>peut</strong>-<strong>elle</strong> <strong>être</strong> <strong>une</strong> expéri<strong>en</strong>ce formatrice?<br />


Can employm<strong>en</strong>t intermitt<strong>en</strong>ce be an educational experi<strong>en</strong>ce?<br />

Brigitte VOYER<br />

University of Quebec in Montreal, Québec, Canada<br />

This article explores the educational experi<strong>en</strong>ces of people on an employm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

intermitt<strong>en</strong>ce regime. The author attempts to find out if repeated employm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

changes offer new situations favourable to learning. This question echoes a concern<br />

about the influ<strong>en</strong>ce of postmodernism on professional id<strong>en</strong>tity and learning modes.<br />

Professional id<strong>en</strong>tity is studied within a multidisciplinary analysis framework that<br />

describes the ev<strong>en</strong>ts on a career and training path, along with the training process<br />

and the acquisition of knowledge. The study is conducted from an exploratory perspective<br />

through case studies of professionals who are university graduates and who<br />

are experi<strong>en</strong>cing employm<strong>en</strong>t intermitt<strong>en</strong>ce situations. The results reveal that some<br />

professional involvem<strong>en</strong>ts are more likely than others to lead to new experi<strong>en</strong>ces.<br />

This observation of long-term temporality allows us to estimate the ways in which<br />

intermitt<strong>en</strong>ce g<strong>en</strong>erates an educational experi<strong>en</strong>ce. The perception of living with<br />

change develops over the course of a person’s professional history and is mostly<br />

based on subjective interpretation. Through adaptation, the choice of formal continuous<br />

education activities takes place all along the career path. The educational experi<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

is incorporated into the person’s id<strong>en</strong>tity developm<strong>en</strong>t and is influ<strong>en</strong>ced by<br />

the ability to look forward into the future.<br />


¿La intermit<strong>en</strong>cia laboral puede ser una experi<strong>en</strong>cia formativa?<br />

Brigitte VOYER<br />

Universidad de Quebec <strong>en</strong> Montreal, Quebec, Canadá<br />

Este artículo aborda la experi<strong>en</strong>cia formativa de personas <strong>en</strong> régim<strong>en</strong> de intermit<strong>en</strong>cia<br />

laboral. La autora trata de cerner si el cambio repetitivo de trabajo pone a<br />

las personas <strong>en</strong> situaciones inéditas que favorec<strong>en</strong> un apr<strong>en</strong>dizaje formador. Esta<br />

cuestión es el eco de una preocupación sobre la influ<strong>en</strong>cia de la condición posmoderna<br />

sobre la id<strong>en</strong>tidad profesional y los modos de apr<strong>en</strong>dizaje. Se estudia la id<strong>en</strong>tidad<br />

profesional con un cuadro de análisis multidisciplinario que permite describir<br />

los acontecimi<strong>en</strong>tos de la trayectoria laboral y de formación, así como el proceso de<br />

formación y la adquisición de conocimi<strong>en</strong>tos. La investigación se realiza desde una<br />

perspectiva exploratoria de estudio de caso de profesionales, universitarios diplomados<br />

<strong>en</strong> situación de intermit<strong>en</strong>cia laboral. Los resultados muestran que los tipos de<br />

experi<strong>en</strong>cia laboral profesional son los que más incitan a experim<strong>en</strong>tar lo que es<br />

volume XXXVIII : 1, printemps 2010 52<br />


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