Séance n 4 Eléments finis en dimension 1 et 2 Corrigé - Inria

Séance n 4 Eléments finis en dimension 1 et 2 Corrigé - Inria

Séance n 4 Eléments finis en dimension 1 et 2 Corrigé - Inria


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TD MA201Calcul Sci<strong>en</strong>tifique2.4 - La famille (W I ) 1≤I≤N est libre car∑λ I W I = 0 ⇒ ∑ λ I W I (M J ) = 0 ⇒ λ J = 0 ∀J = 1, N.II(W I ) 1≤I≤N est génératrice car :∀ v h ∈ V h , v h (M) = ∑ Iv h (M I ) W I (M)En eff<strong>et</strong>, <strong>en</strong> posant u h = v h − ∑ I v h(M I ) W I , on a :d’où u h = 0.u h (M J ) = 0 ∀ 1 ≤ J ≤ N.Exercice 3. <strong>Elém<strong>en</strong>ts</strong> <strong>finis</strong> P 2 <strong>en</strong> dim<strong>en</strong>sion 13.1 - On note x 1 i = 1/2(x i+1 + x i ). On pose w j⎧(x − x 1 j−1 )(x j−1 − x)(x ⎪⎨ j − x 1 j−1 )(x si x ∈ [x j−1 , x j ],j−1 − x j )w j (x) = (x − x 1 j )(x j+1 − x)(x j − x 1 j⎪⎩)(x si x ∈ [x j , x j+1 ],j+1 − x j )0 sinon<strong>et</strong> w 1 jw 1 j (x) = ⎧⎪⎨⎪ ⎩(x − x j )(x j+1 − x)(x 1 j − x j)(x j+1 − x 1 j ) si x ∈ [x j , x j+1 ],0 sinonOn vérifie que w j , w 1 j ıP 2 <strong>et</strong> satisfont w j (x i ) = δ ij , w j (x 1 i ) = 0, w 1 j (x 1 i ) = δ ij <strong>et</strong> w 1 j(x i ) = 0.3.2 - w 1 j ∈ C1 (]a, b[), supp(w 1 j ) = [x j, x j + 1] <strong>et</strong> w j ∈ C 0 (]a, b[), supp(w 1 j ) = [x j−1, x j + 1].7

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