Renovations at Radisson Hotel Dallas Central -
Renovations at Radisson Hotel Dallas Central -
Renovations at Radisson Hotel Dallas Central -
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July 5, 2012<br />
How much do we love this amazing new<br />
light fixture now hanging in the Café? More<br />
than we thought possible! With the walls<br />
<strong>com</strong>pleted and a co<strong>at</strong> of beautiful new paint<br />
all we’re missing is some flooring and our<br />
casual dining area will be <strong>com</strong>plete – can’t<br />
wait to share more with you soon!<br />
Summer<br />
Screening Anyone?<br />
Our designers have outdone<br />
themselves with amazing concepts<br />
throughout the hotel & to start showing<br />
you some of the finished product we’ve<br />
included photos of these beautiful room-dividing<br />
screens just installed in our Gre<strong>at</strong> Room. Pretty and<br />
functional, these screens divide our overnight rooms<br />
from the Gre<strong>at</strong> Room providing more privacy for both<br />
our overnight guests and those dining in the<br />
restaurant or enjoying a beverage in the lounge.<br />
Along with the new lighting fixtures<br />
these items are really starting to<br />
pull our new look together!<br />
Come by to see the<br />
finished product <strong>at</strong><br />
the end of<br />
July!<br />
Starting July 5 th our Lobby will be under<br />
renov<strong>at</strong>ion. We are making every effort to route guests through<br />
the check/in & out process as easily as possible but there will be<br />
some detours! Guests will be required to exit the building and<br />
walk outside to access the restaurant/lounge and meeting space.<br />
Please make sure to follow posted signs carefully to avoid<br />
construction areas.<br />
Thank You!<br />
Of course in order to<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e the new we<br />
sometimes must<br />
dismantle the old as<br />
some of you may have<br />
already noticed due to<br />
the jack-hammering<br />
going on around here<br />
over the last week.<br />
The good news is<br />
we’ve <strong>com</strong>pleted<br />
demolition on our top<br />
three floors as well as<br />
in the pool area. The<br />
jack-hammering will is<br />
being done only<br />
between the hours of<br />
9am and 5pm, the<br />
crew will begin laying<br />
new flooring in the<br />
Gre<strong>at</strong> Room & Café<br />
l<strong>at</strong>er this week. We<br />
anticip<strong>at</strong>e the Gre<strong>at</strong><br />
Room & Café to be reopening<br />
<strong>at</strong> the end of<br />
July, our first overnight<br />
rooms to be unveiled<br />
in August and the pool<br />
area to open soon<br />
thereafter. Thanks for<br />
all your p<strong>at</strong>ience and<br />
don’t forget we are<br />
open for business!<br />
Make new reserv<strong>at</strong>ions now! Call us directly<br />
<strong>at</strong> 214-750-6060 or Toll Free <strong>at</strong> 800-333-3333.<br />
Web reserv<strong>at</strong>ions can also be made <strong>at</strong><br />
www.radisson.<strong>com</strong>/dallastx_centralexpy<br />
If you have any questions or want to set up a time to<br />
<strong>com</strong>e see the progress give us a call today <strong>at</strong><br />