Origine culturelle et sociale de la violence à l'école: les ... - acelf
Origine culturelle et sociale de la violence à l'école: les ... - acelf
Origine culturelle et sociale de la violence à l'école: les ... - acelf
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<strong>Origine</strong> <strong>culturelle</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>sociale</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>violence</strong> à l’école :<strong>les</strong> dimensions <strong>culturelle</strong>s <strong>de</strong>s re<strong>la</strong>tions <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s conduites agressives pendant l’enfanceRéférences bibliographiquesArgyle, Micheal. (1983). The Psychology of interpersonal behaviour. London,Routledge.Attili, G., Vermigli, P. <strong>et</strong> Schnei<strong>de</strong>r, B. H. (1997). « Peer acceptance and friendshippatterns among Italian elementary-school children within a cross-culturalperspective ». International Journal of Behavioural Development vol. XXI, pp.277-298.Björkqvist, K., Largersp<strong>et</strong>z, K. M. J. <strong>et</strong> Osterman, K. (1992). The direct and indirectaggression sca<strong>les</strong>. Vasa, Fin<strong>la</strong>nd : Abo Aka<strong>de</strong>mi University, Departement <strong>de</strong>sSciences Socia<strong>les</strong>.Casiglia, A. C., Lococo, A. <strong>et</strong> Zappul<strong>la</strong>, C. (1998). « Aspects of social reputation andpeer re<strong>la</strong>tionships in Italian children : a cross-cultural perspective ».Developmental Psychology vol. XXXIV, pp. 723-730.Cha, J. H. (1994). « Aspects of individualism and collectivism in Korea », dansIndividualism and collectivism : theory, m<strong>et</strong>hods, and applications, sous <strong>la</strong>direction <strong>de</strong> U. Kim, H. C. Triandis, C. Kagitcibasi, S. Choi <strong>et</strong> G. Yoon :Thousand Oaks, Californie : Sage, pp.157-174.Chen, X., Rubin, K. H. <strong>et</strong> Li, Z. Y. (juill<strong>et</strong> 1994). « Social functioning and adjustmentin Chinese Children : a longitudinal study ». Papier presenté à <strong>la</strong> réunion <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>Soci<strong>et</strong>é Internationale pour <strong>les</strong> Étu<strong>de</strong>s du Developpement Comportementale.Amsterdam, N<strong>et</strong>her<strong>la</strong>nds.Chui, C. Y., Tsang, S. C. <strong>et</strong> Yang, C. F. (1988). « The role of face situation andattitudinal antece<strong>de</strong>nts in chinese consumer comp<strong>la</strong>int behaviour ». TheJournal of Social Psychology vol. CXXVIII, pp. 173-180.Crick, N. R. <strong>et</strong> Grotp<strong>et</strong>er, J. K. (1995). « Re<strong>la</strong>tional aggression, gen<strong>de</strong>r, and socialpsychologica<strong>la</strong>djustment ». Child Development vol. LXVI, pp. 710-722.Edwards, C. P. (1986). Promoting social and moral <strong>de</strong>velopment in young children :creative approaches for the c<strong>la</strong>ssroom. New York : Teachers College Press.Eron, L. D. <strong>et</strong> Huesmann, L. R. (1987). « The stability of aggressive behaviour incross-national comparison », dans Growth and progress in cross-culturalpsychology, sous <strong>la</strong> direction <strong>de</strong> C. Kagitcibasi. Lisse, N<strong>et</strong>her<strong>la</strong>nds : Sw<strong>et</strong>s,pp. 207-217.Farver, J. M., Wel<strong>les</strong>-Nyström, B, Frosch, D. L., Wibarti, S. <strong>et</strong> Hoppe-Graff, S. (1997).« Toy stories : aggression in children’s narratives in the United States, Swe<strong>de</strong>n,Germany and Indonesia ». Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology vol. XXVIII,pp. 393-420.Fonzi, A., Tomada, G. <strong>et</strong> Ciucci, E. (1994). « Uso di indici informativi nell’interazion<strong>et</strong>ra bambini <strong>de</strong>l nido ». Eta evolutiva vol. XLVII, pp. 5-13.volume XXXII:1, printemps 2004241www.<strong>acelf</strong>.ca