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1415ABBILDUNG 9 ABBILDUNG 10<strong>BAR</strong> Zenith HCVERY IMPORTANT: Do not lose this book.Read the whole manual carefully before using your new <strong>Browning</strong><strong>BAR</strong> Zenith hc rifle.ABBILDUNG 11ABBILDUNG 12ABBILDUNG 13 ABBILDUNG 14ABBILDUNG 15ELEMENTARY SAFETY RULES1. Before handling, always check that your rifle is not loaded.2. Always keep your arm with the hand cocking button in the «Safety» position when you are not firing, even if youare sure that the gun is completely unloaded.3. Always point the muzzle of your Bar Zenith HC rifle in a safe direction even if you are sure it is completelyunloaded.4. Never point your gun at anybody, even if you are certain that it is unloaded.5. Every time you handle a firearm or you hand it over to someone else, always open the mechanism and check thechamber and the magazine visually to be sure that it is fully unloaded.6. Keep your fingers away from the trigger when loading or unloading and until firing is imminent.7. Never fire without knowing exactly where the point of impact is located. Only shoot downwards towards a targetwith a solid background.Watch out for ricochets: Never shoot at water or rocks. Be especially careful whenshooting on hard or frozen ground.8. Always wear eye and ear protections when you are shooting.9. Only use ammunition of the calibre marked on the right-hand side of your gun barrel not only for safety reasons,but also for ballistic performance.10. In your own interests, as well as those of your rifle, never let any foreign body enter the barrel. Earth, snow, etc cancreate dangerous overpressures.11. Make sure your gun is unloaded before cleaning it.12. Unload your gun when you are not using it and during transport even if it is in a sheath, a transport case or aholster.13. Always use a gun lock when you put your gun away.ALL BROWNING GUNS SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ARE SYSTEMATICALLY DELIVERED WITH A GUNLOCK.14. Always store your arm away unloaded.15. Store your arm and ammunition separately and well out of reach of any children.16. As a responsible shooter you should also take the best possible precautions when storing your rifle at home:Consider using a <strong>Browning</strong> safe.No matter what the circumstances may be, never change, or have changed, the trigger, the safety system or any otherelement that is part of your arm’s firing mechanism.Non-compliance with the present warning may lead to injury or death both for you and third parties.EnglishNEVER TRANSPORT OR STORE YOUR RIFLE AWAY WITH A CARTRIDGE IN THE CHAMBER. ALWAYS KEEP THE SAFETYCATCH IN THE «ON» POSITION, UNLESS FIRING IS IMMINENT ALWAYS KEEP THE MUZZLE POINTED IN A SAFEDIRECTION. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THESE WARNINGS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.