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18 19depending on legislation in force in each country.Depending on the legislation in force in different countries, the <strong>Browning</strong> <strong>BAR</strong> has a removable magazinemounted on a hinged floorplate or a fixed magazine or a dropdown magazine.The magazine also has a capacity that directly depends on the legislation in force in the different countries.An extra cartridge inserted into the chamber beforehand will increase the total capacity of your rifle by onecartridge:1. When loading your rifle, always keep the muzzle aimed in a safe direction. Always put the cocking buttonin the «SAFETY» position and keep your fingers away from the trigger.Open the mechanism and check that your rifle is completely unloaded, that the chamber is empty and thatthe magazine is also empty. Then proceed as follows:2. Eject the magazine from the rifle by pulling the magazine release rearward with your finger, located at theback of the magazine. The magazine will either fall into your hand or swivel. (figure 7).3. Open the receiver completely by pulling the bolt handle backwards.Whilst holding the bolt handle in the back position, push the bolt release lever upwards to make sure thatthe receiver is held in the back position (fig 8).4. Load the magazine, by putting a cartridge between the lips of the magazine, and pushing it down into themagazine. Repeat this operation, until the magazine is completely full.5. Put the full magazine on the swivel support and close it or push the drop-down magazine into place untilit clicks into position.N.B. Basic versions may differ depending on the legislation in force in different countries. Depending onlegislation, magazines may be fixed and non-transformable.6. Release the bolt by depressing the bolt release lever (figure. 2)., a cartridge has just been transferred intothe chamber.7. Make sure that the receiver is perfectly locked in position, the bolt handle must be in front of the red dot,located at the side of the ejection port (fig 9).8. Eject the magazine, then insert an extra cartridge into it and reinsert it into its housing until it clicks intoposition.The rifle is now ready for firing just pushing the cocking button forward into the “cocked” position and thenby pressing the trigger.Changing magazines on versions with a hinged floorplate.For removing the empty magazine with the magazine floorplate open, take hold of the magazine by grippingits side walls between thumb and middle finger and press your forefinger against the back edge of thefloorpate.The magazine will come off the support easily. To put a full magazine back onto the floorplate, insert thenose on the front of the magazine into the corresponding slot and push the magazine into position as faras possible on its floorplate (figure. 10). If you do not possess a second magazine, or if the magazine is fixedin position, you can directly reload the magazine in position on the rifle as shown in (figure. 11). Whateversolution you adopt, always make sure that cartridges are placed in the magazine correctly to avoid anycartridge feed incident when firing.THE RIFLE IS NOW READY FOR FIRING. UNLESS FIRING IS IMMINENT, PUSH THE <strong>COCKING</strong> BUTTON INTO ITS“SAFETY” POSITION IMMEDIATELY.FAILURE TO RESPECT THESE WARNINGS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY OR EVEN DEATH.FIRINGWhen you are ready to fire, push the cocking button forward to the “cocked” position, take aim and squeezethe trigger.After firing, the bolt will automatically move rearward, eject the empty case you have just fired and thenreturn forward feeding a new cartridge into the chamber.If you want to fire a second shot, take aim again and then squeeze the trigger.When the last cartridge has been fired and ejected, the bolt is held open rearward.If you have finished firing, leave the bolt open, in the back position, for inspecting the barrel bore chamberand the magazine visually to make sure that there are no more cartridges in the chamber or the magazine.Put the safety back in the «ON» safe position immediately.UNLOADINGWHEN UNLOADING YOUR RIFLE, ALWAYS KEEP ITS MUZZLE AIMED IN A SAFE DIRECTION AND KEEP YOURFINGERS AWAY FROM THE TRIGGER. FAILURE TO RESPECT THESE WARNINGS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUSINJURY OR EVEN DEATH.When unloading your rifle, always put the cocking button in its “safety” position.1. Remove the magazine by pulling the magazine lock backwards, the magazine will swivel or fall into yourhand.2. Open the bolt by pulling the bolt handle backward and eject any cartridge that may be in the chamber.Whilst holding the bolt handle in the back position, push the bolt release lever upwards to make sure thatthe receiver is held in the back position (fig 8).Leave the bolt in the rear position with the mechanism open.3. Check the inside of the chamber to make sure it is empty.4. With the chamber empty and the magazine removed, close the bolt by depressing the bolt release lever(figure. 2).5. Remove any cartridges remaining in the magazine by pushing them forward, and then insert the emptymagazine into the rifle.FEATURES AND PARTICULARITIESTRIGGERYour rifle has been set in our factory to give you a trigger with a clean, crisp pull and a short movementrequiring a force of about 1.8 kg, compatible, even so, with the strictest concerns for safety.NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY BE, NEVER CHANGE OR HAVE CHANGED THE TRIGGER, THESAFETY SYSTEM OR ANY OTHER ELEMENT THAT IS A PART OF THE FIRING MECHANISM.ADJUSTING THE SIGHTSWe have manufactured a rifle that has exceptional accuracy for a semi-automatic gun.The «battue» or «affût» models are delivered with a non adjustable rear sight.Nevertheless, the front sight for both models is fully adjustable, vertically and horizontally.Your <strong>BAR</strong> Zenith rifle has been set in our factory for firing at 90 metres using Winchester ammunition andaiming as shown in (figure. 12).If you normally hunt at other distances or with other ammunition or if you position the frontsight differently,you will obviously have to re-adjust your gun to meet your own requirements. You may also find it worthwhileto set it at the Optimal «Setting In Distance» depending on the ammunition you use. To do this, please consultthe manufacturer’s ballistic charts for the ammunition chosen.Dry your barrel carefully and sacrifice a cartridge for «flaming » it. Then lay down and without resting yourrifle on any solid object, take careful aim at the target you have placed at the distance chosen, taking care toEnglish

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